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Which Statement Best Describes A Difference Between The Two Animal Rights Passages?

Which statement best describes a difference between the two animal rights passages?

  • “Youth Activism and Animal Rights” includes factual elements and “Undercover Farmer” does not.
  • “Undercover Farmer” includes fictional elements, and “Youth Activism and Animal Rights” does not.
  • “Youth Activism and Animal Rights” includes fictional elements, and “Undercover Farmer” does not.
  • “Undercover Farmer” includes factual elements, and “Youth Activism and Animal Rights” does not.


“Youth Activism and Animal Rights” includes fictional elements, and “Undercover Farmer” does not.

Animal rights is the philosophy that sentient animals have independent moral worth, and their most basic interests – such as avoiding suffering – should be given the same consideration as human beings.

The term “animal rights” is most commonly used to mean “animal protection” or “animal liberation.” More precisely, it refers to the belief that many animals should be treated with respect as individuals—given rights like the right to life, liberty, and freedom from torture. These cannot be outweighed by arguments about what would be best for all animals together.

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