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Quizzma Latest Articles

Teen’s Tips for Being Money Smart Achieve 3000 Answers

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The article primarily discusses how
Isaac Hertenstein

A. is watching his friends struggle
with making decisions about
borrowing money
B. is trying to get other kids to
wait a few days before
purchasing new items
C. is working to influence people
to explore careers they may
want to pursue
D. is creating opportunities for
kids to learn how to make
smart financial choices
is creating opportunities for
kids to learn how to make
smart financial choices
According to the article, why did
Isaac Hertenstein start teaching
other kids about financial literacy?
A. He wanted to hire other
teenagers to give lessons on
good money habits to kids in
B. He wanted to help kids learn
good money habits that will
give them an advantage in the
C. He wanted to develop his own
online course about needs and
wants for kids in schools.
D. He wanted to support kids in
determining career paths that…
He wanted to help kids learn
good money habits that will
give them an advantage in the
…people should create a plan for spending their earnings?Think ahead about how much of your money you’ll save, give, and spend.
Which is the closest antonym for
the word certified, as it is used in
the article?
A. affordable
B. trustworthy
C. phony
D. visible
Which of these is a statement of
A. Many states require high
schools to offer a course in
personal finance education.
B. It is important to purchase
things you want just as often
as purchasing things you need.
C. Jobs that pay high salaries are
more enjoyable than jobs that
pay lower salaries.
D. It is most favorable to wait
until after high school to teach
people about financial literacy.
Many states require high
schools to offer a course in
personal finance education.
A. on a blog that gives
information about the costs
associated with various
B. in an article that discusses
why education costs have
risen over the years
C. on a website that shares
recommendations on saving
money for large expenses
D. in a book that describes the
different types of saving
accounts available to the
on a website that shares
recommendations on saving
money for large expenses
The author’s purpose for including
this quote was to

A. encourage people to be aware
of advertising tricks that
encourage spending
B. describe his beliefs regarding
educating young children
about finance topics
C. describe his opinion about
waiting to start financial
education until children are
D. encourage people to seek
employment that will allow
them to earn more than they
describe his beliefs regarding
educating young children
about finance topics
Which is the closest synonym for
the word pitfalls?
A. benefits
B. desires
C. outcomes
D. risks

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