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Vocabulary Workshop Level A Unit 2 Answers

Level A Unit 2 Choosing the Right Word Answers

After many stormy years in the service of his country, George Washington retired to the (*serene, adverse*) life of his beloved Mount Vernon.
His decision not to accept our sincere offer of assistance is completely (*disinterested, incomprehensible*) to me.
We expected the lecture on the energy crisis to be exciting, but it turned out to be a(n) (*ruffled, arid*) rundown of well-known facts and figures.
After giving a few (*sheepish, serene*) excuses, the swimmers packed up and left the private beach.
Anyone who has ever sailed a small boat knows how thrilling it is to feel the spray in your face while the sails (*billow, encompass*) overhead.
After the storm, residents were (*constrained, depicted*) to stay in their homes, as all roads were impassable.
The big-league shortstop (*manipulates, constrains*) his glove like a magician snaring every ball hit within reach.
After living for many years in that roomy old farmhouse, I felt awfully (*arid, constrained*) in that small apartment.
While some find her smile comical, I have always found the Mona Lisa’s smile to be (*serene, sheepish*) and mysterious.
If you (*billow, confront*) your problems honestly and openly, instead of trying to hide them, you will have a better chance of solving them.
Do you think it would be a good idea to set a (*maximum, contemporary*) figure for the amount of homework any teacher is allowed to assign?
A good scientist must have a keen mind, an unquenchable curiosity, and a (*groundless, disinterested*) desire to discover the truth.
She has gained success as a writer who knows how to (*confront, depict*) in a lifelike way the hopes, fears, and problems of young people today.
She has many interesting ideas, but she seems to lack the physical and mental (*stamina, assailant*) to make good use of them.
The man was trying to (*depict, manipulate*) the young woman as a troublemaker, simple because she had dyed her hair purple and dressed in an unusual manner.
My idea of a (n) (*assailant, hypocrite*) is a person who gives advice that he or she is not willing to follow.
The (*adverse, sheepish*) publicity that he received during the investigation was probably the cause of his defeat in the next election.
Instead of working so hard to (*mimic, ruffle*) popular TV stars, why don’t you try to develop an acting style of your own?
It was (*groundless, incomprehensible*) to think that our grandparents had to spend sweltering summers without air-conditioning.
The science program in our school (*depicts, encompasses*) biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, and other related courses.
I didn’t want to (*ruffle, manipulate*) the feelings of the hotel manager, but I felt that I had to complain about the miserable service.
Despite the fact that she was in shock, the victim gave a clear description of her (*hypocrite, assailant*).
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy were (*contemporaries, mimics*) born within a few years of each other.
What a relief to learn that my parents had been delayed by a storm, and that all my fears about an accident were (*groundless, maximum*)!
Report any (*sheepish, adverse*) side effects to your doctor immediately.

Level A Unit 2 Completing The Sentence Answers

As you become a more skillful driver, you will be able to ________ all the controls of the car while keeping your eyes on the road.
This basic textbook _________ all the information you will have to master for the entrace examination.
The jury found the defendant “not guilty” because they were convinced that the chargers against her were
You and Lucy will never settle your quarrel unless you _______ each other directly and listen to what the other person has to say.
The brisk breeze caused the sheets on the line to ________ like the sails on a yacht that is running with the wind.
Under the law, the _________number of people who may ride in this bus is seventy-five.
For a long time, I thought that he was a good and sincere person, but I finally saw that he was no more than a(n) ____________.
I was so embarrassed by my blunder that I could do nothing but grin in a(n) ______ and self-conscience way.
The hot, ______ climate of Arizona is favorable for many people suffering from various diseases, such as arthritis.
Since Tom is both smart and __________, I think he is just the person to decide which of us is right in this long and bitter quarrel.
The skyscraper is one of the best-known and widely admired forms of _________ architecture.
A breeze sprang up and began to ________ the smooth and tranquil surface of the water.
You talk so fast and in such a low tone of voice that you are going to be completely ___________ to most people.
Although I may hurt your feelings, my conscience ________ me to tell you exactly what is on my mind.
Held back by ______ winds, the plane arrived at the airport two hours late.
Fortunately, I was able to fight off my __________, even though his attach took me by complete surprise.
Parrots and a few other kinds of birds can _______ sounds, particularly human speech.
The _________ expression on her face showed that she was totally undisturbed by the confusion and turmoil around her.
Using the entire east wall of the new post office building, the painter tried to _________ the founding of our city.
Very few starting pitchers have the _________ to pitch consistently well for nine innings.

Level A Unit 2 Synonyms and Antonyms Answers

Synonyms: difficult, trying Antonyms: favorable, positive, helpful, beneficial
Synonyms: waterless, parched, boring, unimaginative Antonyms: waterlogged, soggy, fertile, lush
Synonyms: assaulter, mugger, attacker Antonyms: victim, prey, injured party
Synonyms: (n.) breaker; (v.) surge, bulge, balloon Antonyms: (n.) trough; (v.) deflate, collapse
Synonyms: face, encounter Antonyms: avoid, evade, sidestep
Synonyms: pressure, confine, limit, restrict Antonyms: loosen, liberate, unfetter, relax, release
Synonyms: (adj.) present-day, modern, current; (n.) peer Antonyms: (adj.) ancient, prehistoric, antique, antiquated
Synonyms: sketch, draw, picture, illustrate
Synonyms: impartial, unbiased, apathetic, neutral Antonyms: partial, biased, prejudiced
Synonyms: surround, envelop, comprise Antonyms: leave out, omit, exclude
Synonyms: baseless, unsupported Antonyms: well-founded, reasonable, justified
Synonyms: phony, charlatan, fraud, impostor
Synonyms: baffling, confusing, bewildering, puzzling Antonyms: understandable, plain, intelligible, clear
Synonyms: work, maneuver, exploit, influence
Synonyms: highest, utmost, largest Antonyms: least, lowest, minimum, smallest
Synonyms: (n.) copycat, impersonator; (v.) parrot, impersonate, replicate
Synonyms: (v.) disturb; (n.) frill Antonyms: (v.) smooth out, soothe
Synonyms: composed, fair, august, tranquil Antonyms: agitated, troubled, inclement, stormy
Synonyms: shamefaced, meek, humiliated Antonyms: bold, saucy, brazen, confident
Synonyms: endurance, determination

Level A Unit 2 Vocabulary in Context Answers

  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C

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