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According To Renaissance Philosophy Commoners Often Represent

According to Renaissance philosophy, commoners often represent

A. reason.

B. appetite.

C. love.

D. pride.


According to Renaissance philosophy, commoners often represent appetite. The upper class, on the other hand, is associated with reason. This dichotomy between the two groups suggests that one must choose either to forego personal desires or to pursue loftier goals. Education, then, can be seen as a process of learning how to control and direct one’s appetites in order to lead a more virtuous life.

One way to think about this issue is to consider what kind of education each group typically receives. Commoners are more likely to receive an education that emphasizes rote learning and memorization, while the upper class often receives an education that emphasizes critical thinking and analysis. As a result, commoners may be better equipped to satisfy their appetites, while the upper class may be better equipped to control them.

It is worth noting that this dichotomy is not always clear-cut, and there are many exceptions to the general rule. However, the overall trend seems to be that education can help us to either better control our appetites or to better satisfy them. Either way, it can play an important role in leading a virtuous life.

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