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Amazon HAZMAT Test Answers

Identify THREE duties of the Incident Commander?
1. Keep responders and the public safe
2. supervise the incident
3. minimize harm to the environment and property
Your four major responsibilities as an incident commander are to?
Provide for responder safety; protect and remove endangered employees and the public; control the problem; and conserve property and limit environmental damage.
All of the following are true statements about the review and evaluation process involved in incident command EXCEPT that you must?
apply an optimistic, critical approach to the review of response elements.
The toxicity of a material through inhalation is measured in terms of?
The type of measure that gives the best indication of biological damage is?
Two types of information available from reference manuals include?
tactical guidelines and medical aspects of an emergency
Identify THREE types of information that are available from CAMEO.
1. Response recommendations for chemicals including synonyms, trade names, and identification.
2. Air dispersion models
3. maps containing streets, significant buildings, and demographic data
Identify THREE components that an incident is broken into when using National Fire Academy’s model to estimate exposures?
1. Product
2. Container
3. Environment
You’ve responded to a suspected criminal incident at a public gathering. Victims are suffering from vomiting and headaches. Several have reported smelling an odor like peach blossoms. The type of agent present is most likely a ??
Blood agent
While you were at an incident involving a leaking railroad tank car, the brisk cold air makes you think that snow might be on the way. What a hassle that would be? One good way to see if your instincts are right is to?
call the weather service
Identify TWO response action options for changing the applied stress

move stressor

shield the system

Identify THREE response action options for changing the size of the danger zone?


using adsorbents


The purpose of plugging is to?
Reduce or temporarily stop the flow of material from a non bulk container by putting something into the hole.
Personal protective equipment can affect users in all of the following ways EXCEPT?
decreasing responders’ confidence in their safety.
Because personnel wearing vapor-protective clothing may experience a loss of dexterity, vision and communications capability, it is important to?
Provide close monitoring of entry personnel
Match each level of clothing with its example:
Level A- Includes a fully encapsulating suit of material compatible with the substances involved and SCBA; provides highest level of respiratory, skin and eye protection
Level B- Provides the highest level of respiratory protection but less skin protection than the minimum level recommended for initial site entries where the hazards have not yet been identified.
Level C- Chemical protection that includes chemical-resistant clothing and an air purifying respirator.
Level D- Provides no respiratory protection and minimal skin protection.
The decontamination method that normally uses water is?
All of the following components should be considered when developing a plan of action EXCEPT?
Multi agency critique procedures
The process for determining the effectiveness of an action option on the potential outcomes is to?
calculate, then compare the exposure/harm effects for each option
Identify THREE elements of a pre incident plan?
Site layout
special building, equipment, or process features
access points and staging locations
Identify FOUR safe operating procedures and practices you should follow in order to protect your response team?

A safety officer has been designated

personnel accountability procedures are used

responders are monitored before working in PPE

Personnel working in hazard control zones are monitored by a hazmat officer.

The major sections within the Incident Management System are?
command, operations, planning, logistics, and admin/finance
Identify FIVE duties that are the responsibility of the Incident Commander, based on the Incident Management System?

Terminate the incident

Establish the command structure

apply risk management principles

evaluate progress based on reports

establish a visible incident command post

The persons having overall responsibility for incident management is/are the
Incident Commander
A back up team must?
Wait in the warm zone whenever entry personnel are in the hot zone and should possess the same level of training and PPE as the entry team.
Identify THREE required elements of an LERP according to SARA title III

Emergency Alerting procedures


personnel roles

Incident Commander Saraindopolis has responded to a suspected terrorist incident at a political convention. He knows how to avoid the terrorist agent, but he is not sure how to avoid legal liability. His best bet is to?
follow all procedures in the LERP or related SOPs to document and preserve evidence at the incident scene.
A good location for the media information center would be?
near the incident command post
Identify three responsibilities performed by the Public Information Officer?
identifies safe areas into which the media may go unescorted
provides escorts for the media through safe areas
provides the media with information about the incident at regular intervals
Based on your evaluation of an incident, the feedback you may indicate that you should revise various aspects of your incident action plan. Identify Five items that you might revise based on such feedback?

