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Vocabulary Workshop Level A Unit 4 Answers

Vocabulary Workshop Level A Unit 4 Choosing the Right Word Answers

During several of Heracles’s labors, Althena noticed the (*ovation, plight*) the hero was in and offered her assistance.
Our supervisor (*topples, scans*) the newspaper each morning for items that may serve as leads for the sales force.
Once order had been restored, the leaders of the opposition called for the (*revocation, keepsake*) of martial law.
By reelecting him to Congress, the court of public opinion has forever (*generated, acquitted*) him of the charges of neglecting his duties.
In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream, which character speaks the line, “Lord, what fools these (*mortals, keepsakes*) be”?
Imagine his (*plight, ingratitude*)–penniless, unemployed, and with a large family to support!
A team of filmmakers spent a year in the rain forests of South America, searching for the (*elusive, toppled*) harpy eagle.
Since you are the only one of us who has had experience with this kind of problem, we shall do whatever you (*deem, scan*) necessary.
The children stood on the southern (*reverie, strand*) and waved at the boats sailing into the harbor.
Are we going to allow (*elusive, petty*) quarrels to destroy a friendship that has endured for so many years?
While the actors were busy rehearsing, the manager ran away with all the money and left them (*stranded, plighted*) in a strange town.
After so many years of (*strife, ovation*)–in business, politics, and the family–he wants only to retire to the peace and quiet of his ranch.
A special edition of poems by the noted writer was presented as a (*reverie, keepsake*) to all who attended his eightieth birthday party.
In my composition, I tried to give a definition of “humor,” but I found the idea too (*petty, elusive*) to pin down.
At times we all enjoy a(n) (*ovation, reverie*) about “what might have been,” but before long we must return to “the way things are.”
It was upsetting to see that his best friend was trying to (*discredit, scan*) his record as the best receiver on the team.
I knew that she was wrapped up in herself, but I never dreamed that even she could be guilty of such (*revocation, ingratitude*).
Many diseases that have disappeared in the United States continue to (*devastate, idolize*) countries in other parts of the world.
At times it is quite natural to feel afraid, and it is certainly no (*discredit, mortal*) to anyone to admit it.
We will never allow such vicious, unfounded rumors to (*deem, generate*) discord and conflict in our school.
What a(n) (*ovation, reverie*) he received when he trotted back to the bench after scoring the winning touchdown!
Our business is barely managing to pay its bills: one bad break will be enough to (*acquit, topple*) it into bankruptcy.
Our father often says that he has never stopped (*repenting, devastating*) the decision he made many years ago to give up the study of medicine.
We should respect our national leaders, but we should not (*idolize, discredit*) them and assume that they can do no wrong.
Katie purchased a (*revocation, keepsake*) box to store letters and photographs.

Vocabulary Workshop Level A Unit 4 Completing The Sentence Answers

petty (adj) of secondary or lesser importance, rank, or scale; minor.
Why argue about such __________ matters when there are so many important problems to deal with?
The sudden racket produced by a noisy car radio jolted me out of my deep and peaceful __________.
Tom is not a very fast runner, but he is so __________ that he is extremely hard to tackle on the football field.
Though that actress’s name and face are all but forgotten today, she used to be __________ by adoring fans all over the world.
I don’t have the time to read every word of that long newspaper article, but I’ll __________ it quickly to get the main idea.
Instead of telling us how much you __________ your outrageous conduct, why don’t you sincerely try to reform?
We learned that even unfavorable reviews of a new book may help to __________ a certain amount of public interest in it.
Regardless of what you might think proper, I do not __________ it necessary for someone of your age to wear an evening gown to the dance.
The famous Leaning Tower of Pisa looks as though it might __________ over any minute.
The evidence against the accused man proved to be so weak that the jury had no choice but to __________ him.
As it is clear that his only interest is to make money for himself, his plan for building a new highway has been completely __________.
Because the members of my family disagree on so many matters, the dinner table is often the scene of much verbal __________.
The wound at first did not appear to be too serious, but to our great grief it proved to be __________.
The TV program made us keenly aware of the __________ of retired people trying to live solely on Social Security payments.
The defendant was warned that another speeding ticket would result in the __________ of her driver’s license.
The rope is made of may __________ of fiber woven together.
The hurricane so __________ a large section of the coast that the president declared it a disaster area.
As I sincerely appreciate all my parents have done for me, how can you accuse me of __________?
She richly deserved the audience’s __________ for her brilliant performance of Lady Macbeth.
I plan to save this old notebook as a(n) __________ of one of the best and most enjoyable classes I have ever had.

Vocabulary Workshop Level A Unit 4 Synonyms and Antonyms Answers

SYNONYMS: exonerate, dismiss ANTONYMS: convict, declare guilty
SYNONYMS: judge, regard,
SYNONYMS: wreck, desolate, destroy ANTONYMS: develop, improve
SYNONYMS: (v.) disparage, debunk; (n.) non-belief ANTONYMS: (v.) confirm, corroborate, bolster
SYNONYMS: difficult, slippery, wily, fleeting, puzzling, baffling
SYNONYMS: create, produce, make, beget, cause ANTONYMS: end, terminate, extinguish, stifle
SYNONYMS: adore, revere, ANTONYMS: despise, scorn, disdain, detest
SYNONYMS: thanklessness, ungratefulness ANTONYMS: thankfulness, gratefulness, recognition
SYNONYMS: reminder, memento
SYNONYMS: (n.) human; (adj.) fleeting, extreme ANTONYMS: (n.) a god; (adj.) undying, immortal, everlasting, eternal, divine
SYNONYMS: bravos, hurrahs, cheers, applause ANTONYMS: boos, jeers
SYNONYMS: insignificant, piddling, trivial, minor ANTONYMS: important, major, significant, weighty
SYNONYMS: (n.) predicament, quandary; (v.) promise solemnly
SYNONYMS: regret, rue ANTONYMS: rejoice over
SYNONYMS: fantasy, medication, daydream ANTONYMS: reality
SYNONYMS: repeal, withdrawal, take back ANTONYMS: ratification, confirmation
SYNONYMS: (v.) study, glance at, skim, view; (v., n.) survey
SYNONYMS: (n.) fiber, thread; (n.) beach, shore; (v.) abandon, maroon ANTONYMS: (v.) rescue, save
SYNONYMS: conflict, discord, turmoil, a fight, disagreement ANTONYMS: peace, calm, serenity, agreement
SYNONYMS: unseat, upset, tumble ANTONYMS: remain upright, establish, set up

Level A Unit 4 Vocabulary in Context Answers

  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B

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