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Quizzma Latest Articles

Scanning Means That The Reader A. Looks For Words To Catch His Or Her Attention

Scanning means that the reader:

A. looks for words to catch his or her attention.

B. focuses on the text’s conclusion.

C. reads every single word of the article.

D. searches for the most important details


Scanning means that the reader searches for the most important details. In order to scan, the reader looks for keywords and then skims the text for these words. The reader does not read every word in the text; instead, they look for clues that will help them get a general understanding of the text.

When you are scanning a text, it is important to be aware of the following:

  • The purpose of your reading: What are you looking for? Are you trying to find specific information? Are you trying to get a general overview of the text?
  • Your own level of understanding: What do you already know about the topic? How much background knowledge do you have?
  • The structure of the text: Is the author using headings and subheadings? Are there any diagrams or illustrations?
  • The type of text: Is the text an article, a report, a letter, or something else?

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