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Vocabulary Workshop Level H Unit 12 Answers

Vocabulary Workshop Level H Unit 12 Choosing the Right Word Answers

it was the function of a roman … to divine the will of the gods through the interpretation of various natural phenomena

succeeding in business is comparable not to advancing along a straight line but rather to finding one’s way through an uncharted, … passage

how can you be so easily impressed by those … generalizations and cliches?

the disease had such a … effect upon her constitution that she was unable to return to work for almost a year.

their optimism is so unwavering and so all encompassing that bad news simplay fails to … on their confidence

in condeming their … conduct, let us not assume that we ourselves are completely free of blame

i have no sympathy for those who have allowed themseleves to be … by such an obviouse get rich quick scheme

even while emphasizing ,as we must, … goals, we cannot afford to ignore ethical values

although i had no desire to wander through a strange town on foot, i was reluctant to trust my person to the … of those wild cab drivers

anyone who spends so mant hours a day primping and preening in front of a mirror can only be considered a blatant …

every president of our country should renew our determination to create a more … political and soical structure for the future.

the brand new play is a brilliant … of shakesperian comedies with a focus on romantic couplings that go awry

because the speaker before me had defined the topic so narrowly, i had to revise my notes so that only … data remained

education is a living process that requires above all a close … between teacher and student

what we need now is not … leadership, however inspiring, but steady, assistance in defining

a single clown entered the ring and comically evaded the bull; later, a collection of … failed in their evasion

it was in the … chapter of the novel that i realized the true magnificence of the work

with so many rival claimants actively engaged in trying to dispose him, the monarch knew that his hold on the throne was at best …

a true work of art must be integrated whole rather than a … of discrete or incongruous elementd

your … enthusiasm must be matched by training and discipline if you are to achieve anything worthwhile

historians and ecuminists fear this new guided age might … badly for working class people as the gap

Claire does not have last months rent so she will have to borrow the money or … her landlord

his idea of … behavior at the party is to wear a lampshade as id it were a hat

true patriotism is a positive attitude and is the opposite of the negative orientation of …

my dreams always lead me to the … of a dilapidated school’s hallwayds

attacked from all sides by forces, the army found itself in a …, if not totally untenable, position

we recognize the need for vigorous criticism in a political campaign, but we will certainly not tolerate that kind of … character assisination

our party can use the support of young …, but we also need the help of older and cooler heads

some leaders have such great personal … that they inspire an attitude akin to religious veneration in their followers

luxury and self indulgence … the one vigorous roman people

it was in the … year of her life that she realized she must make amends with her daughter, and so they were able to revive a mutual feeling of tenderness

any organization that is able to survive and prosper in there trying times has indeed proven itself ….

as the play is essentially a … of devices and ideas drawn from many different sources, it lacks the consistency and cohesiveness of the writer’s other works

his … remarks revealed how little he really knew about political economy

when we asked the climbers why they wanted to scale the mountain, they gave the … reply, because it is there

only after living and workring in Washington for many years were we able to find our way through the … of government departments

instead of sentimentalizing about the passing of rural America, we must work to achieve an effective .. with our modern urban environment

their consistent attitude of hostility toward any cultural tradition different from their own cannot be excused by calling it …

the fumble by our quarterback on the opening drive did not … well for our team

as I lay there, drifting off to sleep, suddenly the sound of a very loud, very raucous television commercial … on my ears

by filing false claims over a period of many years the pair attempted to … the insurance company of large sums of money

I cannot accept a … view of life that ignores such aspects of human experience as beauty and love

only later did we come to realize that there was a serious purpose behind the apparently frivolous remarks and … behavior

Oscar Wilde’s famous epigram that “self-love is the beginning of a lifelong romance,” is a comment on …

we cannot say with any confidence how long this trip will take us because our progress if dependent upon the … of the weather

his … remarks revealed how little he really knew about political economy

any organization that is able to survive and prosper in there trying times has indeed proven itself ….

some leaders have such great personal … that they inspire an attitude akin to religious veneration in their followers

Vocabulary Workshop Level H Unit 12 Completing The Sentence Answers

Attacked from all sides by superior forces, the army found itself in a(n) __ , if not totally untenable, position.

We recognize the need for vigorous criticism in a political campaign, but we will certainly not tolerate that kind of _ character assassination.

Our party can use the support of ardent young __, but we also need the help of older & cooler heads.

Some leaders have such great personal ___that they inspire an attitude akin to religious veneration in their followers.

Luxury & self-indulgence ___the once vigorous roman people and led to the fall of the empire.

Although I am not one of the more prosperous members of the community, my contributions to charity are by no means __.

“Any organization that is able to survive and prosper in these trying times has indeed proven itself __ ,” she observed.

Since the play is essentially a(n) ____of devices and ideas drawn from many different sources, it lacks the consistency and cohesiveness of the writer’s other works.

His _ remarks revealed how little he really knew about political economy.

When we asked the climbers why they wanted to scale the mountain,
they gave the _ reply, “Because it’s there.”

Only after living and working in Washington for many years were we able to find our ways through the vast _ of government departments and agencies.

Instead of sentimentalizing about the passing of rural America, we must work to achieve an effective _ with our modern urban environment.

Their consistent attitude of hostility toward any cultural tradition different from their own cannot be excused by calling it _.

The fumble by our quarterback on the opening drive,followed by a 15-yard penalty against us, did not _ well for our team.

As I lay there,drifting off to sleep,suddenly the sound of a very loud,very raucous, and very obnoxious television commercial _ on my ears.

By filing false claims over a period of many years,the pair attempted to __ the insurance company of large sums of money.

I cannot accept a purely___view of life that ignores such aspects of human experience as beauty, love, and humor.

Only later did we come to realize that there was a serious purpose behind his apparent frivolous remarks and _ behavior.

Oscar Wilde’s famous epigraph, “Self-love is the beginning of a lifelong romance,” is a clever comment on __.

We cannot say w any confidence how long this trip will take us be used our progress is dependent upon the _ of the weather.

Vocabulary Workshop Level H Unit 12 Synonyms and Antonyms Answers

Appositerelevant, pertinent, material, germaneirrelevant, immaterial, inappropriate
Auguroracle, bode
Bilkdupe, cozen
Charismaappeal, charm, mystique
Debilitiateenervate, sap, exhaust, enfeeblestrengthen, fortify, invigorate
Execrableodious, abominable, reprehensiblecommendable, praiseworthy, meritorious
Impingehorn in, affect
Labyrinthtangle, mystery, enigma
Narcissismegotism, conceit, vanity, amour propre
Niggardlytightfisted, penny-pinching, meangenerous, bountiful, magnanimous
Pastichemedley, patchwork, melange, potpourri
Precariousperilous, dubious, ticklishsecure, safe, sturdy, firm
Rapportbond, tie, affinity, understanding
Utilitarianpractical, functional, pragmaticnonfunctional, ornamental, decorative
Vacuousinane, insipid, fatuous, void, emptyincisive, trenchant, perceptive, intelligent
Vagarycaprice, whim, quirk
Viablepracticable, workable, feasibleimpracticable, unworkable, unfeasible
Xenophobiaprovinciality, parochialism, chauvinism
Zanycomical, daffy, buffoonsedate, decorous, prim, sober, grave
Zealotfanatic, extremist

Vocabulary Workshop Level H Unit 12 Vocabulary in Context Answers

1: C. omens

2: A. devitalized

3: A. unstable

4: B. convolution

5: A. fervent

Other Vocab Workshop Level H Answers

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