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Reading Plus Answers Level I

On this page, you can find answers to Reading Plus Level i.

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She Sells Sea Shells

What is the main idea of this selection?A young woman follows her passion while making important scientific discoveries.
What does the word “dissenters” mean in this excerpt?People who questioned the accepted views of the time
What destructive force in nature was responsible for Lyme Regis being…erosion
What effect did Mary’s near-death experience from lightning strike have on her?She expanded her interests and intellectual pursuits.
Choose two sentences in this excerpt that explain why Mary was not accepted…British women were not allowed to vote, hold public…
The Geological Society of London did not allow women to become members…
From its description in this selection, the belemnite in this image was also calleddevil’s finger.
OrderMary’s mother opens a curio stand near a coach stop.
Mary finds a skeleton to go with a skull found by her brother.
Mary discovers the first British example of…
Mary opens her own fossil shop: Anning’s Fossil Depot.
What is the author’s purpose in writing this selection?to highlight the significant contributions Mary made to the world of geological science.
What are two reasons why Mary was not recognized in the scientific community during her lifetime?– She was a working-class woman who had no formal education.
– The Geological Society of London did not allow women to become members.
What does this selection thell you about the life expectancy of childrem in 19th-century Lyme Regis?There were many infant deaths from smallpox and measles due to crowded conditions.

There’s More to Life Than Work

Have you ever felt that life is just work, work, work?

In this essay, what did Thoreau urge people to do?Live righteous and worthy lives that are not based on monetary gain.
Read these two excerpts. Which to comparisons can be drawn between the man Thoreau sees in the morning and the man he sees in the evening?– Thoreau describes the first man with admiration, while he describes…
– Thoreau observes that the first man was working hard, while…
Read this excerpt. Which two sentences best summarize this excerpt?– Members of the public are more likely to purchase works that are made by famous artists.
– Governments do not see creative works as possessing as much value as physical labor.
How is this part of the selection written?as an emotional appeal to connect with readers on a personal level.
Thoreau stated, “The community has no bribe that will tempt a wise man.” In other words…could not be influenced by money.
According to this excerpt, the “aim of the laborer” should be toperform a certain kind of work well.
How do these two excerpts from the selection work together?Both illustrate Thoreau’s disgust at the misuse of nature as a source of profit.
Onecriticism of this essay is that it offers overly…A town should pay its laborers so well that they would not feel that they were working for meager results.
In this ecerpt, what did Thoreau mean by “the real business of life”?living a life driven by virtue instead of by money


What is the main idea of this selectionIndividuals can change for the better regardless of their circumstances
Which statement best reflects Brown’s attitude about being planted in prisonWhen you plant something it’s in the darkness, but it has the opportunity to grow
Which words describe Brown’s state of mind when he was playing chessFocused and controlled
According to this excerpt, what does Brown mean when he says that prison to some inmates is an occupational hazardPeople who live dangerous lifestyles expect to spend some time in prison
What is the most important skill that students learn from playing chess at the big chair clubWill power
Why was brown removed from his job as janitorThe principal decided to make him the detention monitor
Think about what you read in this selection this image is a representation ofPlato’s allegory
Put these events of Brown’s life in the correct order starting with the earliestBrown has trouble behaving in a socially acceptable way
Brown receives and treasures the gift of a wooden king chess piece
Brown demonstrates his ability to connect with students
Brown mentors youth so that they don’t get into trouble with the law
The tone of the statement by Gooding in this excerpt could be described as one ofAcclaim
Read this excerpt According to Brown the shadows in the Allegory of the cave are symbols ofIllusions of worthlessness
In allegory of the cave, which two of the following do the chained mem symbolize?• People who do not seek knowledge or truth
• People who find comfort in familiarity, no matter how miserable their circumstances

Activism, Pride, and Civil Rights

Which sentence from the selection most clearly expresses the central idea?The Pride movement grew from outrage over years of discrimination, abuse, and criminalization of LGBTQ people.
The previous question asked about the Matthew Shepherd Act. Based on your answer, you can conclude thatViolent hate crimes against LGBTQ people are a widespread problem.
This selection can best be described asAn information text.
Read this part of this selection. You can infer from this that the introduction of the InternetAllowed LGBTQ people to feel more supported and live more openly.
Read these two excerpts from this selection. Together, these excerpts show thatDespite setbacks, the LGBTQ community has support at many levels.
Which one of the following explains what allowed police to arrest patrons of the Stonewall Inn at the time of the 1969 riots?Laws that criminalized dressing in the same way that was considered typical of the opposite sex
The first Gay Pride March took place in1970, on the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.
Ellen DeGeneres was an actor on a TV sitcom called “Ellen.” In the context of this selection, the significance of this is that the character DeGeneres playedBecame the first main character to be openly gay.
In this excerpt from the selection, the word “root” most clearly meansFundamental.
In 1948, scientists Alfred Kinsey published a book that discusses “non-heterosexual.” Which two of the following supports the significance of this influential book?• Angered by the greater visibility the book gave LGBTQ people, the government took action to ban openly gay men from the military.
• The book gave more people the courage to be open about their sexual identity

The Truth About the Sweet Stuff / A Sweet Tooth’s Health Risks

This selection primarilyReports the problems associated with sugar consumption
Which two things threaten sugar’s use in food?• HFCS
• Artificial sweeteners
This text is best described asInformational nonfiction
Read this excerpt. Which are two major contributors to heart disease?• Insulin resistance
• Metabolic syndrome
Read this excerpt. What are two effects of eating an abundance of sugar?• Poor nutrition
• Weight gain
Choose the two sentences from this excerpt that confirm why sugar consumption should be more heavily regulated.• These scientists cited studies suggesting sugar is addictive.
• With an addiction, a person does not have control over what he or she is eating, using, or taking
Read this sentence from the text. The word “metabolized” would be best replaced with the wordProcessed
Put the following steps of the effect of sugar on the body in the order in which they occur, from first to last.When sugar…
The brain…
The hormones…
The person
How do these two excerpts work together?Each show an opposing view on the argument surrounding sugar.
Read the excerpt. The use of HFCS in products is increasing in the United States because it isCheaper to use than sugar.

Colorful Beaches

What is the main idea in this selection?Powerful forces of nature can create remarkable landscapes.
In this excerpt, what does the phrase “fluid landscape” mean?A changing shape
Based on this excerpt, what can you conclude from the sands of Florida’s Emerald Coast?Wind can carry sand long distances to it final destination
What determines the color of sand?The material source from which the sand eroded
This is the opening paragraph from the selection. From this paragraph a reader can determine that the author.Has a deep appreciation for nature
The color of sand on this beach indicates its source material wasMagma
What are two parts of the bioerosion process that makes sandy beaches?• Living organisms, such as fish, eat coral, digest it and excrete the remaining sand into the ocean.
• Waves and currents stir up sand and then deposit it onto the shore
This excerpt describes gypsum, a mineral that easily washes away in water. Choose the two sentences in this excerpt that best explains why gypsum does not wash away in the White Sands National Monument desert.• But mountains on all sides of this particular desert enclose the area.
• What little rainfall the arid area receives does not wash the gypsum sand away
Place these in orderRocks force the flow of water to bend around the rocks
As water collides with rocks, bits of the rock break off.
Some grains of rock or sand are deposited elsewhere.
Over many years, the water erodes obstacles in its path.