Level of PPE

Hazard Control Zones

Decon Procedures

Plan of attack

your safety strategy

Identify three actions that you can take to reduce the potential of a successful challenge, citation, or suit against you?

document all your decisions

consult your peers when making decisions

base your decisions on the facts; don’t assume anything

Identify TWO roles of the incident commander?

decision maker


Identify two organizations that have created measures for health hazard exposure limits?

NIOSH-National Institute for occupational safety and health

American council of government and industrial hygienists

The only measure that would be appropriate to gauge radiation’s effects on both a person and a rock is/
Absorbed dose
Identify two limitations of all CGI meters?

Magnetic fields and cellular phones can interfere with readings

using above or below recommended operation temperatures may cause poor meter response.

The type of resource that might provide specialized knowledge about container design, toxicology or chemistry is?
Technical information specialist
The mathematical formula that you can use to protect your team against the effects of radiation is?
The inverse square law
The wireless database that can provide responders with a wide range of information on hazardous substances, including substance identification support, physical characteristics, human health information and containment.
The resource that would be most helpful when dealing with an incident where HAZMATS are mixed is?
A technical information center
Place the six steps of GHBMO process in the correct order?
1. Stress
2. Breach
3. Release
4. Engulf
5. Contact
6. Harm
Match each toxicological term with its correct definition

Local effects-effects that occur at the point the toxin contacted the body

Systemic effects- Effects that occur at target organs

Chronic toxicity-effects that develop several years after exposure

Acute toxicity-effects that develop from one exposure

The technician level responders are out gathering data on a leaking MC-307/DOT-407 carrying acetone. The Minimum number of independent resources they should gather to effectively predict the area of the potential harm is?
Identify Three response action options for changing the quantity of release?

cap off breach

change container position

remove contents

The purpose of neutralization is to?
apply a second material to the original spill which will chemically react with it to form a less harmful substance
The purpose of adsorption is to?
confine spill by adding a chemical that will cause the hazmat to adhere to it rather than be absorbed
To assist the entry team, establish hand signals to aid in communications and have backup team:
ready and wearing the same level of protective clothing
One limitation of traditional military chemical/biological clothing is?
It will not provide protection in an oxygen deficient IDLH environment
when chemicals are absorbed into the clothing’s fabric at molecular level is know as?
Three physical decontamination methods?




Identify four entity responsibilities you should be able to find in a local emergency response plan and/or the standard operating procedures?

Provide environmental monitoring

Receive the initial notification

Command on scene personnel

Provide on scene decontamination

Identify four components that should be considered when developing a plan of action

On scene organization and control

Entry objectives

Communications procedures

Emergency procedures and personnel accountability

Identify THREE elements of a pre-incident plan

special building, equipment, or process features

site layout and construction features

access points and staging locations

Identify four safe operating procedures and practices you should follow in order to protect your response team

A safety officer has been designated

Personnel accountability procedures are used

Personnel working in hazardous control zones are supervised by hazmat officer

Responders are monitored before working in PPE

The section chief responsible for management of all tactical activity at the incident is the?
operations section chief
The team or unit that gathers information about the layout of the incident scene and any other factors that may have an influence on the incident including access and exit routes, utilities, drainage, and number and types of containers is the
Recon team
The person(s) having overall responsibility for incident management is/are the?
Incident Commander
The news media should receive information about the incident directly from the?
Public Information officer
a good location for the media information center would be?
near the incident command post
During a HazMat response, the actual behavior at the incident should be compared to the predicted outcomes?
on an ongoing basis
Identify three possible objectives of a debriefing?

