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Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 9 Answers

Level G Unit 9 Choosing the Right Word Answers

Redolenthaving a strong smell; suggestive or reminiscent of somethingMany of the most well-known paintings of Grandma Moses portray rural scenes that are (redolent, vituperative) of her childhood.
Charycautious or hesitant; not giving freelyBecause my teacher is usually so (chary, imperturbable) of giving compliments, I felt really good when she spoke well of my essay.
Pedantryexcessive concern with minor details and rules; overly academicIsn’t it sheer (pedantry, refulgence) on his part to use terms like Proustain and Kafkesque when he knows they mean nothing to his audience?
Tyroa beginner or noviceAlthough he has been in this business for 20 years, he still has the sublime innocence of the most helpless (tyro, shibboleth).
Incrementan increase or addition, especially one of a series on a fixed scaleNot satisfied with the slow (increment, peregrination) of his savings in a bank account, he turned to speculation in the stock market.
Shibbolethsa custom or belief distinguishing a particular group; a passwordAre to try to make a realistic analysis of our alternatives or let ourselves be distracted by slogans and (tyros, shibboleths)?
Acclamationloud and enthusiastic approval or praiseOnce the senator’s nomination became a certainty, all opposition to him evaporated and he was named by (vituperation, acclamation).
Bucolicrelating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country lifePerhaps he would be less lyrical about the delights of the (bucolic, redolent) life if, like me, he had grown up on a farm in Kansas.
Collusionsecret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive othersThe gambler’s predictions of the game scores were so incredibly accurate that we suspected some form of (acclamation, collusion).
Dilettantea person who cultivates an area of interest without real commitment or knowledgeThe same difficulties that serve as a challenge to the true professional will be crushing discouragement to they typical (mandate, dilettante).
Imperturbableunable to be upset or excited; calmI’m not sure if Tom’s (imperturbable, collusive) spirit is due to toughness or to an inability to understand the dangers of the situation.
Peregrinationsjourneys, especially on foot; meanderingsDuring the course of my (peregrinations, paroxysms) through the world of books, I have picked up all kinds of useful information.
Refulgentshining brightly; radiantClad in the (refulgent, dilettante) armor of moral rectitude, he sallied forth to do battle with the forces of evil.
Vituperativebitter and abusive languageI am perfectly willing to listen to a reasonable complaint, but I will not put up with that kind of (bucolic, vituperative).
Calumniatingmaking false and defamatory statements about someoneIt has long been known that some twisted and unhappy people derive a kind of satisfaction from (calumniating, colluding) others.
Mandatean official order or commission to do somethingThe phrase “we the people” in the constitution indicates that the ultimate (mandate, vacillation) of our government comes from the popular will.
Vacillatealternate or waver between different opinions or actionsIf we (vacillate, increment) now at adopting a tough energy policy, we may find ourselves in a desperate situation in the future.
Paltrysmall or meager; petty; inferior or worthlessHow do you have the nerve to offer such a(n) (paltry, unremitting) sum for this magnificent “antique” car!
Paroxysma sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activityA (paroxysm, pedantry) of indignation flashed through the community, and the streets filled with angry people ready to protest the proposal.
Unremittingnever relaxing or slackening; incessantIt is easy to criticize him, but how can we overlook the fact that for 20 years he worked (unremitting, charily) to help the homeless?
Tyroa beginner or noviceAlthough Marin thinks he is an expert software developer, many of his dissatisfied clients view him as merely a (paroxysm, tyro).
Calumniatedmaking false and defamatory statements about someoneThe senate candidate claimed that her opponent’s most recent television ad (calumniated, vacillated) her husband and children.
Peregrinationa journey, especially a long or meandering oneDuring our family’s recent (peregrination, acclamation) to the New Orleans French Quarter, we attended several jazz concerts.
Paltryshining brightly; radiant(Paltry, Refulgent) attendance on opening night caused a financial crisis.