The First Public Museum / The British Museum

What is the central idea of this selection?Museums offer opportunities to learn about history and culture, but many do so without revealing their problematic or controversial origins
In these excerpts, Delbourgo describes the British Museum as a “cabinet of curiosities” primarily because the museumDissolved rigid boundaries and allowed artifacts to be viewed comprehensively, as part of a culture.
Based on this excerpt, Sloan’s directive to create a free national museum stemmed fromThe responsibility he felt bro share information that would benefit all of society.
Delbourgo stated that Sloan created catalogues of fossils, minerals, fish, and birds. The items that Sloan cataloged as “miscellaneous objects,” such as ear ticklers, would today be described asEthnographic artifacts that would be part of an anthropology collection.
When asked what Sloan would think of the British Museum today, Delbourgo said Sloan would not recognize it. Why not?Sloan’s approach to learning about the world did not include the concept of progress or development over time, as we have today
Sloan’s intellectual pursuit of collecting cultural artifacts was also a solid business investment at the time becauseSeveral countries were competing commercial to get new and exotic goods and foodstuffs
Author James Delbourgo started the British Museum was the first “truly public” museum in the world. However, it could be argued the museum was not truly public based on Delbourgo’s observations thatAt first, it was meant only for dignitaries and scholars, not for the general public.
Hans Sloane was an Englishman whose collected artifacts became the foundation of the British Museum. Which statement about Sloane is correct?He was a socially prominent physician and traveler.
In this excerpt, what does the word “obfuscate” most clearly mean?Hide
Based on what you have read, this selection can be best described asAn interview

Inside the Great Insect Die Off Part 1

The selection is mainly about scientists’Concern about the extinction of various invertebrates
According to what you have read, the coral reefsAre becoming endangered and extinct.
Think about your answer to your previous question and read this excerpt. Which two factors do scientists cite as the reason why coral reefs are being impacted?• Climate Change
• Ocean acidification
From what you have read, you can conclude that animal species that live in coral reefsAre at risk of becoming extinct
Choose the sentence from the except that is an example of the figurative language metaphor.Looked at from the point of view of species diversity, we mammals are just a handful of mice on a globe full of beetles.
Entomologist Terry Erwin states… Choose the two sentences from the excerpt that confirms why Erwin makes this statement.• The true scope of the world’s biodiversity is one of the biggest and most intractable problems in science
• There’s no quick fix or calculation that can solve it, just a steady drip of new observations of new beetles and new flies, accumulating toward a fathomless goal.
Read these two excerpts. Which two techniques does the author use to support his points?• Using statistics about invertebrates
• Connecting to reason with comparisons
Put the steps that Terry Erwin took to determine how many species live on an acre in the Panama rainforest in order, from first to last.Erwin covered a tree in a sheeting
Erwin fogged the tree with insecticide
Erwin waited for the sheeting to be filled with bugs
Erwin sorted and counted all the bugs.
In this selection, the author compares his interpretation of ant species to an expert’s interpretation. What does this comparison reveal to the reader?Each insect is truly different from one another.
Based on what you have read, what two things do scientists need to establish in order to determine if we are currently experiencing a “sixth extinction”?• The rate species are vanishing
• The rate species will go extinct without human activity
Read the excerpt. Which of the following sentences best summarizes the excerpt?Deforestation is impacting the survival of insect species in the world.
In this excerpt, the author uses parentheses toDescribe an example of a scientific concept.
Read the excerpt. The tone of this excerpt can be be described asAdvising.

Mysterious and Monstrous – Part 1

What is in the deepest depths of the ocean? Some stories tell of giant squid that can launch themselves out of the water to grab their prey.

This selection is mainly about theunexplained mysteries in the deepest depths of the world’s bodies of water.
This is an image of a diving bell. How does this image relate to this selection?Barrels became the first devices to transport divers from the surface to a depth underwater and back up.
Which detail from the selection shows why researchers who filmed a giant squid made national news?The giant cephalopod rarely leaves its deep sea home.
Which one of these questions shows how these two excerpts work together?Could Hoan Kiem’s giant turtle be an archelon?
An inability to breathe underwater kept people from exploring below the sea’s surface. Based in this text, the “snorkels” that first began to change this were made fromhollow reeds.
A giant squid-like monster was once believed to be…Giant squid tentacles were found in a whale’s stomach; A giant squid measuring 60 feet in length was found.
Based on the theories about the monks’…giant sperm whale.
A group of monks rowed their boat to a small island. Which two details…While they thought they had landed on an island, they eventually saw it move out to sea;
As they were building a fire to prepare their dinner…
Based on this…compared with the past, there is growing agreement that Nessie is a mythical creature.
The author helps readers imagine the terror of sailors who encounter a giant squid bycomparing its eyes to dinner plates.

A New Era Of Equality

The signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act opened a bright new era of equality, independence, and freedom for the disabled.

The main idea of this selection is related tohow the Americans with Disabilities Act was a declaration of equality for individuals with disabilities.
Read this excerpt. Based on what you have read, you can infer “Point of Light” arecommunity members involved in volunteer service.
What does this excerpt demonstrate about disabled people?They can do what people without disabilities can do, but in a different way.
Why does President Bush compare the day of the signing of the ADA with July 4th, Independence Day?Disabled individuals welcomed a new era of equality, independence, and freedom.
Choose the sentence in this excerpt that supports the President’s statement, “This act does something important for American business.”Remember, this is a tremendous pool of people who will bring to jobs diversity, loyalty, proven how turnover rate and only one request: the chance to prove themselves.
After the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 but prior to the passage of the ADA, life for people with disabilities could be classified astrying and troublesome.
Based on this selection, what made the ADA so historic?It was the world’s first comprehensive declaration of equality for people with disabilities.
The successful passage of the Americas with Disabilities Act can be described as acollaborative effort.
Order:Prohibition of discrimination by employers;
Access to public places such as restaurants;
expanded access to transportation;
Availability of equivalent telephone services.
In this excerpt, the author uses the Berlin Wall as a symbol of a wall ofexclusion.

Unlocking Prehistoric Secrets

What is the main idea of this selectionHuman bones reveal details about the lives of ancient people
What did Mr. Swift want his students to learn from studying StanleyThat skeletons hold interesting information about humans
In this excerpt what tone does the author use to describe Mr. Swift’s treatment of StanleyHumerous
Based on this excerpt, what was the most unusual aspect of the Titusville siteIt was a bog that preserved prehistoric bodies
What did the examination of diseased skeletons show about some ancient peoplesThey cared for the disabled even when in danger themselves
In which two ways did the body in Burial 9 differ from others found at the site• The body was in curled position
• The body had been placed on its side
The highlighted part of this image represents what type of skeletal bonesAxial
The selection describes a game called name that bone place the following steps of the game in order needed to play itStudents study the terminology for human bones
Each student receives one of Stanley’s bones
A student identifies a bone by name
A student reattaches a bone to Stanley
According to Mr. Swift how is Stanley’s cranium different than that of a real humanIt would have had six large membranes at birth becoming bone at age two
Choose the sentence in this excerpt that best summarizes how the boys medical condition would have impacted his quality of lifeWhile he probably didn’t need constant nursing care his people who were also hunters and gatherers would have to provide him with special considerations since he would not have been able to participate in activities in the same way as other youths

Space-Age Inventions

What is the main idea of this selection?Many products originally developed by NASA…
Which two items does the author present…• Mars exploration
• Moon landing
Why was memory foam by NASA engineers so important?It had wide commercial uses in…
In this expert, what does “ammunition” mean?Supplies used to prevent a problem.
What was the most important factor in creating astronaut ice cream?Developing the freeze-drying process.
Choose the sentence in the expert that identifies…This led to a commercial version, which replaced…
Which NASA technology that has been widely adopted…Grooved roadways.
Why does the author discuss products like Tang…To set straight some common misconceptions.
What might happen if astronauts could not filter…They would suffer a serious health…
These are steps in the process of making…Freeze food quickly, heat food slowly, seal food, store food.