Indicate how effective operations were

Identify who responded

state the order in which activities were completed

Protocols for completing required reports and providing documentation for most incidents should be described in?
Your jurisdictions LERP and SOPs
Each authority responding to an incident should send to the multi agency critique
Their lead or designated representative
Identify Three areas in which you will have to be well trained to carry out your responsibilities as an incident commander?
Decision making
command and control
review and evaluation
The following measures represent the lethal concentration for four different toxins. The measure that indicates the most dangerous toxin is?
6 ppm
The only measure that would be appropriate to gauge radiations effects on both a person and a rock is?
absorbed dose
The wireless database that can provide responders with a wide range of information on hazardous substances, including substance identification support, physical characteristics, human health information and contained and suppression guidance is?
Identify the three components that an incident is broken into when using the National Fire Academy’s model to estimate exposures.




Identify TWO useful ways of predicting the area of potential harm within an endangered area?

researching product hazard information

employing dispersion pattern modeling

Identify Three factors that might influence the response of the human body to a specific dose of systemic poison?


nutritional state


Match each type of response action with the correct example

Defensive- building a dike to prevent contamination of a fresh water supply

Offensive- plugging a hole in a cargo tank

Nonintervention- waiting for an LPG container to burn off

Identify Three response action options for changing the breach size?
limit stress levels
perform mechanical repairs
activate venting devices
Identify Three response action options for changing the exposures contacted?

Provide sheltering

use personal protective equipment

begin evacuation

Because personnel wearing vapor protective clothing may experience a loss of dexterity, vision, and communications capability, it is important to?
Provide close monitoring of entry personnel
The method for physical decontamination that would work the best for a small puddle of a high vapor pressure flammable liquid is?
Identify FOUR exposure/harm items you should consider when estimating the effect of each response option?

estimated environmental damage

estimated property damage

estimated injury risk

estimated people deaths

Identify FOUR components that should be considered when developing a plan of action.

communications procedures

on scene organization and control

emergency procedures and personnel accountability

entry objectives

Identify THREE atmospheric hazards of confined spaces?


oxygen deficiency

oxygen enrichment

Five duties that are the responsibility of the Incident Commander, based on the incident management system.

terminate the incident

apply risk management principles

evaluate progress based on reports

establish the command structure

establish a visible incident command post

The section within the IMS responsible for providing facilities, service and materials for the incident is the?
Logistics section
The section chief responsible for management of all tactical activity at the incident is?
Operations section chief
The major sections within the incident management system are?
command, operations, planning, logistics, and admin/finance
Agencies that may assist you during a hazmat incident include all of the following except?
Media agencies
Your the IC at an incident involving a chemical manufacturing plant that caught fire in the middle of the night. The Fire Officer tells you he didnt know it was his job to perform entry, and he’s sick and tired of never knowing whats going on? You tell him?
The roles of all personnel are detailed in the LERP; as a relevant player, the fire chief should be familiar with his duties
The document that outlines the procedures for providing information to the media is the?
Local emergency response plan
Identify Three pieces of information that the media can convey to the public that might be helpful during an incident?

Location of evacuation centers

alerts to possible evacuations

phone numbers to check on welfare of family and friends

During a hazmat response, the actual behavior of materials at the incident should be compared to the predicted outcomes
On an ongoing basis
Identify THREE possible objectives of a debriefing?

State the order in which activities were completed

identify who responded

indicate how effective operations were

Identify three things that can be used to report and document the incident?

