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ARC1720 Quiz Test Answers

Ranging from 2 to 4, with arc ratings from 6 cal to 70 cal, C&G Safety leads the industry in Arc Flash Protection. C&G Safety offers a complete line of arc flash personal protective equipment and clothing.

According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Greece, which cultures contributed to the development of Classic Greece?
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Greece, the Panathenaic way was a ceremonial path, traveled in celebration of the birth of
Who is credited with designing the first pyramid in Egypt?
In Egypt, which object was both the emblem of the sun god and the symbol of the annual rebirth of nature?
the pyramid
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Ancient India and Asia, the________ derives its form and primary meaning from the primitive funerary cairn
or tumulus erected over the mortal remains of distinguished persons.
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Ancient India and Asia, studies like the one at Angkor Wat have greatly expanded our understanding of these cities as more than an isolated collection of great monuments. They raise important issues about
land conservation
land use and urban planning
water use and conservation
Correct! —- all of the above
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Egypt, a BENBEN stone is thought to have been
the prototype for later obelisks
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Mesopotamia, a ziggurat:
rises out of the earth-and sometimes the literal flood waters
is a symbolic mountain
expresses a ritualistic function
Correct!—- all of the above
The image above is an example of the ____________ order.
Greek architecture reflected societal culture through the overarching concept of
proportional relationships
Hindu temple designs are based on symbolic forms derived from
nature and geometric proportions
In this reconstructed view of the temple complex at Sanchi the large building in the center is called the ___________
Great Stupa
In early Chinese history, new buildings were commissioned by
the government
The design of the Imperial and Forbidden cities of Beijing was based on ____________, where the emperor received state visitors.
the alternating sequence of gates and courts through which ambassadors would pass before gaining entrance into the Hall of Supreme Harmony
Some scholars believe that the very essence of Japanese architecture evolved from the design of
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on China and Japan, dougong are
interlocking structural system of joints and pegs
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on China and Japan, a Tulou is
an earthen house built around a central courtyard for defense purposes
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on China and Japan, principles that emerge from Chinese and Japanese building philosophy are
balance between man and nature
a clear structural system creating open spatial planning
ornament from the craft of construction
Correct —- all of the above
_____________ wrote the Ten Books of Architecture, an architectural treatise which gives us insight on Roman construction during the time of Augustus in the 1st century B.C.
The Romans surpassed the scale limitations of post-and-lintel construction by harnessing the structural elements of
the arch, the vault and the dome
The beginning of Roman civilization, life and culture was predominantly influenced by
the Etruscans
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Rome, in the center of the dome of the Pantheon is a 19-foot opening called
an oculus
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Rome, the precursor to the Italian Piazza, the Spanish Plaza and North American Square was the
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Rome, the Ten Books on Architecture was written by
According to Professor Kara’s lecture on Islamic architecture, the Prophet Mohammed’s house with its large courtyard provided the first precedent for
expansive prayer halls in later mosques
According to Professor Kara’s lecture on Islamic architecture, the architectural forms in mosques that are larger and taller than the adjacent structure and serve as a transition from large open spaces to smaller interior spaces are called
The plan of the ____________ shows what were originally two separate palaces, each organized around a large courtyard, one of which symbolizes the vision of paradise where the four rivers flow with water, wine, honey and milk.
Alhambra at Granada
The House of the Prophet in Medina became the prototype for the ____________.
A major requirement for medieval monasteries located in rural areas was
a water source
The stave church at Borgund and Urnes both rely on ____________ to admit light and air into the building.
small openings or wind eyes high in the wall
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Medieval and Romanesque architecture, the drawing we know as the Plan of St. Gall survived due to
a monk folding the map and writing the story of the Life of St. Martin on it
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Medieval and Romanesque architecture, as Europe moved into the 11th century, the most famous pilgrimage route was _________, a network of routes connecting holy places with the final destination being the cathedral which reported to house the remains of this saint.
el Camino de Sant’Iago de Compostela
Around 315, _______________ compared the act of Christ working to rebuild the human soul to that of rebuilding both the material church (more splendidly than before) and the universal Church in which God sets the people in “living, securely-laid and unshakable stones.”
Bishop Eusebius
The term “Cathedral” designates a religious building that
contains the seat of the Bishop
According to Professor Kara’s lecture on Early Christian and Byzantine architecture, the height difference between the nave roof and the isle roof in an early Roman basilica was used for
clerestory windows
According to Professor Kara’s lecture on Early Christian and Byzantine architecture, the interior and exterior of the early Roman basilica
