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Which Of The Following Are Core Capabilities For Response? IS-0800.C

Which of the following are core capabilities for response?

A. Interdiction and disruption; access control; and threats/hazards identification

B. Cybersecurity; community resilience; and housing

C. Critical transportation; situation assessment; and mass care services

D. Forensics and attribution; physical protective measures; and economic recovery


Critical transportation; situation assessment; and mass care services are core capabilities for response.

Elements of the National Response Framework can be implemented as needed on a flexible, scalable basis to improve response.
The National Response Framework only applies to catastrophic incidents.
The National Response Framework replaces NIMS, which is now obsolete.
Describe(s) success in national preparedness as “a secure and resilient Nation with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk.”
National Preparedness Goal
Describe(s) coordinating structures necessary to deliver the core capabilities from a given mission area, and supports the delivery of core capabilities from the other mission areas.
National Planning Frameworks
Provide(s) an integrated set of guidance, concepts, processes, and tools that enables the whole community to meet the National Preparedness Goal.
National Preparedness System
The National Response Framework (NRF) presents the guiding principles that enable all response partners to prepare for and provide a unified national response.
The Response FIOP dictates how local governments will interface with the private and nonprofit sectors during response to a catastrophic incident.
The core capabilities are individual competencies that each emergency management professional should possess in order to receive credentials.
Preparedness depends on efforts at all levels, including individuals and communities, the private and nonprofit sectors, faith-based organizations, and all levels of government.
In responding to an explosion near a power plant, each response organization establishes its own separate command structure and plans based on their authorities.
Not Consistent with Framework
An Advanced Local Emergency Response Team is being trained to deploy rapidly, provide operational assistance, and treat patients during mass casualty incidents.
Consistent with Framework
In anticipation of an incident, FEMA sends a liaison to the State Emergency Operations Center to provide support and ensure that any request for assistance will be expedited.
Consistent with Framework
A private sector association has established a forward-leaning task force to collect donated items and deploy without needing to wait for a formal request.
Not Consistent with Framework
When local resources are exceeded, the role of the state government is to direct on-scene incident command.
Local governments cope with the effects of an incident and are often the last to leave an incident site.
For Federal disaster assistance, tribal governments can elect to deal directly with the Federal Government.
Coordination with voluntary agencies is generally limited to the local level.
The private sector is responsible for most of the critical infrastructure and key resources in the Nation and hence may require assistance in the wake of a disaster or emergency.
Serves as the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, enforces Federal civil rights laws, and provides expertise to ensure that these laws are appropriately addressed.
Attorney General
As the principal Federal official for domestic incident management, coordinates the Federal resources utilized in the prevention of, preparation for, response to, or recovery from terrorist attacks, major disasters, or other emergencies.
Secretary of Homeland Security
Manages the operation of the National Response Coordination Center and provides for the effective support of all Emergency Support Functions.
FEMA administrator
Leads the Federal Government response and ensures that the necessary coordinating structures, leadership, and resources are applied quickly and efficiently to large-scale and catastrophic incidents.
Indicate which of the following are core capabilities for the Response mission area.
Critical Transportation
Environmental Response/Health and Safety
Fire Management and Suppression
Fatality Management Services
Infrastructure Systems
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Mass Care Services
Mass Search and Rescue Operations
On-scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcement
Operational Communications
Operational Coordination
Public Health, Healthcare, and Emergency Medical Services
Public Information and Warning
Situational Assessment
Sequence the steps (1-6) for requesting Stafford Act assistance.
1. Tribal and/or local emergency personnel respond and assess the situation.
2. Governor or tribal Chief Executive activates the State’s/tribe’s emergency plan and ensures that all appropriate State/tribal and local actions have been taken or initiated.
3. State and Federal officials conduct the Preliminary Damage Assessment in coordination with tribal/local officials.
4. Request for assistance is submitted through the FEMA Regional Administrator.
5. The FEMA Administrator, acting through the Secretary of Homeland Security, recommends a course of action to the President.
6. The President issues a major disaster declaration and appoints a Federal Coordinating Officer to execute Stafford Act authorities.
In extraordinary circumstances, the President may unilaterally make an emergency declaration to expedite the delivery of lifesaving assistance.
A Presidential emergency or major disaster declaration is required prior to the delivery of any Federal assistance.
A Federal entity may request Federal assistance under the National Response Framework.
Whenever National Response Framework mechanisms are activated, the Secretary of Homeland Security assumes an overall leadership role. Select your response from the following radio buttons
Community Emergency Response Teams are an example of a state-level coordinating structure designed to augment local capabilities.
Industry trade groups may serve as private sector organizing structures.
Every state has a single coordinating structure which is modeled after the FEMA structures.
