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People High in ______ Are Responsive to Others’ Social and Interpersonal Cues

People high in ______ are responsive to others’ social and interpersonal cues.

  • agreeableness
  • self-efficacy
  • self-esteem
  • emotional intelligence
  • external locus of control

Answer: People high in emotional intelligence are responsive to others’ social and interpersonal cues.

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to handle and understand their own needs and feelings and those of others. People with a high level of EI recognize that they feel things and what emotions represent, as well as how emotions might lead to other people’s problems.

When someone offers you an idea, a high emotional intelligence individual can perceive where it’s coming from and what it’s about instead of simply disregarding it.

According to the American psychologist Daniel Goleman, who popularized the notion of emotional intelligence, there are five key components of emotional intelligence:

  • Self Regulation
  • Self Awareness
  • Empathy
  • Motivation
  • Social Skills

Emotional intelligence plays an essential role in social interaction. It helps in serving the social and communicative functions, conveying information about people’s intentions, thoughts, and other coordinates with social encounters. The more the person manages these areas, the better the emotional intelligence of that person.

Emotional intelligence is a product of two different areas of psychological research. The first is affect and cognition, involving how your emotional and cognitive processes communicate to enhance the overall thinking.

Various forms of emotion such as happiness, anger, mood states, fear, bodily states, and preferences influence how people really think and perform different actions and make decisions.

The second is how the model of intelligence has evolved in the last many years. Scientists did not see emotional intelligence based on engagement in analytical tasks such as reasoning, memory, abstract thoughts, and judgment, but also considered EI to be the broader array for understanding mental abilities.

Improving emotional intelligence

What’s lovely is that people may learn emotional intelligence and develop it. The following are some practical methods for producing the abilities as mentioned above:

Observe the way you react to the people

Do you conclude or adopt a preconceived idea? Examine how you engage and converse with others. Be more receptive and open-minded when considering other people’s needs and viewpoints.

Understand your work environment

Humility is a beautiful quality, and it should not be mistaken for lack of self-assurance or timidity. When individuals practice humility, you may discuss your job without trepidation. Allow others to rise and shine. Worrying about receiving praise for yourself is pointless.


Try the emotional intelligence test now and then. Check on your shortcomings and be willing to recognize them and improve. Looking at yourself may help you make positive changes in your life.

Having the ability to control your actions, emotions, and thoughts can assist you in maintaining control and dealing with a problematic scenario effectively, which is applicable both inside and outside of business.

Apologize if you inadvertently hurt someone’s feelings since individuals will readily forget and forgive you if you confess honestly and do the correct thing.

A person’s overall satisfaction with work depends on how he or she feels about several components. Which of the following is not such a component?






People high in ________ are responsive to others’ social and interpersonal cues.


emotional intelligence




Which of the following is not a distortion in perception?


causal attribution


recency effect

halo effect

________ is the extent to which people like or dislike themselves.

Locus of control



Emotional stability


________ is the personality dimension that describes how intellectual, imaginative, curious, and broad-minded a person is.





Emotional stability

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