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Shopping by Voice Achieve 3000 Answers

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Based on information in the
Article, how are the Google Home
and the Amazon Echo similar?

A. Both the Google Home and the
Amazon Echo eliminate
comparison shopping but offer
free returns on voice orders.
B. Both the Google Home and the
Amazon Echo come in smaller
versions that take up less
space in people’s homes.
C. Both need to be connected to
Wi-Fi in order to operate and
for their digital assistants to
obey users’ voice commands.
D. Both provide users with
unlimited access to shopping
online from more than 40
retailers, including Costco,
Target, and Walmart.
Both need to be connected to
Wi-Fi in order to operate and
for their digital assistants to
obey users’ voice commands.
Which of these is most important
to include in a summary of this

A. Comparison shopping is a
common activity for people
who shop online, as it allows
them to see different products
and their prices.
B. A passcode needs to be set up
in voice-shopping accounts to
confirm purchases and avoid
unauthorized shopping.
C. Amazon and Google both have
voice-activated smart speakers
that allow people to place
orders for items they would
like to purchase.
D. Free returns on voice orders is
one benefit of using Amazon’s
digital assistant, Alexa, since
products are selected for the
Amazon and Google both have
voice-activated smart speakers
that allow people to place
orders for items they would
like to purchase.
Which is the closest antonym for
the word adept, as it is used in
the Article?

A. Indifferent
B. Incompetent
C. Irritable
D. Ingenious
Which of these is a statement of

A. Amazon and Google are
allowing consumers to order
products from some retailers
with help from smart speakers.
B. When people use digital
assistants to shop online, their
purchases are completed
almost immediately.
C. Smart speakers require a Wi-Fi
connection and can then play
music, read audio books, or
give information to users about
current events.
D. Six-year-old Brooke Neitzel
figured out how to use
Amazon’s Echo Dot, so it was
unfair that her parents didn’t
allow her to keep the
dollhouse she ordered.
Six-year-old Brooke Neitzel
figured out how to use
Amazon’s Echo Dot, so it was
unfair that her parents didn’t
allow her to keep the
dollhouse she ordered.
Why did the author include this
To explain how products are
selected for consumers who
place a voice-shopping order
using Alexa, the digital
assistant for the Amazon Echo
Which would be the closest
synonym for the word negatively,
as it is used above?

A. Comparably
B. Intimately
C. Extravagantly
D. Adversely
Which quote from the Article best
supports the notion that shopping
by voice using a smart speaker is
Once you’ve set up your
Amazon or Google voice-
shopping account, you simply
tell a smart speaker what you
want and then wait for the
purchases to arrive.
Based on the Article, the reader
can predict that
As voice-activated shopping
becomes more widely used in
homes throughout the United
States and the United
Kingdom, there will be more
instances of shoppers making
purchases that they later

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