Exposure logs

hot zone entry and exit logs

the critique report

As an incident commander, all of the following are acceptable techniques for managing an incident except?
delegating authority and responsibility
Your four major responsibility as an Incident commander are to?
Provide for responder safety; protect and remove endangered employees and the public; control the problem; and conserve property and limit environmental damage
The toxicity of a material through inhalation is measured in terms of:
Match each resource with its advantage?
Technical information specialists- specialized knowledge
computer databases
quick readily accessible, easy to update
monitoring equipment
real time information
technical information centers
can access secondary forms of expertise and response teams
reference materials
easy to use, cost effective and easily accessible
Types of harm at a terrorist incident fall into all of the following categories?
c. Chemical
d. Thermal
An on-scene rehab program should be in place to?
replenish fluids and allow for rest and recovery for all individuals responding to an incident, but especially those wearing CPC
all of the following are required precautions associated with search and rescue missions EXCEPT?
OSHA required personal locators
Match each operations section with its duties?
Hazmat officer- responsible for developing tactical options and site safety planning
Hazmat safety – maintains health exposure logs and records
Research- Evaluates evacuation considerations
Decon- monitors the effectiveness of decon operations
resources- acquires monitoring equipment and other needed supplies
Site Access- controls and documents the movement of all personnel
You have responded to a suspected terrorist incident involving a chemical agent. Mass casualities are being reported. Your LERP lists agencies that will help. This stage for implementing LERP IS known as?
You’ve responded to a complicated incident involving multiple unknown chemicals in an environmentally sensitive area. Clearly, you need help. Your best bet is to?
Check your LERP to see how to get specialized assistance.
When you are evaluating progress at an incident, one important resource would be?
a diagram of the scene as it was when you arrived
Identify three options that might be reasons for transferring command?

The nature of the incident requires the FBI to take command

the incident moves to a post emergency response phase

a qualified senior official arrives on scene

The measure that specifies the maximum exposure to toxic substances over a 15 min period is?
The mathematical formula that you can use to protect your team against the effects of radiation is?
the inverse square law
Identify THREE response action options for changing the size of the danger zone?


using adsorbents


Identify three responsibilities performed by the public information officer?

provide media with information about the incident at regular intervals

identify safe areas into which the media may go unescorted

provides escorts for the media through safe areas of the incident scene

The item you could use on-site at a hazmat incident to track progress is?
a checklist
To become qualified as a hazardous materials responder at the incident commander level, you must first become?
be currently trained to the first responder–operations level
The most hazardous radiation comes from?
gamma rays
The reduced effectiveness of CPC due to physical damage to the material or chemical breakdown of the protective surfaces and fabric is know as?
To decontaminate an area contained by a caustic spill, try?
The situation in which evacuation may be better public protective action than sheltering in place is when the Hazmat?
is leaking uncontrollably
The team responsible for implementing all offensive and defensive actions to control and mitigate the release or potential release of hazardous materials is the ?
entry team
Appropriate information to give to the media includes?
your statement that you dont know and will find out
The typical timeframe for a multi agency critique is?
60-90 min
Which Employee is Not a Hazmat Employee?
A. Hazardous waste shipping manager
B. Empolyee clsoing drums of hazardous waste
C. Person placing a flammable liquids hazmat label on a d….waste
D. Person who signs the Hazardous Waste Manifest
E. Janitorial helper in the flammable storage areaAnswer» E
Which products are probably Hazardous Waste?
A. Hair Dryer
B. Spray pesticides
C. W-D 40 aerosol
D. Wine
E. AA alkaline batteries
F. Toilet cleaner with acid
G. Hand sanitizer
H. Charcoal lighter fluid
I. Toy fireworks
J. Nail polish
K. Perfume/aftershave
L. Chlorine pool tabsAnswer » B, C, F, G, H, I, J, K, L

Match the hazardous waste code with its description

1. F-List
2. P-List
3. U-List

a. Unused acutely hazardous waste
b. Spent process waste from non-specific sources
c. Unused toxic and other hazardous waste