Are used for building, sustaining, and delivering the response core capabilities.
Characteristic of Emergency Support Functions
Are based on the capabilities of a single department or agency.
Not Characteristic of Emergency Support Functions
Are organized into functional areas.
Characteristic of Emergency Support Functions
May be selectively activated (i.e., not all ESFs required at once).
Characteristic of Emergency Support Functions
Must be used by local jurisdictions whenever there is an incident response.
Not Characteristic of Emergency Support Functions
Are required for all incidents requiring Federal support.
Not Characteristic of Emergency Support Functions
May be activated for both Stafford Act and non-Stafford Act incidents.
Characteristic of Emergency Support Functions
When an incident grows beyond the capability of a local jurisdiction, and responders cannot meet the needs with mutual aid and assistance resources, the next step is usually a request for:
Activation of the state/territorial emergency operations center.
The JFO uses an ICS structure to direct on-scene operations.
The Unified Coordination Group applies Unified Command principles in coordinating assistance being provided to support the local, tribal, and state response.
A JFO is established each time a Federal agency provides assistance to a local community.
The coordinating structures used to organize response efforts must be scalable, flexible, and adaptable so they can be partially or fully implemented.
Serves as the primary national hub for situational awareness and operations coordination.
National Operations Center
Coordinates Federal regional response efforts until the Joint Field Office can be established.
Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC):
Provides overall national emergency management coordination and maintains a situational awareness.
National Response Coordination Center (NRCC)
A terrorist attack in a U.S. urban area results in the need for a coordinated Federal response. When Federal coordinating structures are activated:
Prevention and protection activities must coordinate closely with response and recovery efforts to avoid the potential consequences of follow-on attacks.
The National Response Framework:
Is intended to provide guidance for the whole community
Which state government key player is responsible for ensuring that the state is prepared to deal with large-scale emergencies and for coordinating the statewide response to any such incident?
Director, State Emergency Management Agency
States request assistance from other states through interstate mutual aid and assistance agreements such as:
Emergency Management Assistance Compacts (EMACs)
A guiding principle of the National Response Framework is that:
Effective partnership relies on engaging all elements of the whole community.
Some nongovernmental organizations are officially designated as support elements to national response capabilities. Examples include all of the following EXCEPT:
National Response Coordination Center
Which organization serves as the principal operations center for the Department of Homeland Security?
National Operations Center
In an ESF, who oversees the preparedness activities for the ESF and coordinates with its primary and support agencies?
ESF coordinator
Who is the principal Federal official for domestic incident management?
Secretary of Homeland Security
The response protocols and structures described in the National Response Framework align with the NIMS, and all NIMS components support response.
What is the relationship between the National Response Framework and the National Incident Management System (NIMS)?
The NIMS and the National Response Framework cover different aspects of incident management—the NIMS is focused on tactical planning, and the National Response Framework is focused on coordination.
Select the TRUE statement:
ICS provides a structure for organizing field-level operations for a broad spectrum of incidents.
All elements of the community must be activated, engaged, and integrated to respond to a major or catastrophic incident.
Which of the following are core capabilities for response?
Fire management and suppression; fatality management services; and environmental response/health and safety
Situational assessment, operational communications, and cybersecurity are core capabilities required for all five mission areas.
The National Response Framework is a comprehensive guide to prevention, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation.
Federal Coordinating Structures include:
Emergency Support Functions
Emergency Support Functions (ESFs):
May be selectively activated to support response activities.
The National Response Framework mandates that the private-sector entities responsible for critical infrastructure and key resources develop and exercise contingency plans.
A basic premise of the National Response Framework is that response structures and resources must be able to expand rapidly to meet needs associated with a given incident.
Which of the following is activated as necessary to support local EOCs and to ensure that responders have the resources they need to conduct response activities?
State/tribal emergency operations center
Which Response core capability involves providing life-sustaining and human services to the affected population, to include hydration, feeding, sheltering, temporary housing, evacuee support, reunification, and distribution of emergency supplies?
Mass-Care Services
The National Response Framework is:
In effect at all times and applicable to all types and sizes of incidents.
Which of the following are core capabilities for response?
Critical transportation; situation assessment; and mass care services
Who is responsible for leading the Federal Government’s response efforts to ensure that the necessary coordinating structures, leadership, and resources are applied quickly and efficiently to large-scale and catastrophic incidents?
The President
Which Response core capability includes delivering essential commodities, equipment, and services in support of impacted communities and survivors, to include emergency power and fuel support, as well as the coordination of access to community staples?
Logistics and Supply Chain Management

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