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Vocabulary Workshop Level A Unit 6 Answers

Level A Unit 6 Choosing the Right Word Answers

My sister made her (*agenda, debut*) in the Broadway production of Les Miserables, a musical based on Victor Hugo’s novel.
Over the years, so many of the columnist’s predictions have come true that he is now looked on as something of a(n) (*debut, oracle*).
One of the biggest problems facing the United States today is how to stop the (*blight, agenda*) that is creeping over large parts of our great cities.
Unit we were in (*compliance, conservation*) with the neighborhood regulations, we could not build a tree house.
An experienced backpacker can give you many useful suggestions for (*befuddling, conserving*) energy on a long, tough hike.
After all the deductions had been made from my (*gross, limber*) salary, the sum that remained seemed pitifully small.
Students must take many required courses, but they also have a little (*oracle, leeway*) to choose courses that they find especially interesting.
What I thought was going to be a(n) (*amiable, vagabond*) little chat with my boss soon turned into a real argument.
Don’t let the (*clarity, leeway*) of the water fool you into supposing that it’s safe for drinking.
To become a good all-around athletic, you not only need a strong and (*induce, limber*) body, but also a quick, disciplined mind.
Because she is usually so (*compliant, partisan*), we were all surprised when she said that she didn’t like our plans and wouldn’t accept them.
Poland was at the top of Adolf Hitler’s (*maze, agenda*) of military conquests in the fall of 1939.
If you want to get a clear picture of just what went wrong, you must not (*befuddle, induce*) your mind with all kinds of wild rumors.
As we moved higher up the mountain, I was overcome by dizziness and fatigue (*induced, grossed*) by the thin air.
The video game is not appropriate for children or minors due to its violent and (*amiable, gory*) content.
Because he is an expert gymnast and works out every day, his body has remained as (*limber, gory*) as that of a boy.
Many a student dreams about spending a (*vagabond, partisan*) year idly hiking through Europe.
In her graphic description of the most gruesome scenes in the horror film, Maria left out none of the (*amiable, gory*) details.
At the end of the long series of discussions and arguments, we felt that we were trapped in a (*maze, blight*) of conflicting ideas and plans.
The landlord ordered all tenants to (*vacate, reimburse*) the premises by noon.
This matter is so important to all the people of the community that we must forget (*boisterous, partisan*) politics and work together.
I will feel fully (*reimbursed, conserved*) for all that I have done for her if I can see her in good health again.
The disc jockey promised to (*vacate, debut*) the band’s long-awaited new song as soon as it was released by the recording company.
Mr. Roth, our school librarian, may seem mild and easygoing, but he cracks down hard on (*complaint, boisterous*) students.
One of the items on the council’s (*agenda, partisan*) is the proposal of a curfew.

Level A Unit 6 Completing The Sentence Answers

Before the game starts, the players _______ up by doing a few deep knee bends, sit-ups, and other exercises.
How can such a _______ mind make the type of snap decisions needed to drive safely in heavy traffic?
We cannot allow the lives of millions of people to be _______ by poverty.
You certainly have a right to cheer for your team, but try not to become too _______ and unruly.
Because of her outgoing and _______ personality, she is liked by nearly everyone at school.
The crowd is so _______ that the umpire is booed every time he makes a decision against the home team.
The high standard of excellence that the woman had set for herself left her no _______ for mistakes.
For years, his restless spirit led him to wander the highways and byways of this great land like any other footloose _______.
Because you are working with older and more experienced people, you should be _______ with their requests and advice.
None of us could possibly overlook the _______ error that the waiter had made in adding up our check.
If you would be kind enough to buy a loose-leaf notebook for me while you are in the stationery store, I’ll _______ you immediately.
If the Superintendent of Schools should _______ his position by resigning, the Mayor has the right to name someone else to the job.
Trying to untangle a badly snarled fishing line is like trying to find one’s way through a(n) _______.
Ms. Fillmer explained with such _______ how to go about changing a tire that I felt that even someone as clumsy as I could do it.
Because our energy resources are limited, the American people must try to do everything possible to _______ fuel.
No matter what you may say, you cannot _______ me to do something that I know is wrong.
The high point of the social season was the formal _______ of young ladies at the annual Society Ball.
Each of the items on the _______ for our meeting today will probably require a good deal of discussion.
I was not prepared for the _______ sight that met my eyes at the scene of that horrible massacre.
Why do you always ask me what’s going to happen? I’m no _______!

Level A Unit 6 Synonyms and Antonyms Answers

acrobats who are quite AGILE
ENCOURAGE them to speak softly
an AFFLICTION hidden from society’s view
when he saw the HORRIFIC spectacle
can’t rely on their ONE-SIDED viewpoint
had never consulted the VISIONARY
seemed like a DELIGHTFUL fellow
enough BREATHING SPACE for a beginner to succeed
no choice but to DESERT the cabin
a HOBO who hopped freight trains
(Antonym) rains that will RESTORE the vegetation
(Antonym) a long-term OCCUPANT of this apartment
(Antonym) the guitar player’s RIGID fingers
(Antonym) try to avoid an UNINFORMED FOOL
(Antonym) socializing with our GRUFF neighbors

Level A Unit 6 Vocabulary in Context Answers

  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. D

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