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Establishing an Insider Threat Program for Your Organization Answers

Insider Threat Programs (ITPs) are designed to detect, deter, and mitigate actions by insiders who represent a threat to national security. These programs aim to ensure that individuals with malicious intent or those who are susceptible to coercion are identified before they can cause significant harm.

ITPs monitor, analyze, and respond to anomalous activities, ensuring the safety and security of sensitive data, assets, personnel, and facilities.

Establishing an Insider Threat Program for Your Organization certificate

Importance in Organizational and National Security:

  1. Protection of Sensitive Data: Every organization holds proprietary or sensitive data, whether it’s related to national defense, finance, or technology. Unauthorized access or leakage of this data can have catastrophic results, affecting an organization’s competitiveness, reputation, or the security of a nation.
  2. Prevention of Sabotage: Insiders, with their access and knowledge, can cause significant disruption to operations. By monitoring for threats, organizations can prevent such events, ensuring the continuous, unhindered operation of critical systems.
  3. Trustworthiness: A robust ITP helps build trust both within the organization and externally with partners and stakeholders. They know that the organization is proactive about its security and has measures in place to prevent breaches.
  4. National Impact: On a grander scale, securing organizational data contributes to the broader safety of the nation. Especially in critical sectors like defense, energy, and finance, the ripple effect of an insider attack can be felt throughout the country, affecting economic stability, public confidence, and even lives.

Role of the Insider Threat Program Manager:

The Insider Threat Program Manager plays a pivotal role in ensuring the success of the ITP. Their responsibilities include:

  1. Designing and Implementing the Program: From conceptualization to execution, the program manager oversees the establishment of the program in line with organizational needs and national standards.
  2. Collaboration: They collaborate with various departments within the organization, including IT, HR, and security, ensuring a holistic approach to insider threat detection and prevention.
  3. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement: Threat landscapes are constantly evolving. The program manager ensures that the ITP adapts to new challenges, employing the latest tools, techniques, and best practices.
  4. Training and Awareness: A significant part of prevention is awareness. The program manager oversees training programs to ensure that employees at all levels understand the importance of security, the nature of insider threats, and how to report suspicious activities.
  5. Response Coordination: In the event of a detected threat or a security breach, the program manager coordinates the response, ensuring swift action to mitigate damage and initiate corrective measures.

Establishing an Insider Threat Program for Your Organization Review Acitivity Answers

Q1: What are the minimum standards for establishing an insider threat program?


  • Designation of Senior Official. Establish capability to manage threat information
  • Monitor employee classified network use
  • Provide employee training
  • Protect civil liberties and privacy

Q2: Which stakeholders should be involved in establishing an insider threat program in an agency?


  • Information Assurance
  • Security
  • Human Resources

Q3: When you establish your organization’s insider threat program, which of the following do the Minimum Standards require you to include? Select all that apply;


  • Ensure access to insider threat-related information
  • Establish analysis and response capabilities
  • Establish user monitoring on classified networks
  • Ensure personnel are trained

Q4: An employee was recently stopped for attempting to leave a secured area with a classified document. This was the second time this had happened. Which files should you review concerning this potential insider threat?


  • IT audit logs
  • Levels of network access
  • Personnel files
  • Security incident files


Which of the following best describes what your organization must do to meet the Minimum Standards in regards to classified network monitoring? Select the correct response(s).


  • Establishing a system of policies and procedures, system activity monitoring, and user. activity monitoring is needed to meet the Minimum Standards


It’s now time to put together the training for the cleared employees of your organization. Select the topics that are required to be included in the training for cleared employees.


  • Methods used by adversaries to recruit insiders
  • Current and potential threats in the work and personal environment

Establishing an Insider Threat Program for Your Organization Exam Answers

Which of the following are examples of user activity monitoring?Monitoring user search activities
Monitoring downloads
Which of the following are examples of system activity monitoring?Tracking system restarts and shutdowns
Monitoring logon/logoffs
Which of the following are examples of governance?Implementing banners telling users their activity is being monitored
Establishing privileges and special
Jack is in charge of his organization’s insider threat program. He is receiving push-back from some personnel who feel that the presence of an insider threat within the organization would be obvious, so a formal program is unnecessary. Jack should explain that the challenges to detecting insider threats include:a. Insiders may operate over a long period of time
b. Employees often fail to report suspicious behavior
c. Unwitting insiders can also inflict serious harm
d. It can be difficult for individuals alone to distinguish malicious actions from legitimate ones
Lisa’s organization is in the early stages of establishing an insider threat program. Should it designate a Senior Official?Yes; the Minimum Standards require only for certain types of organizations.
Jose’s organization is establishing an insider threat program by setting up a Working Group. Which of the following stakeholders should he include?a,b,c, and d
Freda’s organization has designated her as its Senior Official. According to the Minimum Standards. Freda’s responsibilities will include:Managing the program
Providing resource recommendations
To meet the Minimum Standards, what kind of insider threat training must Allen’s organization provide?It must provide specific training for insider threat program personnel and awareness and reporting for cleared personnel.
When you establish your organization’s insider threat program, the Minimum Standards require you to do which of the followingEnsure access to insider threat-related information
Establish analysis and response capabilities
Establish user monitoring on classified networks
Ensure personnel are trained on the insider threat
Sam’s organization has established an insider threat program and is now beginning to implement it. Which of the following activities do the Minimum Standards require it to perform?a, b and c
To meet the Minimum Standards, Claire’s organization must include the following capabilities in its insider threat program:a. Information collection and analysis capabilities
b. Response capabilities
c. Documentation and resolution capabilities
Which of the following are examples of system activity monitoring?e and f
Which of the following are examples of governance?a. Implementing banners telling users their activity is being monitored
b. Establishing privileges and special
Which of the following are examples of user activity monitoring?c and d