More Than Your Imagination

What is the central idea…The only limit to what…
Lester Brown researches actions…To help people see…
Based on these two excerpts, which two statements…• The United States and other countries have the ability…
• Kenya can be a model…
Based on these two excerpts, what conclusion…People in the past may have lacked the technology…
This selection explains…• Which path will create…
• What will our planet be like…
Which word from this excerpt…Visionary
Read these two selections. How do futurists…Both Hiemstra and Johnson look for…
The work of a futurist…Last year, Johnson learned…
In 1900…Mobile phones
The author has written…Informational nonfiction

Running the Distance

What is the main idea of this selectionCross-country is a challenging type of footrace with a diverse and interesting history
In this excerpt, the author intends the last sentence to be read with a tone ofHumor
Place these in orderThe “Crick Run”…
In Paris…
The first official…
In the United States…
Based on this excerpt, why does the author include information about Native Americans in the selection?To illustrate that ancient forms of cross-country running had existed in America prior to the European introduction of the sport
Which two women’s racing competitions existed before the 19th century?Hoop races
Heraean games
What is the most unusual aspect of the Ancient Greek race award ceremonies compared to those held today?of a race would receive an award, rather than the top three finishersDuring the Greek ceremonies, only the first place finishers
In a cross-country meet, why does the team with the lowest score win?Scoring is based on the place number of the team’s top runners
Read these two excerpts, which 2 things did both male and female athletes find so appealing about cross-country running clubs?The clubs were a way for both groups to improve their physical strength and to stay in shape.
The clubs were a useful way for both groups to compete with each other.
Which type of footrace, created by English school children, was inspired by the showmanship of English horsemen?Steeplechase
Which sentence accurately describes the primary reason why cross-country racing differs from other types of running sportsInstead of running on paved roads or a rubber track, athletes run specified distances and winding trails of natural ground surfaces, including grass, sand, gravel and dirt.

Basket Hall of Fame Part 1

This selection is mainly about how Cheryl MillerShowed early on that she would be one of the best female’s basketball players.
Cheryl Miller played at a time, when women’s basketball was rarely televised, yet sheServed as an inspiration to younger players and an example for youth coaches in their teaching.
When Kim Mukey said, “Women’s basketball is Cheryl Miller,” what did she mean?Cheryl Miller playing created excitement about women’s basketball.
Read these two excerpts. From them, the reader understandsThe rivalry between the U.S. and Soviet teams in the 1980s when Miller played.
Read this excerpt. All these games can be classified asExciting victories.
Why did the Trojans retire Miller’s number 31 jersey?To honor her as one of the greatest athletes in the school’s history.
According to the selection, Cheryl Miller won all the following awards EXCEPTBroadcaster Hall of Fame.
Read this excerpt. What evidence does the author offer to persuade the reader of what a desirable asset Cheryl Miller was to USC?Cheryl is the difference between USC being in the top 10 and being the top team.
The James Naismith award is theMost prestigious honor in college women’s basketball.
Read this excerpt. From this information, what word describes Miller’s character?Focused
Choose the sentence that best supports the idea that Cheryl Miller is humble.“I don’t consider myself a superstar,” Miller said at the time.
Read this part of the text. McGee’s tone in this part can best be described asEager.
In 1982, Miller played an incredible game.Miller scored a national record of 105 points

Basket Hall of Famer Part 2

The main idea of this selection is to tell the story of Cheryl Miller’sMany post-college careers.
This part of the selection falls under the subtitle “Nowhere to Play.” What does this subtitle signify?There were few opportunities for women to play basketball professionally.
Read this excerpt. You conclude the Trojans under Miller’s leadership had aPromising season.
Choose the sentence in this excerpt that proves Cheryl Miller was a star.“But it was the 1984 Olympics that made Miller a star around the United States, leading to magazine articles, television interviews, and some guest appearances on televisions shows.”
What was the “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” presented to Cheryl Miller?Being hired as a reporter and analyst for its NBA broadcasts
Read this excerpt. What types organizations is Cheryl Miller involved in?Charity organizations
Read this excerpt. How do these details relate to one another?Each sentence adds more evidence to the argument that the USA was a dominant Olympic team.
Cheryl Miller had to rehabilitate her knee. In this context, rehabilitate means toRestore to a condition of good health.
Place the events from the text in chronological order.Miller injured her knee.
Miller became assistant coach at USC.
Miller became head coach at USC.
Miller was hired to be a broadcaster.
Why does Cheryl Miller love her career as a sports commentator?It’s much easier than coaching.
Why was Miller not embraced with open arms when she took the head coaching job at USC?Many felt she should have been more supportive of Stanly and her efforts to achieve equal pay
Why did Cheryl Miller never play professional basketball?Opportunities were too limited and unstable.
Read this excerpt. What is Cheryl Miller’s tone in this quote?Fierce

Kindness in Wartime

What is the main idea of this storyMusic helps save the lives of a father and son
What is the main conflict in this selectionMoshe and his family are separated when they try to escape the troops that had come to arrest them
How did Moshe become separated from his familyHe was scared of the barking dogs and ran in another direction in the forest
Personification is a literary technique in which objects are given human qualities. Which phrase from this excerpt shows an example of personificationHis stomach fought with him
In this excerpt the word practical can best be replaced withWorkable
Read these two excerpts the star of david is a symbol of Jewish identity which statement best summarizes the change in how it was viewedWhat was once a symbol of pride became a means of persecution
When the wife of the German commander sees Moshe’s violin she says to him keep it safe one meaning of this is to keep the violin safe what other thing might she be telling Moshe to keep safeHis identity
His violin the very object that identified Moshe as a Jew and could have sent him to almost certain death actually helps to save him this is an example ofIrony
Read this excerpt the word shtetl is a Yiddish word Based on the excerpt it most likely meansTown
The main conflict in this selection is resolved whenMoshe finds his father

A Wonder of Its Time

What is the central idea of this selectionMuseums offer opportunities to learn about history and culture, but many do so without revelinging their problematic or controversial origins.
While in Jamaica, Sloane collected stringed instruments played by enslaved Africans on the island…Sloane also wrote down the music enslaved people played…
Delbourgo stated that Sloane created catalogues of fossils, minerals, fish, and birds. The items that Sloane catalogued as…Ethnographic artifacts that would be part…
Hans Sloane was an Englishman whose collected artifacts became the foundation of the British museum…He was a socially prominent physician and traveler.
Sloane’s intellectual pursuit of collecting cultural artifacts was also a solid business…Several countries were competing commercially to get new and exotic goods and foodstuffs.
In these excerpts, Delbourgo described the British museum as…Dissolved rigid boundaries and allowed artifacts…
Based on this excerpt, Sloane’s directive to create a free national museum stemmed fromThe responsibility he felt to share information that would benefit all of society.
In this excerpt, what does the word obfuscate most closely mean?Hide
Author James Delbourgo stated that the British museum was the first “truly public” museum of the world. However, it could be argued the museum was not truly public…At first, it was meant only for dignitaries…
Based on what you have read this excerpt can be best described asAn interview.

Microbes, Aliens, Spaceships, Oh My!

This selection primarilyidentifies the different ways scientists and researchers have been studying…
Choose the two sentences that confirm Charles Darwin’s “warm-little-pond idea”A couple of days later, the water turned murky brown because of newly-formed…
When he shook up some meteorite dust in water…
In this selection, astro-biologist Laurie Barge created chimneys to simulate…It confirms that life is possible on other planets.
According to this excerpt, what is the most likely reason creatures in the Dark Energy Biosphere are able to survive?They absorb the energy…
Read this excerpt. The discovery of water on Mars led to which…NASA’s plan to send a rover to Mars; NASA’s decision to plan a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa.
Based on the selection, what might be true if NASA discovers that life is possible on other planets?aliens exist in space
In this excerpt, what does the phrase “underground labyrinth” refer to?the Dark Energy Biosphere.
Read the excerpt. Why does the author include this in the selection?to explain why water is so important to living things.
Read this excerpt. Which sentence best summarizes this selection of the text?Alvin is a submarine that is used to explore…
Order:Darwin developed the warm-little-pond idea;
Stanley Miller and Harold Urey discovered amino acids in an…
David Dream found fatty acids inside a meteorite;
Laurie Barge determined that mineral formations can be used…

