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Quizzma Latest Articles

Cooking Up Native Traditions Achieve 3000 Answers

Lexile: 1380

Answer Key

Based on information in the Article, in what way do traditional native cuisine and the food commonly eaten today by Native
Americans contrast?
Foods provided to Native Americans today are higher in fats and sodium than traditional native cuisine.
Which of these is a statement of opinion?Although the government meant to do the right thing, it didn’t really help anyone when it gave free canned beans, boxed rice,
powdered milk, and vegetable oil to Native Americans.
Why did the author include this passage?To suggest that the government has unwittingly contributed to the health problems of some Native Americans
Which is the closest synonym for the word multitudinous?innumerable
The reader can predict from the Article that __.more and more people will become familiar with the benefits of an indigenous diet through the work of NATIFS and The Sioux Chef
Which information is not in the Article?Why it is so difficult to find indigenous ingredients, like hyssop, cedar, and bergamot
Read this passage from the Article:
In this passage, the word cuisine means __
a style of cooking
Which passage from the Article best supports the idea that Sean Sherman actively sought out the help of others when he wanted to learn more about traditional Native American foods?Determined to find answers, Sherman met with community elders and spoke with Native American chefs and historians to learn how his ancestors foraged, grew, hunted, fished, preserved, and prepared their food. He discovered that reclaiming an understanding
of Native American foodways meant reconnecting with the earth by utilizing local plants and other natural ingredients in the environment.

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