F-List » b

P-List » a

U-List » c

Which are Federal Characteristics? (check 4 answers)
a. Ignitability
b. Explodebility
c. Corrosivity
d. Toxicity
e. Reactivity
f. PoisonousAnswer » a, c, d, & e
Generator status must be determined every:
a. day
b. month
c. year
d. 5 yearsAnswer » b
What is missing from this picture? (Shows a black container)
a. hazardous waste markings
b. closed lid
c. date 55 gallons is reached
d. all of the aboveAnswer » d
How much non-acute hazardous waste may be accumulated in the satellite area?
a. 5 gallons
b. 10 gallons
c. 55 gallons
d. 100 gallonsAnswer » c
Which statement is true for universal waste:
a. Handlers may store universal waste up to 1 year
b. Universal waste must be shipped using a hazardous waste manifest
c. Universal waste must be marked as hazardous waste
d. Universal waste can be thrown in the trashAnswer » a
Used oil includes:
a. Vegetable oil
b. Mineral oil
c. Crude oil and synthetic oil
d. All of the aboveAnswer » c
Preparedness and Prevention planning includes:
a. Emergency response and decontamination equipment
b. Periodic testing and maintaining of emergency equipment
c. Agreements with external emergency response agencies
d. All of the aboveAnswer » d
Which container rules apply to containers holding hazardous waste in accumulation areas? (Select all that apply)
a. Closed
b. Compatible with its content
c. Good condition
d. Secured/Chained to a wall
e. Stored in a locker roomAnswer » a, b, & c
Which generator status based on?
a. Monthly average over the course of a year
b. Hazardous waste generated during the month
c. Amount shipped off site on a manifest
d. The total amount stored on site at any one timeAnswer » b
Hazardous waste accumulated at a satellite accumulation point must be:
a. At or near the point if generation
b. In compatible containers that are kept closed
c. Marked with the required hazardous waste markings
d. All of the aboveAnswer » d
A waste containing 40% alcohol and 60% water with a flashpoint of 79^F would be classified as a D001 hazardous waste.

True or False

Answer » True

At a minimum, what must be marked on central accumulation containers?
a. “Hazardous waste”
b. Amount of waste on the container
c. Accumulation start date
d. TSDF/Receiving facility name
e. Hazards associated with the wasteAnswer » a, c, & e
A material is hazardous if:
a. It is described on the F, K, P or U-list
b. It exhibits a characteristic of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity
c. The State designates the material as hazardous
d. All of the aboveAnswer » d
How often must hazardous waste personnel be trained in the hazardous waste management and emergency procedures?
a. Every 6 months
b. Annually
c. No specific time period
d. MonthlyAnswer » b
How often is training required by the DOT for hazmat employees?
a. Every year
b. Every 2 years
c. Every 3 years
d. As an employee dictatesAnswer » c
What is Amazon responsible for with hazardous waste shipments?
a. Packaging
b. Marking, labeling, placarding
c. Hazardous Waste Manifest
d. All of the aboveAnswer » d
When shipping flammable nail polish in retail sizes for disposal, it is a hazardous waste and is therefore a DOT hazardous material for transport.

True or False

Answer » True

A UN-performance oriented package has gone through certain testing requirements, and manufacture closure instructions must be followed to close these containers for transportation.

True or False

Answer » True

Select the correct DOT hazard class label for a drum of Class 3 flammable liquids waste.
a. (red&white stripe) flammable liquid 4
b. (half back&half white horizontal) corrosive 8
c. (solid red) flammable liquid 3
d. (Solid red) flammable gas 2Answer » c
Select the correct order of the basic description on a Hazardous Waste Manifest
a. Waste flammable liquids, n.o.s. (benzene, xylene), UN1993, 3, PG II, ERG 128
b. UN1993, Waste flammable liquids, n.o.s. (benzene, xylene), 3, PG II, ERG 128
c. 3, Waste flammable liquids, n.o.s. (benzene, xylene), UN1993, PG 11, ERG 128
d. PG 11, Waste flammable liquids, n.o.s. (benzene, xylene), UN1993, ERG 128Answer » b
Is a placard required for six drums of Class 3 flammable liquids, weighing 1,500 lb total?

Yes or No

Answer » yes

Select the Emergency Response Guidebook guide number for an incident involving UN1266, perfumery products…
a. 127
b. 128
c. 129
d. 130Answer » a
During the set up of the waste containers, do you assign the weight limit and unit of measure to the container – Yes or No? (Waste Tracker)
Answer » Yes
After setting up the waste container, do you need to print the container label and apply it to the container – Yes or No? (Waste Tracker)
Answer » Yes

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