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Vocabulary Workshop Level C Unit 13 Answer

Level C Unit 13 Choosing the Right Word Answers

Most people know the story of Cinderella; a poor, mistreated ______ who marries a prince and lives happily ever after.
Your outstanding report card and teacher evaluations _____to the fact that when you apply yourself, you can be successful.
Many ad campaigns deliberately______ the superiority of a product over all of its competition.
The ______ of the construction project will provide hundreds of jobs for people over the next five years.
People who migrate from the suburbs to the city often find it difficult to ______ to the noise and crowded conditions.
Thinking it’s no crime to borrow from the past, Elizabethan dramatists often ______ ancient writings for suitable plots.
In the opening scene of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, there is a strong sense of ______ that something terrible is going to happen.
The police sometimes use laws against ______ to prevent the gathering of unruly crowds.
No matter how well qualified you may be, an inability to get on well with other people will prove a serious _____ in any field of work.
Mutual respect and understanding among all racial and ethic groups remains a _____ in the life of this nation
The _____ advice given by Ben Franklin in Poor Richard’s Almanac has rarely been equaled for it’s good common sense.
Despite our own exhaustion, we made one final, _____ attempt to save the drowning swimmer, but our efforts were no avail.
Monday morning seems to be a favorite time for the employees to practice the fine art of _____.
I believe that it is _____ that we protect our lakes, rivers, and wetlands, as they provide us with clean drinking water.
“I did what I thought was best at the time,” the president replied, “and I deeply resent their cowardly attempts to _____ my actions.”
Ample food supplies in the United States _____ to the abilities of American farmers.
For a time, it was fashionable for supermodels to look like _____, but that undernourished look has lost its appeal.
To ____ now, at the very threshold of victory, would mean that all our earlier struggles and sacrifices had been in vain.
When she learned that she had not been chosen for the job, she made a ____ joke, but this did not conceal her deep disappointment.
His ____ attitude toward those he considered “beneath him” was a sure sign of lack of breeding and simple good manners.
The director told him to smile like a “dashing man about town”, but all he could do was ____ like a confused freshman.
Political leaders should feel free to change their minds on specific issues while remaining ____ in their support of principles.
Hordes of savage barbarians swept into the province, committing one ____ after another on the defenseless population.
The temperaments of the partners in the business ____ so well that they can work together on the slightest friction or conflict.
Dexter, our beagle, looks so ____ when we leave him behind.

Level C Unit 13 Completing The Sentence Answers

It is __________________ for us to produce automobiles that will give us better gas mileage and cause less pollution.
The testimony of all the witnesses ________________ neatly, forming a strong case against the accused.
I appreciate the fact that when I asked you for your opinion, you gave it to me in a few clear, direct, and ______________ sentences.
When we missed those early foul shots, I had a(n) ___________________ that the game was going to be a bad one for our team.
The comedian specialized in the kind of _____________ humor that gets quiet chuckles from an audience, rather than loud bursts of laughter.
The __________________ of the crimes that the Nazis committed in the concentration camps horrified the civilized world.
In every war, many children are separated from their parents and become homeless _____________, begging for food and shelter.
The quick recovery of so many patients _____________ to the skill of the hospital staff.
Why is it that people tend to _________________ in groups in the middle of the sidewalk, blocking the flow of pedestrian traffic?
Through all the shocks and trials of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln never _______________ in his determination to save the Union.
During our absence, a group of hungry bears broke into the cabin and ________________ our food supply.
After the official had fallen from power, his policies were ridiculed, his motives questioned, and his character _______________.
Unless you take steps now to correct your speech _________________, it will be a serious hindrance to you throughout your life.
Great skill is required to _______________ a novel or short story for the silver screen.
When she attempted to order the meal in French, we discovered that her much _________________ knowledge of that language made no impression at all on the waiter.
When he was caught red-handed in the act of going through my papers, all he did was the stand there and _______________ foolishly.
A fearful young recruit may _________________ in an attempt to avoid dangerous duty.
They remained my _________________ friends, even at a time when it might have been to their advantage to have nothing to do with me.
The ________________ expressions on the faces of the starving children moved TV audiences to pity and indignation at their plight.
Her ________________ manner said more clearly than words that she could never associate as an equal with a “peasant” like me.

Level C Unit 13 Synonyms and Antonyms Answers

synonym: not permitted to “tarry” after dark
synonym: “unwavering” devotion to the struggle for equality
synonym: the “heralded” excellence of the new software
synonym: “verified” the effectiveness of the medication
synonym: “looted” the enemy’s camp
synonym: a collection of “droll” poems
synonym: “denigrated” the achievements of a bitter enemy
synonym: when complete be rest is “mandatory”
synonym: worried about the “immensity” of the task
synonym: often “smirks” when embarrassed
synonym: when all the elements “harmonize”
synonym: told us they had grave “misgivings”
synonym: needed time to “acclimate” to the altitude
synonym: no tolerance for those who “goof off”
synonym: distributed warm clothing to the “ragamuffins”
antonym: in an unexpectedly “jaunty” mood
antonym: delivered a “long-winded” welcome address
antonym: “persevered” when things got tough
antonym: an extremely “modest” person
antonym: a number of minor “advantages”

Level C Unit 13 Vocabulary in Context Answers

  1. confirms

  2. huge size

  3. obstacles

  4. schedule

  5. woebegone

Other Vocab Workshop Level C Answers

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