A Musical Genius

What is the main idea of this selection?Classical music is a universal language that transcends our differences.
Dudamel makes an analogy between musicians playing harmony andPeople transcending their differences to find peace.
Put these events in the life of Dudamel in the order in which they occurred, starting with the earliest.He is named musical director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic.
He creates a foundation modeled on Venezuela’s El Sistema.
He conducts a youth orchestra during the funeral of Hugo Chavez.
He receives the Leonard Bernstein Lifetime Achievement Award.
Based on an observer’s comment in the selection, this image relates to Dudamel because ofHis animation physical style of conducting.
In this excerpt, Simon Rattle’s quote describing Dudamel could be described asAn expression of an unexpected reaction.
The author of this selection is most likely to agree with which of the following statements?Music instills values that can be a powerful force for making people and the world a better place.
Choose the sentence in this excerpt that could be described as a serendipitous incidentThe conductor of his school orchestra was late to rehearsal, so the precocious youngster grabbed the baton and began conducting his friends.
Based on this excerpt, Gustavo Dudamel is sometimes compared to Leonard Bernstein because they bothEnticed many kinds of people to attend classical music concerts.
Made a connection between classical and popular music.
Based on what you read, why are so many children in Venezuela involved in music?They can learn music with no charge to their families.
Which sentence supports the statement that Dudamel receives the amount of attention given to a professional soccer player?Dudamel draws sizable audiences whenever he performs internationally.

The Realities of War

What is the main idea of this selection?War can both mentally and physically hurt a person.
Based on this excerpt, in which way does Captain Graffenreid differ from the other men fighting in his troop.He is more nervous during battle.
At what point in the selection does Captain Graffenreid’s attitude toward war change?after narrowly misses being shot by enemy fire
Which of the following best describes Captain Graffenreid’s mood in this excerpt?cheerful
Read this excerpt. Which expression would most likely appear on Captain Graffenreid’s face?determination
The author wrote this story mainly todemonstrate the horror of war.
Which of the following experiences provided Ambrose Bierce with material for his short stories?fighting as a soldier in the Civil War
Think about how the author described Captain Graffenreid in this selection…a poor leader.
The story told in this selection takes placeon a summer morning in the countryside.
This excerpt describes the role of non-combatants, people who helped soldiers in times of war…Though they do not fight, they are very helpful to those who do fight.

Mickey, Minnie and More / The Maker of Movie Magic / Walt Disney’s World

Walt Disney was a young cartoonist with his eye on Hollywood. He had some setbacks, but instead of giving up he put his energy into a new animated character: Mickey Mouse.

Which of the following shows the central idea that the author develops in this text?Walt Disney had setbacks in his life, but he persevered to achieve his dream and make movie history.
A distributor gets films into movie theaters. What shocked Disney when he turned down distributor Pat Powers’ offer to work for him?Powers persuaded Disney’s best animator to leave.
Based on your answer to the previous question, it is reasonable to conclude thatPowers was Disney’s competitor.
Which two of the following competencies does Disney demonstrate based on this excerpt?recognize strengths and weaknesses
evaluate situations and analyze options
Walt Disney got his start in the film industry with his best friend Ub Iwerks. Together theycreated and sold minute-long cartoons.
OrderMargaret Winkler agrees to distribute Disney’s series of…
Disney’s new character Mickey Mouse becomes the most famo…
Ub Iwerks stuns Disney by leaving his longtime friend to open his…
Disney’s “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” makes twice as…
In this excerpt, the author points out that “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” was nicknamed “Disney’s Folly.” People were suggesting that Disney was beingfoolish.
Disney was a 20-year-old cartoonist when a group of investors funded his Laugh-O-Grams business. This company produced cartoons based onfairy tales.
In this excerpt, the author uses the phrase “dark clouds also gathered” to suggestimpending trouble for Disney and his studio.
The author describes Disney’s marriage to Lillian Bounds as “momentous.” Which detail from the text best supports this description?Lillian’s influence in treating Disney’s depression, which reinvigorated him and led to an Oscar win.

Appalachian Adventure / America’s Trail

This selection is mainly aboutHow the Appalachian Trail brings people closer to nature and each other
The Appalachian Trail stretches fromGeorgia to Maine
Put these events in the order they occurred, starting with the earliestBenton Mckay
A blind man
A five year old
Read this excerpt what is the purpose of the second and third sentencesThey provide examples to answer the question asked in the first sentence
Which of the following statements is an opinionThe appalachian trail seemed destined
Read this excerpt the world harrowing most closely meansFrightening
A hiker would most likely choose to do a flip-flop hike of the Appalachian Trail if he or sheWanted to avoid crowds at the traditional starting point
What two examples provide evidence to the authors claim that the Appalachian Trail has a strong community• Volunteers maintain the trail and support hikers
• Hikers give each other trail names, or nicknames
Someone who hikes the Appalachian Trail a little at a time over many years would be called aSection hiker
Read this excerpt from the selection the author’s tone in this excerpt is best described asAppreciative

Reading People / Understanding Human Signals

What is the main idea of this selectionPeople provide signals that define their behavioral styles
What does the author mean when he states that it would be an exercise in futility to try to list all the behaviors observed in a personIt is not feasible to list the behaviors because there are so many of them in any interaction
An unorganized group of students wants to hold a school fundraiser a few days from now based on what you read which type of person is best suited to lead this groupA direct person
Based on this selection which of the following words best describes the traits of a director• Impulsive
• Dynamic
Based on this excerpt which of the following would a thinker be most likely to doAvoid situations with a high chance of failure
According to the selection a person who is a counselor or psychologist most likely would be aRelator
Place the following four behavioral styles in the order in which they are described in the selection from first to lastSocializer
Which of the following behavioral styles would probably be the most creativeThe socializer
A person who masters the technique of recognizing behavioral styles would have to be aKeen observer
What is the author’s purpose in writing this selectionTo help readers improve their interpersonal relationships

Superstars Working on the Sidelines

Another title for this selection could be“From the Front Office to the Locker Room: Working in Sports.”
Which factor usually influences the size of a coach’s salary?the amount of games won and lost
Put these jobs in a sports journalist’s career path in advancing order, starting with the first.– covering high school sports for a local newspaper
– covering college or minor league sports for a local newspaper
– covering pro sports in “hard news” based on facts
– covering pro sports in opinion columns based on their own ide…
Which sports industry professional would be responsible for how this athlete is training?strength coach
Read these two excerpts. In which major wat are the educational requirements of an athletic trainer similar that of a strength coach?Both jobs require a knowledge of physiology.
What was the author’s purpose in writing this selection?to inform readers with descriptions and qualifications for sports industry jobs.
According to his selection, which two characteristics are most important for an athlete who wants to play pro sports?– intense motivation
– physical endurance
Choose the sentence in this excerpt that summarizes why many sports agents have law degrees.Since agents arrange their clients’ business and endorsement contracts, knowledge of business law is crucial.
Someone looking for a non-athletic job in the sports industry should know thatopportunities are widespread.
What is the author’s opinion on the possibility of a non-athlete getting a job in the sports industry?A determined and qualified person has a good shot.