were dramatically different in style with the inside elaborately adorned with decoration and the outside simple and austere
The layouts of the Dogon villages in Mali are based upon
the reclining male figure
The organization of the urban Zulu village was influenced by
the need to accommodate cattle
Ancestral Pueblo architecture of tribes in the Southwest established
methods for the conservation and management of water
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on the Americas, The Olmec site of ________ in present day Tabasco is one of the oldest known pyramidal constructions in Mesoamerica which established planning, building and religious practices that would be developed in cultures that followed.
La Venta
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on the Americas, most Mesoamerican cultures had a four- directional symbolic-spatial cosmology with the cardinal directions-each associated with
particular deities
Correct— all of the above
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on the Americas, Mesoamericans were never compelled to invention were structural spans were concerned. All major civic and religious rituals
unfolded in the landscape
In medieval city planning, the church was typically located
away from the town square
In order to advance to the level of master builder, a building designer was required to
present a building or a model for evaluation by the masters of his craft guild
One of the hallmarks of the Gothic Style is
the rib vault
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Gothic architecture, invention was encouraged by
increasing ambition of clients trying to outdo each other
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Gothic architecture, structural vaults had been known for a millennia emerging from Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome and Romanesque architecture. However, gothic structures reduced the weight of the vaults through the use of
thin stone ribs that carried stress lines from the roof to the piers down into the foundations
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Gothic architecture, the gothic era differed not only in the sophistication of construction but also in the fact that the Gothic was part of
an urban setting
The palace and gardens at Versailles were laid out with an axes-over-grid plan, first seen in
The Baroque style developed around the Catholic Church’s Counter-Reformation, where art and architecture were
used as tools to persuade people to return to Catholicism
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Baroque architecture, the garden and Chateau plans of Vaux le Vicomte and Versailles influenced
Daniel Burnham’s plan for Chicago
The McMillan Plan of 1901
L’Enfant’s original plan for Washington DC
Correct Answer —- all of the above
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on Baroque architecture, ________ was trained as priest and was well educated in the classics, mathematics, and philosophy.
The scale and rigor of the Somerset House in London reflects the French tradition of ____________.
the École des Beaux-Arts
Thomas Jefferson learned to design buildings
from books and personal observations while traveling abroad
According to Professor Robinson’s lecture on Eighteenth Century architecture, this French Enlightenment Visionary building is the
Cenotaph for Sir Isaac Newton
According to Professor Robinson’s lecture on Eighteenth Century architecture, the eighteenth century marked an important shift in thinking – from thought based on religion to thought based on
reason or science
Leon Battista Alberti wrote the first architectural treatise of the Renaissance, in part, as a
response to obscurities in Vitruvius’ treatise
The rebuilding of St. Peter’s basilica in Rome
took over 150 years to complete and involved almost every major architect from the 16th and 17th centuries
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on the Renaissance, Palladio was the first architect to consistently graft the ________ on to the front of the country house.
temple front
According to Professor Tilson’s lecture on the Renaissance, James Gibbs wrote A Book of Architecture, an influential ________ published in London in 1728.
pattern book
According to Professor Robinson’s lecture on Modernity, ________ developed the modern skyscraper, where the glass moved to the exterior, cloaking the structure and creating the panoramic view from inside.
Mies van der Rohe
According to Professor Robinson’s lecture on Modernity, a manifesto
a set of ideas that put forward a particular way of thinking
Frank Lloyd Wright created architecture that responded to
the landscape and local building materials
In Ornament and Crime, Adolf Loos compares the use of ornament in architecture to
modern men with tattoos
The U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification program
is a rating system that measures a building’s level of sustainability from the design and construction phases to the overall lifetime performance.
The Rural Studio produced noble, socially conscious buildings using
salvaged, unorthodox and unlikely building materials
According to Professor Kara’s lecture on Mid-Late Twentieth Century architecture, the most recent successful public works are created by architects who are willing to experiment with
all of the above
According to Professor Kara’s lecture on Mid-Late Twentieth Century architecture, the Manhattan Transcripts by Bernard Tschumi
analyzes the inherent spatiality of human movement and actions
Arthur Mackmurdo’s swirling design for this title page from Wren’s City Churches is commonly referred to as the first ____________.
Art Nouveau composition
Before MIT started an architecture program in 1868, American architects had to either work in an architectural office or _____________ to learn the profession.
travel abroad
According to Professor Robinson’s lecture on Nineteenth Century architecture, a new way for people to experience space came about with the invention of
the photograph
According to Professor Robinson’s lecture on Nineteenth Century architecture, Casa Mila in Barcelona is an example of architecture of the
Art Nuevo movement

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