In this charming tale, a young girl and Charlotte, an elegant grey spider, join forces to rescue Wilbur the pig from the impending fate of slaughter.
ATOS Book Level | 4.4 |
Interest Level | Middle Grades (MG 4-8) |
AR Points | 5.0 |
Word Count | 31938 |
Fiction/Nonfiction | Fiction |
Quiz Answers
Question 1: When Mr. Arable wanted to sell Wilbur, what did Mrs. Arable suggest Fem do?
Answer: Call the Zuckermans because Uncle Homer sometimes raised a pig.
Question 2: Why wouldn’t the goose play with Wilbur?
Answer: She was sitting on her eggs, which she needed to keep toasty warm.
Question 3: What bad news did the old sheep deliver to Wilbur?
Answer: He was being fattened up to be butchered.
Question 4: The old sheep thought Templeton could help Charlotte with her webs by:
Answer: bringing back magazine clippings from the dump.
Question 5: Why did Mrs. Arable pay a call on old Doctor Dorian?
Answer: to ask his advice about Fern, who was spending a lot of time in the barn.
Question 6: What did Mrs. Zuckerman decide to do the morning of the County Fair?
Answer: give Wilbur a buttermilk bath.
Question 7: What was the last word Charlotte ever wrote in her web?
Answer: HUMBLE.
Question 8: What revived Wilbur after he fainted in front of the crowd at the fair?
Answer: Templeton biting Wilbur’s tail as hard as he could bite.
Question 9: In exchange for first choice of Wilbur’s slops, Templeton agreed to…
Answer: climb up and get Charlotte’s egg sac so Wilbur could take it home.
Question 10: What did Charlotte’s babies do that made Wilbur frantic?
Answer: They formed silk balloons and sailed away on a warm updraft.