Fridamania / As Long As I Can Paint

This selection is mainly aboutTurbulent life and its effect on her art
The relationship between Frida and her father can be described as…Nurturing and spirited
From this excerpt, the author gives the impression that she thinks…Women artists with unique talents have been unfairly ignored in the past
Why did Frida write “I wish to never come back” in her diary?Her life was too emotionally and physically destroyed
In terms of his influence on Frida’s art, it could be said that Diego Rivera was like a…Guiding light
In terms of his influence on Frida’s art, it could be said that Diego Rivera was like a…Guiding light
What does the person in this image have to do with the selection…Growing up, Frida originally wanted to become a doctor, not an artist
When Frida’s students called themselves “los Fridos”, they used the term with a tone of…Affection
Read these two excerpts. What are two main differences between “two Fridas” that appear in Frida’s painting of the same name…• The right side represents the loved Frida, while the left represents the unloved Frida.
• The right side contains a whole heart while the left contains a broken heart.
Choose the sentence in this excerpt that best summarizes Frida’s attitude toward life…But I am happy to be alive as long as I can paint.
Alejandro ended his relationship with Frida most likely because he…Could not forgive her for betraying him
What caused Frida to develop her interest in becoming a painter?She needed an activity while recovering from a serious injury.
Put these events in order…“Frida painted portraits…”
“Frida painted several…”
“Frida painted Henry…”
“Frida painted thinking…”

America’s First Diplomat

What is the central idea of the selection?Benjamin Franklin was a gifted diplomat who played a major role in founding the United States of America
Based on this excerpt from the section, which of the following two personality traits helped Franklin succeed as a diplomat?• Witty
• Open-minded
What was a major achievement of Franklin’s trip to France in 1776?Persuading France to provide military support helped America win the war for their independence
Read these two excerpts from the selection. These excerpts provide evidence that…British thought the colonies should pay for their protection during the French and Indian war.
In this sentence the word“Prestigious” is a sign of the high status of the honorary degrees and title awarded to Franklin
In this excerpt, the author refers to Franklin’s clothing choices to show that he…Represented the common people
Based on this excerpt, translating Franklin’s papers into other languages led to which two of the following?• He won awards and other forms of recognition for his research
• He became more widely known for his contributions to science
Based on the excerpt, Franklin became known for his science…Before he was sent to London to represent a British colony.
Put these events in the order in which they occurred, from first to last.Benjamin Franklin proposed a plan that would unify the…
The British government began taxing the American colonists.
Benjamin Franklin helped write the declaration of…
The revolutionary war ended with the Treaty of Paris.
Ben Franklin is known as the first American diplomat. Based on this excerpt, a good diplomat…Builds relationships on both sides of an issue.
Based on this selection, taxation without representation was a problem because the…Colonists had no voice in the British parliament that imposed laws on them
Select the one sentence in this excerpt that shows the issue…As Franklin again settled into his rooms…
Which sentence from the selection supports the author’s portrayal of…e appeared before Britain’s House of…
In this excerpt, the author’s purpose in discussing Franklin’s clothing…Represented the common person
Benjamin Franklin is known for many achievements. Based on this selection, the areas he believed most needed his talents were.Politics and government.
Read this excerpt. What does this reveal about Benjamin Franklin?He refused to let the circumstances of his childhood prevent him from achieving greatness.
Read these two excerpts from the selection. Together, these excerpts explainow the British…
Put these events in the order in which they occurred, from first (earliest) to last.The British…
The Revolutionary…
Thomas Jefferson…
Franklin was…
In this excerpt, the word “prestigious” most closely meansHighly regarded.
Read this excerpt from the selection Select this sentence that shows a major cause of the revolutionary war.As Franklin again settled into his room…
Read this excerpt from the selection. Choose the sentence that explains the meaning of “taxation without representation”He explained that Americans wanted taxes to be decided by and collected by their local legislatures…
Read these sentencesHe didn’t let…
Read this excerpt:As Franklin again settled into…

Everyday Equations

This selection is mainly aboutthe connections between math and nature.
What is the most surprising thing researchers found about the way bees build their honeycombs?By using a pattern of hexagon shapes, the bees fit the most honey into each cell while using the least amount of wax.
Based on this excerpt, why was Benoit Mandelbrot able to represent scale symmetry in the form of fractals in the 1970s?Computers in the 1970s had advanced enough to process equations at that level of complexity.
Choose the sentence in this excerpt that contains the figure of speech called a simile.This is because the Earth’s rotation causes it to stretch out around the equator, flattening slightly at the poles like a short, fat tomato.
Read this excerpt. The word “moreover” signals that the author is going tomake an additional point to support a statement.
Place these events in the proper order, starting with the earliest.Some unexplainable shapes and concepts are first referred to as…
Vast advances are made in computer technology.
Mandelbrot develops a set of numbers and calculations to…
Fractals are used to create accurate maps of coastlines.
How do these two excerpts from the selection work together?Both explain different kinds of symmetry.
Which two objects may be defined as oblate spheres?tomato; Earth
Based on this excerpt, what is a “Mandelbrot set”?Geometric shapes that repeat over and over again
Based on what you have read, human beings and many other animals share which type of symmetry?bilateral

African-American Cowboys

This selection is mainly about how African American cowboys…Are an essential part of American history, and their contributions and legacies must be recognized.
Simile is a figure of speech that compares two things. Choose the sentence in this excerpt that shows an example of simile.In his 1907 autobiography, cowboy Nat Love recounts stories from his life on the frontier so cliche, they read like scenes from a John Wayne film.
According to the selection, the cowboy lifestyle came into its own in what state?Texas
How do these two excerpts work together?The first explains how the demand for skilled cowhands rose, but the second explains how it decreased.
African American cowboys faced discrimination in the towns they rode together. But camaraderie and respect among black and white cowboys were high because…Cowboys depended on one another for survival.
This genre of this selection can best be described as…Expository nonfiction.
Texas ranchers returning from the civil war found that many of their cattle herds were either lost or out of control due to which two factors?• Too few cowhands
• A lack of effective containment
Put these events from the selection in correct chronological order.Texas was colonized by Spain
White Americans began moving to
Texas joined the confederacy and fought in the civil war
Wild west shows and rodeos became popular
When cattle drives ended, many cowboys were in a time of tough transition. African American cowboys were particularly affected because they…Could not easily purchase land.
This image shows Bill Pickett, one of the most famous early rodeo stars. He gained an international reputation for bulldogging, which was…His unique method for catching stray cows.
Enslaved people in Texas became skilled…The white ranchers left to fight in the Civil War…
These two excerpts discuss…• It’s diverse…
• It’s educational…
Do these two excerpts work…The first explains how the demand…
What fueled the rise of…Working cowboys were decreasing…

Is Life on a New Planet Possible

This selection primarilyIdentifies the different ways scientists and researches have been studying the first living creatures
In this excerpt, what does the phrase “underground labyrinth” refer to?The dark energy biosphere
Choose the two sentences that confirm Charles Darwin’s “warm-little-pond-idea” was true• A couple of days later…
• When he shook up some…
Read this excerpt. Which sentence best summarizes this section of the text?Alvin is a submarine that is used to explore creatures that live in the ocean
In this selection, Astro-biologist Laurie Barge created a chimney to simulate the environment the first creatures would have lived 4.1 billion years ago. What makes Barge’s findings so valuable to future scientific research?It confirms that life is possible on other planets
Read this excerpt. Which sentence uses the figurative speech simileOne looks like a soup can with long arms sticking out of either end.
Read this excerpt. The discovery of water on Mars led to which two of the following outcomes?• NASA’s decision to plan a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa
• NASA’s plan to send a rover to Mars.
Read this excerpt. Why does the author include this in the selectionTo explain why water is so important to living things
Aliens exist in spaceAliens exist in space
According to the excerpt, what is the most likely reason creatures in the Dark Energy Biosphere are able to survive?They absorb energy from surrounding rocks.
How do these two paragraphs from this selection work together?They both explain the reasoning why scientists believe that living things may be able to survive in space
Choose the two sentences from this excerpt that explains why Alvin the submarine is important for learning about ancient creatures in the Dark Energy Biosphere• Alvin’s robotic arm operates…
• They’re pumping water long…
In this selection, many different researchers and scientists contribute to the understanding of the Earth’s first living creatures. Place these scientific discoveries in the order in which they occurred, starting with the earliest.Darwin developed the warm-little-pond idea.
Stanley Miller and Harold Urey discovered amino acids in an electrocuted flask of water
David Dream found fatty acids inside a meteorite.
Laurie Barge determined that minerals formation can be used as energy for the living creatures

