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The First Five Ionization Energies Through Of A Period Element Have The Following Pattern: Make A Reasonable Guess About Which Element This Is. Enter Its Chemical Symbol Below.

Part A Answer

The first five ionization energies (IE_1 through iE_5) of a Period 2 element have the following pattern: Make a reasonable guess about which element this is. Enter its chemical symbol below.

1 IE1 IE2 IE3 IE4 IE5

There is a huge difference in ionization energy between IE4 and IE5.

This means lots of energy are required to remove the 5th electron.

So, after 4 electrons are removed, the element has acquired a noble gas configuration,.

So, either are 4 valence electrons in the element.

The element in period 2 with 4 valence electrons is Carbon.

Answer: C

Part B Answer

The first five ionization energies (IE_1 through iE_5) of a Period 3 element have the following pattern: Make a reasonable guess about which element this is. Enter its chemical symbol below.

We know that Group 3 has the following elements :

Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar.

We will approach towards the solution by considering their electronic configuration.

Now , we get two elements which Ioncan haveisation Energies as per our requirement.

But In the case of P IE1 , IE2 and IE3 are almost comparable and IE4 is not very much greater than IE3. However, in our question, IE4 has to be considerably greater than IE3. So, P cannot be our element.

In case of Al , IE1<IE2<IE3<<IE4<IE5

So Aluminium is our required element.

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