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Quizzma Latest Articles

You Got That Right, Um, Wrong – Achieve 3000 Answers

Activity Answers

What is this Article mainly about?People often fall prey to
stories that are widely believed
to be true simply because
they’ve been repeated so
frequently, even though they
are false.
Which of these is a statement of opinion?Everyone knows that George
Washington chopped down a
cherry tree as a child and was
honest enough to admit what
he had done to his father.
Why did the author include this passage?To provide evidence disproving
the widely believed myth that
Albert Einstein was a poor
math student while in school
Which is the closest synonym for
the word alleged?
A. corrugated
B. seasoned
C. belated
D. presumed
What is one inference the reader
can make from the Article?

A. Because Frenchmen of the
19th century were very tall,
French emperor Napoleon
Bonaparte was actually quite
self-conscious about his
B. The person who first spread
the idea that people only use
10 percent of their brains was
very familiar with how that
organ works.
C. Common falsehoods, such as
the story of George
Washington chopping down a
cherry tree as a child, have
been repeated over many
Common falsehoods, such as
the story of George
Washington chopping down a
cherry tree as a child, have
been repeated over many
Which information is not in the

A. Which of the world’s
mountains is actually the
tallest from base to summit
B. Why bulls, which are likely
colorblind to red, seem to hate
that color
C. Why Magellan did not succeed
in circumnavigating the globe
D. Which column, printed in 1935,
spread the false idea that
Einstein failed math
Why bulls, which are likely
colorblind to red, seem to hate
that color
The Article states:

And with that, you’ve just set
foot in the world of common
misconceptions. So please
leave your preconceived
notions at the portal door as
you enter, and let’s explore
some more myths, shall we?

Which is the closest synonym for
the word misconceptions?
A. fragments
B. consequences
C. falsehoods
D. compromises
Suppose Damon wants to find out
more about Albert Einstein’s
school days. He would find most
of his information

A. in a 1935 Ripley’s Believe It or
Not! newspaper column
B. in a bibliography from a book
about famous scientists
C. in a television documentary
about 20th-century scientific
D. in a well-researched biography
on the life of the genius
in a well-researched biography
on the life of the genius

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