The Bard and Astronomy

All of the following statements are from the selection. Which one best expresses the selection’s central idea?In it, he argues that the Bard was mindful of the developments happened in astronomy during his day…
Tycho Brahe, Gerardus Mercator, and William Gilbert allare responsible for scientific advancements during the time Shakespeare lived.
Read this excerpt. In this part, the author is making a connection between the number of ghosts around Jupiter in one of Shakespeare’s plays, and the number of moons around the planet Jupiter.
Read this excerpt. You can tell this part is written in third person point of view because the speakershows the thoughts and feelings of the characters.
The telescope is invented in 1609 in Holland. Which work was published as a result of this invention?“Sidereus Nuncius”
Which of these sentences from the selection explain why most scholars believe that Shakespeare was largely unaware of the groundbreaking science of his day?Shakespeare doesn’t talk about the so-called “new philosophy” or the new ideas of Copernicus and later Galileo.
Peter Usher believes that characters in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” aredifferent astronomers and mathematicians.
Read this excerpt. The word “however” in this part of the selection signals that the speaker isswitching to a different idea or thought.
He is a figure of speech that compares two things Choose the sentences an example of the figurative language “Hamlet,” one of the characters says “Make thy two eyes, like stars, spheres,” as in, I was so shocked at seeing the ghost that my eyes jumped just like a star might be pushed out of its sphere.
Based on what you have read, which two of the following are astronomical references Shakespeare made in his writings?Julius Caesar compared himself to the North Star.
Romeo and Juliet analyzed the rising Sun.

Flying Free: A Wild Success Story

What is the main idea of this section?Trained, caring people rescue injured…
What would be considered a standard…Covering the animal’s eyes with a towel.
Based on this selection, what is the main reason rehabbers…So that they will pour their energy into healing.
Why was it important for the rehabbers to release the eagle…It was a location with which the eagle was familiar.
The CROW rehabbers performed physical therapy before releasing…She would have not been able to hunt for food.
What evidence does the author give to show that the eagle was ready for release?The eagle showed it could feed itself by catching a fish in the cage.
In this expert, the author creates a mood ofAnticipation.
The author states that x-rays are an important tool…• To evaluate an animal’s condition.
• To measure an animal’s progress.
What does the author refer to as the eagle…The eagle had learned to avoid fish with medication.
Place the following events in the eagle’s surgery in the order…The kite string was disentangled from the eagle’s body.
The eagle’s wounds was flushed with an antiseptic wash and…
Splints and casts were placed on the eagle to protect…
Bright blue wraps were placed over the eagle’s bandages and…

An Eyewitness To The Johnstown Floods

This selection primarily
reports the immediate aftermath of a disaster that could have been prevented
In the beginning
merciless monster
In this word “uncanny” in the second sentence is best replaced by
The initial reports of fatalities differed considerably from the final death toll number. what is the most likely reason for this discrepancy?
The lack of modern communication methods made it difficult to share information.
Based on the selection, which is correct?
For nearly a year officials had been warning that the dam was at risk.
Read these two excerpts. The first is from a well-known newspaper, while the second is from the selection. Together, they support which two of the following ideas?
-Looting and theft of property occurred in the aftermath of the flood. -Both military and polices… food and flood…
The author of this selection interviewed the following people. Which one said, “News then reached us from Johnstown that the dam at South Fork had burst”?
Harry Fisher, a telegraph operator in Bolivar
Based on what you have read, in the days following the flood the most serious risk to the survivors was:
contaminated water
This selection is best described as:
narrative nonfiction.
Place these events in the order in which they occurred, starting with the earliest.
-Prominent residents.. -hieves rob the dead and. -police from Pittsburg.. -Pails full of chenimals..

The Means Of Living

In this essay, what did Thoreau…Live righteous and worthy lives that are…
How is this part of the selection written?As an emotional appeal to connect with readers…
According to this excerpt, the “aim of the laborer” should be toperform a certain kind of work well
Thoreau stated “the community has no bribe that will tempt a wise man” in other words…could not be influenced my money
Choose the two sentences in this excerpt that reflect the type….– To those men today, either of these…
– I think that there is nothing, not even crime…
Read this excerpt. Which two sentences best summarizes…-Government do not see creative works…
– Members of the public are more likely to purchase…
Read these two excerpts. Which two comparisons can be drawn between…?– Thoreau describes the first man…
– Thoreau observes that the first man…
How do these two excerpts from the selectionBoth illustrate Thoreau disgust at the misuse
Read this excerpt: What does the image of “the panting”The constant motion of work and business
Thoreau wrote thatbelieved that he understood how most people

Conquering Pain

How is a barber like a surgeon? Just 200 years ago, the same person who cut your hair would also have been your surgeon. Ouch! Today, anesthesiology is a medical speciality.

What is the central idea of this selection?Advancements in anesthesia have meant that people no longer need to suffer with their pain rather than endure the terrors of surgery.
Which two outcomes occurred as a result of an increase in surgical procedures after anesthesia was discovered?Doctors were performing more complex surgeries, but infections from dirty operating rooms led to increased deaths.
It was difficult to know how much anesthetic to use, many patients died from overdoses.
OrderMedical practitioners who performed surgeries also cut…
Dr. Horace Wells discovered that nitrous oxide could reduce pain…
Dr William Morton discovered he could use ether to make patient…
The invention of inhalers to deliver…
Choose the one sentence in this excerpt that suggest surgery could have…As early as the 1200s, scientists became aware of drugs that…
Read these two excerpts from the selection. What is the author’s main purpose for including these two passages?to help the reader visualize how anesthetics prevent pain signals from being sent to the brain.
Read this excerpt from the selection. The author uses the phrase “past the threshold of no return” in this excerpt to mean the point at whichreversal of the unconscious state is not possible.
What was the author’s primary purpose in writing this selection?to offer an introduction to important milestones in the evolution of anesthesia.
Read this excerpt from the text. This excerpt demonstrates an approach to anesthesia calledbalanced anesthesia.
Wells performed a tooth extraction using nitrous oxide for doctors at Harvard Medical College. Why did Wells go home in disgrace?The patient, who was not fully anesthetized, cried out in pain during the extraction.
Based on this selection, which procedure would use local rather than general anesthesia for a pain-free procedure?toe surgery

All Quiet on All Fronts

This selection is mainly about WW1 and itsimportant events and battles
Choose the sentence in this excerpt that explains why United States involvement in WW1 was significant.With the help of fresh U.S. troops, the Allies turned the tide against Germany on the Western Front.
Read these two excerpts. Which two factors led directly to Germany’s failure in obtaining the Western Front?– trench warfare between Germany and France
– the United States joining WW1
Which statement supports the world leaders imposing “harsh penalties” on Germany in the Treaty of Versailles after the war?The Germans decided to launch a massive spring offensive to try to end the war before the United States could be fully engaged.
Throughout this selection, the author utilizes parentheses in order toprovide the reader with additional information about difficult concepts.
WW1 was triggered by a chain of events. Put them in order in which they occurred.– Tension between France and Germany over France losing the Franco-Prussian War.
– Efforts made by Germany and Great Britain to dominate Europe.
-The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist.
-Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
Read this excerpt. Which of the following statements best summarizes the reason for tension among the countries in Europe prior to WW1?The desire for power and domination.
Read this excerpt. President Woodrow Wilson planned to keep the United States from joining the fighting in WW1. Which two events changed his mind?– Germany encouraged Mexico to fight against the United States.
– Germany sinking U.S. ships
This text describes events from history. This text can be labeled as…historical nonfiction
In the beginning of the selection, what does the author mean by “Europe seemed to be sitting on a powder keg”?Numerous conflicts and tensions among European countries began building up to create a larger problem.

The Wreck of Essex

What is the central idea of this selection?The true-life story behind a famous novel
Highlight the one sentence that provides evidence that Captain Pollard“Wretched and confused, Pollard and Ramsdell did not.
Read this excerpt. Based on these actions, the crew of the…Thoughtless.
This text is best characterized asNonfiction.
After the Essex was destroyed, what prevented theThey thought it would be inhabited by cannibals.
How did people come to know the story of Essex?One of the captains Pollard told his story to write it down
What two events made Captain George– The stranding of the Two Brothers on a coral reef…
– The sinking of the Essex…
What was author Herman Melville’s opinion ofMelville found Pollard the most impressive man he’d…
Read this excerpt from the text. Which of the following wordsShove.
Read these two excerpts. The mood of these two excerpts can best be described asSuspenseful & frightening.