Level G Unit 9 Completing The Sentence Answers

Vituperativebitter and abusive languageIn a series of searing orations, filled with the most _________ language, Cicero launched the full battery of political invective against the hapless Mark Antony.
Redolenthaving a strong smell; suggestive or reminiscent of somethingThe scene may seem ordinary to you, but I find it _______ with memories of happy summers spent in these woods.
Vacillatedalternate or waver between different opinions or actionsAs we waited through the long night for the arrival of the rescue party, we _______ between hope and despair.
Unremittingnever relaxing or slackening; incessantHowever long and hard the struggle, we must be __________ in our efforts to wipe out racism in this country.
Acclamationloud and enthusiastic approval or praiseSince Lucy had expected no more than polite applause, she was delighted by the _____________ she received from the audience.
Collusionsecret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive othersThe contractor was suspected of having acted in ________ with a state official to fix the bids on certain public works contracts.
Bucolicrelating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country lifeThe painting shows a restfully __________ scene, with some cows grazing placidly in a meadow as their shepherd dozes under a bush.
Imperturbableunable to be upset or excited; calmI thought I was unexcitable, but she is as ____________ as the granite lions in front of the public library.
Peregrinationsjourneys, especially on foot; meanderingsIn my various __________ through that vast metropolis, I ran across many curious old buildings that the ordinary tourist never sees.
Pedantryexcessive concern with minor details and rules; overly academicIt is sheer ________ to insist upon applying the rules of formal literary composition to everyday speech and writing.
Charycautious or hesitant; not giving freelyI have learned from long experience to be extremely _______ about offering advice when it has not been requested.
Shibboletha custom or belief distinguishing a particular group; a passwordThe Pledge of Allegiance is no mere ______ to be recited mechanically and without understanding like some advertising jingle.
Dilettantea person who cultivates an area of interest without real commitment or knowledgeShe may have great musical talents, but she will get nowhere as long as she has the casual attitude of the ________.
Calumniatedmaking false and defamatory statements about someoneSince Lincoln is now considered a great national hero, it is hard to believe that he was bitterly _________ when he was President.
Paltrysmall or meager; petty; inferior or worthlessI had expected a decent tip from the party of six that I waited on early that evening but all I got was a(n) ____________ two bucks!
Mandatean official order or commission to do something“The overwhelming victory I have won at the polls,” the Governor-elect said, “has given me a clear _________ to carry out my program.”
Paroxysma sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activitySeized by a(n) _____________ of rage, he began to beat the bars of his cell with his bare hands.
Tyroa beginner or noviceEven the merest _______ in the use of firearms knows that a gun should never be pointed at another person.
Incrementsan increase or addition, especially one of a series on a fixed scaleEvery time I sign a new lease on my apartment, my rent goes up, though the _____________ are not usually very large.
Refulgentshining brightly; radiantAs a(n) ______________ summer sun sank slowly in the west, the skies were ablaze with color.

Level G Unit 9 Synonyms and Antonyms Answers

Large GAIN in tax revenuesIncrementPaltry
In CAHOOTS with the competitionCollusionHonesty
Kept up the CONSTANT pressure to surrenderUnremittingRelenting
A stunningly LUMINOUS smileRefulgentDull
Bored us with his HAIRSPLITTINGPedantrySimplicity
SEESAWED in their commitmentsVacillatedCommitted
Keeps repeating the tired old CATCHPHRASESShibbolethsOriginality
Labeled a mere TRIFLER by the expertsDilettanteExpert
WARY of flattery and favor-seekersCharyTrusting
Painted a charming COUNTRY sceneBucolicUrban
A SCHOLAR of poetryDilettante
A COLOSSAL amount of debtPaltry
Reported a steady LOSS in annual salesIncrement
Felt relief that the market was able to STABILIZEVacillate
Prefers the URBAN lifestyleBucolic

Level G Unit 9 Vocabulary in Context Answers

  1. A
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C

Other Vocab Workshop Level G Answers

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