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A Really Great Wall Achieve3000 Answers

The article “A Really Great Wall” sheds light on a remarkable discovery concerning one of the most iconic landmarks in the world – the Great Wall of China.

Through a meticulous mapping project, officials in China have unearthed previously unknown sections of the Wall, revealing that this ancient structure is significantly longer than previously thought.

The article delves into the methods employed in this discovery, the historical significance of the Great Wall, and the implications of this newfound extension.

the Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China, with its already staggering length, has now been found to stretch even further, thanks to a comprehensive mapping project undertaken by Chinese officials. Utilizing modern technology such as GPS devices, the project unveiled sections of the Wall that were obscured by natural landscapes like hills, trenches, and rivers.

This discovery not only extends the known length of the Wall but also enriches the historical narrative surrounding this monumental structure.

The newly discovered sections, stretching from Hu Mountain to Jiayu Pass, unveil a broader scope of ancient Chinese engineering and architectural prowess. This revelation also prompts a renewed interest and appreciation for the efforts taken in the past to safeguard the Chinese states and empires from external invasions.

Through the lens of modern technology, the article portrays a vivid picture of how the Great Wall has stood as a testament to China’s rich historical and cultural heritage, and how it continues to unravel secrets of the ancient world, even today.

A Really Great Wall Article Answers

Which event had not yet taken place when this article was written?Government officials had completed all phases of the Great Wall mapping project.
What is this article mainly about?Officials in China have discovered that The Great Wall is longer than they have previously thought.
The reader can infer from the Article that __________.Officials in China might have invested some money trying to locate undiscovered parts of the Great Wall.
The word construct is derived from the Latin root struere, which most likely means __________.Build
Which of these is most important to include in a summary of this article?Officials have discovered new sections of the Great Wall of China that have been hidden by hills, trenches, and rivers.
According to the Article, what is one reason why some sections of the Great Wall of China have disappeared?Hills, trenches, and rivers had been covering up portions of the wall that stretch from Hu Mountain to Jiayu Pass.
Synonym for the word arid?Parched
Which question is not answered by the Article?How much money has the Chinese government spent so far on the Great Wall mapping study?


GPS devices (noun)tools that use computers to locate places on Earth
dynasty (noun)line of rulers who come from the same family
arid (adjective)very dry
accommodate (verb)to aid or do a favor for someone
dynasty(noun)to keep safe
invaderA person who enters a country or place by force.
experta person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully
DynastyA series of rulers (king, queen, emperor) from the same family
Capitalplace where the government does its work
ancientvery old
realizeto know
uncoverednot covered
experta person with special knowledge
stretchto extend over an area
sandstorma storm when strong winds blow sand around very forcefully in the desert
  1. GPS devices (noun): These are technological tools equipped with the capability to pinpoint locations on Earth using satellite signals. They are instrumental in navigation, mapping, and many other fields where precise location data is crucial.
  2. Dynasty (noun): A dynasty refers to a succession of rulers from the same family lineage, often maintaining power for several generations.
  3. Arid (adjective): This term describes an extremely dry, desert-like environment, often characterized by a severe lack of water.
  4. Accommodate (verb): To accommodate is to make allowances or adjustments to assist or favor someone, often by meeting their needs or requests.
  5. Invader (noun): An invader is an individual or group that enters a country or territory by force, often with hostile intentions.
  6. Expert (noun): An expert is a person who has acquired specialized knowledge or skills in a particular field, enabling them to perform tasks skillfully.
  7. Capital (noun): The capital refers to the city or location where the central government of a country or state operates.
  8. Ancient (adjective): This term describes something belonging to the very distant past, often many centuries or millennia ago.
  9. Realize (verb): To realize is to become aware of or understand something, often suddenly or for the first time.
  10. Uncovered (adjective): This term describes something that has been revealed or exposed, often after being hidden or unknown.
  11. Stretch (verb): To stretch is to extend over a particular area or distance, often referring to the expansion of physical objects or geographical areas.
  12. Sandstorm (noun): A sandstorm is a natural phenomenon where strong winds carry and whirl sand particles in the air, often occurring in desert areas and capable of causing significant visibility and breathing problems.

Summary of Key Points

  1. Discovery of New Sections:
    • The core revelation in the article is the discovery of new sections of the Great Wall of China, which were previously concealed by natural landscapes such as hills, trenches, and rivers. This discovery was made possible through a meticulous mapping project spearheaded by Chinese officials.
  2. Extension of the Wall’s Known Length:
    • The mapping project revealed that the Wall extends from Hu Mountain to Jiayu Pass, thereby extending its known length. This new measurement provides a more accurate representation of the Wall’s grand scale and the extensive efforts taken in its construction.
  3. Historical Significance:
    • The Great Wall of China stands as a monumental feat of ancient engineering and a significant historical relic. It was constructed to protect Chinese states and empires from invasions. The discovery of the new sections enriches the historical narrative surrounding the Wall, shedding light on the vastness of the ancient Chinese defensive architecture.
  4. Technological Aid in Discovery:
    • Modern technology, including GPS devices, played a crucial role in uncovering the hidden sections of the Wall. This blend of modern technology and ancient architecture underscores the evolving methods of historical exploration and preservation.
  5. Implications of the Discovery:
    • The discovery prompts a renewed interest in the Great Wall, not only as a historical and cultural icon but also as a subject of academic and archaeological exploration. It also underscores the continuous efforts by Chinese officials to uncover, preserve, and document this ancient structure for future generations.
  6. Challenges and Future Endeavors:
    • While the article highlights the successful discovery of new sections, it also hints at the challenges faced in preserving and documenting the Great Wall. It opens a dialogue on the continuous efforts required to protect and study this monumental structure further.

Discussion Topics

  1. Historical and Architectural Significance of the Great Wall of China:
    • The Great Wall is not just a marvel of ancient engineering but also a testament to the historical era it represents. Discuss the dynasties that contributed to its construction and the architectural innovations that were introduced. Explore how the Wall served as a defense mechanism and a means of border control during various periods in Chinese history.
  2. Role of Modern Technology in Uncovering Hidden Sections:
    • Modern technology, like GPS devices and satellite imaging, has played a crucial role in uncovering previously hidden sections of the Great Wall. Discuss how these technological advancements have aided archaeologists and historians in gaining a better understanding of the Wall’s original structure and extent. Explore other instances where modern technology has helped uncover or preserve ancient structures around the world.
  3. Preservation and Documentation Efforts by Chinese Officials:
    • The efforts to preserve and document the Great Wall are ongoing and come with a set of challenges. Discuss the various preservation techniques being employed to maintain the structural integrity of the Wall. Explore the challenges faced in these endeavors, such as natural erosion, human vandalism, or lack of funding. Discuss the importance of documentation and how it aids in educating the public and ensuring the Wall’s historical and cultural significance is passed down to future generations.

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