These sentences are from this selectionThe pride movement grew from outrage.
The United States Constitution was debatedThe first U.S LGBTQ rights demonstration.
Read this excerpt from the selectionTo help readers connect their own.
Which detail from this text shows what allowedLaws that criminalized dressing in a way.
Which one of the following subheadingsUnited for a Common Cause.
The previous question asked aboutViolent hate crimes against.
Choose the 2 sentences in this excerpt.Answer 1: In 1973, Maryland…
Answer 2: Over the next 20 years
Think about what you have readInformational text.
Read this excerpt from this selection and one fromWhich president repealed the law…
Place these events in order from first to last.Answer 1: President Eisenhower…
Answer 2: The Stonewall Riots…
Answer 3: The first Gay Pride March…
Answer 4: The rainbow flag…

Grapevine, Inc.

What is the main idea of this selection?Real success comes from using our…
Why didn’t Jeremy move to AtlantaHe did not want to start his life over.
What does this selection imply aboutIt was a safe haven for the destitute and…
Jeremy found his passion as a photographerTaking pictures of his clients after giving.
Based on this excerpt for which two reasonsHe wanted to give them a new…
He wanted them to feel important…
Put the following in ordera – Star lake wilderness camp
b – Drop in center at Jefferson park
c – Parents home in Atlanta
d – Band concert in port
The tone of this excerpt could beInsightful.
Based on this excerpt why was Jeremy.His working life had overtaken his.
Choose the sentence in this…Somehow, I did not finish school and…
In the end, how did Jeremy helpHe gave them meaningful jobs that would…

Life In The Sonoran Desert

The selection is mainly about…The natural environment, history, and culture of a modern desert city…
Choose the sentence in this excerpt that uses the figure of speech called a simile…These plates lie next to one another like sections of a giant concrete sidewalk…
Based on this excerpt, a succulent plant can best be described asThick and fleshy to retain water.
What do these two excerpts have in common?Both use personal accounts to describe the creative influences of the desert.
Based on these excerpts, which two features of the sky islands directly affect the biologicalAns 1: Their isolation from one another…
Ans 2: Their high elevations…
According to the text, what human adaptation best helps our survival in the desert?Our ability to use our intellect to create solutions for difficult problems.
Which two of the following are given as examples of Tucson’s extreme weather?Ans 1: Monsoon storms
Ans 2: Excessive heat.
This selection can best be described as what type of…Non-narrative nonfiction.
In this excerpt, what does the word “moreover” signal?The author is going to make an additional point that is related to the one before it.
The term “Old Pueblo” refers toTucson’s history as a long-standing settlement.

How We Got To Now (Six World-Changing Innovations)

The selection is mainly aboutOriginal inventions that changed the world.
According to the selection, if we want to be great innovators, we shouldHave several hobbies.
Read these two excerpts. The “butterfly effect” and the “hummingbird effect” are similar because both effects.Are triggered by a small action.
In this excerpt, what does the author mean by “collaborative networks”?People working together.
Gutenberg’s printing press is an example of an invention that had a number of unanticipated effects. Which two effects…Answer 1: The invention of the telescope.
Answer 2: The demand for spectacles.
When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone to listen to live orchestra music, he most likelyThe way we use phones today.
Read this excerpt. The author’s purpose for including this part is to…Provide a scenario to help the reader understand a concept.
This selection can be best described as informational nonfiction because it.Gives facts and details about a specific topic.
Read this excerpt. Choose the one sentence that explains what Johnson means byBasically, when someone comes up with a new idea, technology, or platform of some kind.
Choose the one sentence from the excerpt that supports Steven Johnson’s argumentIt is people like John Leal, John Snow, and Ellis Chesbrough, who helped create the fact that we can now drink water.

A Captain’s Greatest Fear

What is the main idea of this selection?War can both mentally and physically hurt a person.
This excerpt describes the role of non-combatants, people who helped soldiers in times of war. Why does the author describe the role of these people as “inglorious but important”?Though they do not fight, they are very helpful to those who do fight.
Captain Graffenried worked in administrative services before being sent to the front lines.He had no experience as a soldier despite attending military school.
Read this excerpt. Which expression would most likely appear on Captain Graffenreids face?Determination.
Choose the sentence in this excerpt that contains examples of the figure of speech called simile.From somewhere way to the right came as the wind served intermittent murmur like that of the ocean in a storm like that of a distant railway train like that of wind among the pines.
At what point in the selection does Captain Graffenreids attitude toward war change?After he narrowly misses being shot by enemy fire.
Which of the following best describes captain Graffenreid’s mood in this excerpt?Cheerful.
Based on this expert in which way does captain Graffenreid differ from the other men fighting in this troop.He is more nervous during battle.
Think about how the author described Captain GriffinreidA poor leader.
The author wrote this story mainly to?Demonstrate the horror of war.

Have You Ever Seen Pink Snow?

The selection is mainly about scientists’Research on preserving glacier ice from factors that threaten to harm it…
Read these two excerpts. Ice researchers are trying to pressure the global community to solve two issues. What areAns 1: Climate change.
Ans 2: Plastic waste.
Think about your answer to the previous question. which sentence from the text suggests the author believes.I think that everyone individually can contribute, by pressing politicians, but also by making their contribution in terms of the reduction of CO2…”
Choose the sentence in this excerpt that is an example of the figurative languageEach year, high on Greenland’s glaciers, algae perform.
In this selection, the author describes the sound of glaciers melting and cracking as “that noise is the endOminous.
Read this excerpt. This excerpt suggests that Alexandre Anesio isEager
How does this image of the Greenland ice sheet relate to this selection?The loss of glacier ice is contributing to the declining.
This text gives facts and statistics about the Greenland ice sheet. This text canInformational nonfiction.
Based on what you have read, which two factors are contributing to glaciers.Answer 1: Climate change
Answer 2: Algae blooms…
Which sentence from the selection confirms why scientists want the world to be more awareAs glaciers retreat from India to Greenland, biodiversity is being lost.

Under The Ice

At an ice station on a remote Arctic glacier, scientists are looking to the smallest of life forms to predict the pace of species extinction.

The selection is mainly about scientists’research on preserving glacier ice from factors that threaten to harm it.
Read these two excerpts. Ice researchers are trying to pressure the global community to solve two issues. What are the two issues?climate; plastic waste.
Think about your answer to the previous question. Which sentence from the text suggests the author believes the solution to these problems are a global responsibility?“I think that everyone individually can contribute by pressing politicians…”
Read this excerpt. Which sentence best summarizes the excerpt?If Greenland’s biodiversity becomes extinct, it can have numerous negative effects.
This text gives facts and statistics about the Greenland ice sheet. This text can be described asinformational nonfiction.
Based on what you have read, which two factors are contributing to glaciers becoming “sun-absorbing hotspots”?algae blooms; climate change.
In this selection, the author describes the sound of glaciers melting and cracking as “that noise is the end of the world.” This quote creates a mood that could be described asominous.
Choose the sentence…Each year, high on Greenland’s glaciers, algae perform a remarkable migration.
Which sentence from the selection confirms why scientists want the world to be more aware of the loss of biodiversity?As glaciers retreat from India to Greenland, biodiversity is being lost.
How does this image of the Greenland ice sheet relate to the selection?The loss of glacier ice is contributing to the declining numbers of different species.