Policies and Standards Informing Insider Threat Programs

Executive Order 13587, issued on October 7, 2011, is designed to improve the security of classified networks and the responsible sharing and safeguarding of classified information. This order acknowledges the challenges posed by insider threats, especially in an era of enhanced digital communication and increased information sharing.


  1. Structural Reforms: EO 13587 called for structural reforms to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of classified information stored on computer networks.
  2. Establishment of Insider Threat Task Force: The order mandated the creation of an Insider Threat Task Force to provide guidance in developing an effective insider threat program. This task force is instrumental in setting up standards and guidelines for organizations.
  3. Shared Responsibility: EO 13587 emphasizes the shared responsibility of all government agencies in ensuring the security of classified networks and data.

National Policy Requirements for Insider Threat Programs:

  1. Comprehensive Integration: The National Policy mandates a comprehensive approach where insider threat programs should not be isolated but rather integrated into an organization’s broader security and operational framework.
  2. Continuous Evaluation: Instead of one-off background checks, the National Policy encourages continuous evaluation of personnel with access to classified information.
  3. Data Access Control: Only those with a verified need-to-know should be granted access to sensitive or classified information.
  4. Reporting Mechanism: Establishing clear channels for personnel to report suspicious activities or behaviors without fear of retaliation.
  5. Training and Awareness: Periodic training sessions should be conducted to make employees aware of the threat indicators and the importance of reporting them.

Other Guiding Policies, Regulations, and Standards:

  1. NISPOM (National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual): This is the go-to manual for contractors working with the federal government on how to protect classified information.
  2. Whistleblower Protection Acts: These acts aim to protect employees who come forward with information about illegal or harmful activities within their organizations, thus indirectly supporting the goals of insider threat programs by encouraging reporting.
  3. The Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA): Provides a comprehensive framework for ensuring the effectiveness of information security controls over IT systems that support federal operations and assets.
  4. Information Sharing Environment (ISE): Aims to facilitate the sharing of terrorism-related information among all relevant entities through the integration of systems and processes while safeguarding individual privacy rights.
  5. Sector-specific guidelines: Depending on the industry (e.g., energy, finance, healthcare), there may be specific standards and policies tailored to address unique challenges and vulnerabilities in those sectors.

Exam Preparation

  1. Purpose and Importance of Insider Threat Programs: Understand the rationale behind the implementation of these programs in organizations and their broader implications for national security.
  2. Policies and Standards: Mastery of key guidelines, especially Executive Order 13587, National Policy requirements, and other sector-specific guidelines and standards.
  3. Detection of Insider Threats: Recognize the challenges and methods involved in identifying threats within the organization, including behavioral indicators and technological tools.
  4. Steps for Establishing an Insider Threat Program: The process from initial assessment, team formation, to program design and implementation.
  5. Minimum Standards and Strategies: Know the baseline requirements for an effective program and strategies for monitoring, evaluation, and training.

Strategies for Successful Examination Completion:

  1. Structured Study Sessions: Instead of cramming, allocate specific times for studying different sections of the course. This aids in better retention and understanding.
  2. Practice with Mock Tests: If available, take practice exams to gauge your readiness and identify areas that may need further review.
  3. Active Note-taking: Jot down key points, make flashcards, or create mind maps. Active engagement with the material often aids in memory retention.
  4. Discussion Groups: Engage in discussions with peers or colleagues to deepen your understanding and gain different perspectives on the topic.
  5. Rest and Review: Ensure you’re well-rested before the exam. A quick review right before the test can help in recalling crucial points.

Further Resources and Reading:

  1. Executive Order 13587: A full reading of this order will provide a detailed understanding of the structural reforms and guidelines for safeguarding classified information.
  2. CDSE (Center for Development of Security Excellence): Offers a range of training resources, webinars, and courses related to insider threats and security.
  3. Insider Threat Program Best Practices: Several professional organizations and governmental agencies publish best practice guides and case studies. These can provide practical insights and deeper understanding.
  4. Research Papers and Articles: Look for academic and industry publications that delve into case studies, technological advancements, and psychological aspects of insider threats.
  5. National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC): Provides resources, guidance, and latest updates on counterintelligence and insider threats.


  1. Student guide

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