From Rock to Powder

What is the main idea of this selection?Powerful forces of nature can create remarkable landscapes
This excerpt describes gypsum, a material that easily washes away in the water. Choose the two sentences.Answer 1: But mountains on all sides of this particular desert.
Answer 2: What little rainfall the arid area receives does not.
In this excerpt, what does the phrase “fluid landscape” mean?A changing shape
What determines the color of the sand?The material from which the sand eroded
The color of the sand on this beach indicates its source material wasMagma
Based on this excerpt, what can you conclude from the sands of…Wind can carry sand long distances to its final destination.
This is the opening paragraph from the selection. From this paragraph, a reader can.Has a deep appreciation for nature.
Put the steps in the order in which sand is created by flowing water in the correct order, starting…Answer 1: Rocks force the flow of water to bend around the rocks
Answer 2: As water collides with rocks, bits of the rock break off
Answer 3: Some grains of rock or sand are deposited elsewhere
Answer 4: Over many years, the water erodes obstacles in its path…
How is sand created?Erosive forces break down larger substances into granular.
The Grand Canyon was formed byWater erosion.

The Girl On The Cliffs (Mary Anning: Fossil Hunter)

What is the main idea of this selection?A young woman follows her.
What destructive force in nature was responsibleErosion.
What effect did Mary’s near deathShe expanded
What does this selection tell you about the lifeThere were many infant deaths from smallpox
Put these in order in which they occurredMary’s mother opens a curio stand, Mary finds a skeleton to go, Mary discovers the first British example, Mary opens her fossil shop.
The tone of this excerpt can be described asIronic.
What does e word “dissenters” mean in this excerpt…People who questioned the accepted views of the time.
What are two reasons why Mary was notShe was a working class, The Geological Society of…
What evidence does the author give to show thatMary discovered a chamber containing ink…
Why was Mary’s “Crocodile in a Fossil State” suchIt raised questions about the history of…
What is the author’s purpose in writing this selection.To highlight the significant contribution.

Environmental Disasters

What is the main idea of the selectionOil is a form of ecocide that can be prevented
Based on the selection what is the best way to prevent oil spills in the future?Switch from fossil fuel to renewable energies.
Based on this selection, what was the initial cause of the Deepwater Horizon oil pass?Leaking Methane.
What are two ways BP tried to clean up its oil spill?Controlled Explosions, ships with large skimmers scooped
How is an oil created?The Earth’s heat.
How effective were Exxon’s initial efforts to clean up the Valdez oil spills?Exxon only collected a small percent of the oil spill…
What type of evidence does the author use to show that BP oil spill was the worst ecocide ever committed?Hard Statistics…
What statement supports the author’s statement that oil spills will happen in the future?There are very few regulations…
Why does the author begin and end the selection with these excerpts?To show consumers…
Choose the one sentence in the excerpt that gives examples of the best alternatives to fossil fuel.Unlike fossil fuels…

A Legendary Prison/ The Rock/Alcatraz Island

This selection is mainly aboutThe unique history of a…
How does the author createBy using phrases like…
Choose the sentence in this excerptHowever, most of the prisoners…
Place these events in historyJuan Manuel, Alcatraz is chosen, Civil War, Civilian prisoners…
The need for a newIncrease in organized crime…
In which two of the following waysTake showers, get haircuts.
What do the items in this imageEscaped Alcatraz on a raft made of…
What sentence supports the government’s…In most federal prisons the ratio…
Based on this excerpt…Had not resorted to vandalizing buildings.
Based on this ending excerpt…Every cloud has a silver lining.

Be a Social Worker / A Fulfilling Job

What is the main ideaSocial work is a fulfilling career.
Derrick had an important effectliked the experience.
Which sentence is the best definitionHelp people get through difficult.
Which sentence helps to explain…I was naturally drawn.
Put these events in the author’s lifehappily entertains, cares for a young, interviews caregivers and learns, works in an…
Besides working directlyDevelop programs to address issues…
According to this selection…a caregiver, exhausted…
The author states that socialAlthough Derrick’s language was warbled.
Choose the sentence.One of the most important services
Which sentence support’s the author’s statement thatSocial workers often see the good…

Heathcliff’s New Tenant

What is the main idea of this selection?A new tenant learns about his landlord during their first meeting.
Who is the narrator of this selection?Mr.Lockwood, the new tenant.
Choose the sentence in this excerpt…defines the name“Wuthering” being a significant provincial…
In this excerptYou can tell that Mr.Heathcliff treasures his solitude.
Mr.Heathcliff reveals he has a sense of compassion by askingA servant to tend to Mr.Lockwood’s horse.
Based on this excerpt, the decor of…mishmash of objects, both large and small.
Mr.Lockwood feels that his reputation…His solitary nature made him.
His reaction to the dogs’ assaultFelt apologetic.
Mr.Lockwood describes seeing which two types of dogs.Pointers, sheep-dogs.
Read this excerpt. Following the dog incident…Switches to a more relaxed atmosphere.

Gold Mountain / Courageous Women

What is the main idea of this piece?the major, but often overlooked, the role of Chinese American women in U.S. history
Based on the text, what caused the wave of Chinese immigrants to America in the 19th century?natural disasters and political unrest
The name “Gam Saan” was a literal reference to the United States, particularly California. But in a figurative sense, it also referred tothe possibilities of wealth, success, and a better life.
Why did fewer Chinese women than men make the trip to America?The women were bound by restrictions in both the United States and China.
What did Afong Moy perform for an audience?eating and walking
How did Mary Tape’s battle with the San Francisco school district change educational policy in California?She won the right for Chinese American children to attend public schools.
How do these two excerpts from the text work together?They both illustrate the discriminatory practices that were in effect at the time.
Based on this excerpt, it is evident that Polly Bemiswas a highly respected member of the community.
What was the main influence in the reformation of Confucianism in America?Chinese women didn’t live with their mothers-in-law anymore.
Reread this excerpt from the text. What does the author mean when she says Gold Mountain was a challenging mountain to climb?Immigrating and achieving success in America were difficult processes.

Seeds Of Change

The story is mainly about Wangari Maathai and howshe was instrumental in transforming both environmental policies and human rights issues.
According to these two pieces of text, which of the following statements best summarizes Wangari’s attitude toward education?It must be used to benefit all.
Wangari saw deforestation in Kenya as a major difficulty for rural women becauseit severely affected both the land and the ability of the women to provide food for their families.
The primary tone in this part of the text is one ofpersistence.
What event led to Wangari’s creation of the Green Belt Movement?the planting of seven trees in Kamakunji Park to honor past community leaders
The text states that when Wangari expanded her Green Belt Movement, she included husbands and sons in the planting process. This suggests that shesaw environmental activism as something that involves entire families and communities.
In this part of the text, the word “intersection” refers tothe connection between two seemingly unrelated issues.
The text states that Wangari was very influential in the international community. Which evidence from the text best supports this?She convinced foreign investors to withdraw their financial support for a major Kenyan building project.
What major event happened in Wangari’s life in 2004?She became the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
How do these two excerpts from the text work together?The first illustrates a belligerent attitude toward Wangari, while the second shows a respectful one.

The Perils Of Gossip

Which phras3 best summarizes the main idea?
man vs soci3ty
Why did Akhin’s wife slap him?
She overheard rumors that her husband was inappropriate around another
The author uses food/drink to symbolize
wealth/social status
Choose the sentence in this excerpt that provides an example of a simile
He bent down, smacking lips, gave vent to a sound similar to a creaking wheel
Which of the following is correct?
Akhin is a teacher who has enough cash to provide a fancy wedding for his daughter
Who is Vankin and what does he do?
He’s an instructor in the same school as Akhin. Vankin mistakenly believes […]
On the wedding feast night, Akhin made a far-reaching mistake […]
He told everyone that Vankin was a foolish gossip who spreads […]
The phrase “man proposes and God disposes” implies that
people can before plan, but they cannot overall control
Why did Akhin go to the kitchen?
He wanted to see if his daughter’s wedding dinner was ready
Akhin thinks the rumor Vankin said has destroyed his […]
Akhin spread the rumor in a try to discredit Vankin

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  1. bro you dont tell us what to rate the story? different ratings give different questions bro