a. epithelial tissue
b. connective tissue
c. brain tissue
d. muscle tissue
a. secretion .
b. absorption.
c. protection.
d. all of the above
a. stratified squamous epithelium.
b. simple squamous epithelium.
c. simple cuboidal epithelium.
d. simple columnar epithelium.
a. pseudostratified.
b. ciliated.
c. mucus-secreting.
d. all of the above
a. collagenous fibers.
b. elastic fibers.
c. gel-like ground substances.
d. all of the above
a. adipose tissue.
b. fibrous connective tissue.
c. muscle tissue.
d. loose connective tissue.
a. cartilage cells cannot reproduce.
b. they lack direct blood supplies.
c. the intercellular material is sesamoid.
d. cartilage cells are surrounded by fluids.
a. It is found in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
b. It contains the most highly specialized body cells.
c. Its intercellular space is filled with collagen.
d. Its functional cells are sensitive to changes in their surroundings
a. osteons.
b. osteonic canals.
c. lacunae.
d. canaliculi.
a. red blood cells
b. white blood cells
c. blood platelets
d. blood plasma
a. smooth.
b. skeletal.
c. intercalated.
d. none of the above
a. stomach.
b. intestine.
c. urinary bladder.
d. none of the above
a. the stomach.
b. the intestine.
c. the stomach and intestine.
d. neither the stomach nor the intestine.
a. cuboidal.
b. transitional.
c. pseudostratified.
d. columnar.
a. place where the glands that produce them are located in the body.
b. number of cells that produce the secretions.
c. amount of cytoplasm secreted along with the glandular product.
d. amount of glycoprotein secreted with the glandular product.
a. macrophages.
b. mast cells.
c. fibroblasts.
d. all of the above
a. They support and bind nervous tissue together.
b. They help nerves grow after injury.
c. They provide nutrients to neurons.
d. They support and bind nervous tissue together, and they provide nutrients to neurons.
a. cardiac.
b. smooth.
c. striated.
d. voluntary.
a. bone.
b. ligament.
c. tendon.
d. all of the above
a. consists of cells with much intercellular material between them.
b. has no blood supply to the tissue.
c. covers the outside of organs.
d. commonly is found lining body cavities.
a. fibrous connective tissue.
b. elastic connective tissue.
c. loose connective tissue.
d. reticular connective tissue
connective tissue.
nervous tissue.
-Some of its cells send electrochemical messages.
-It is found in the brain and spinal cord.
-It has the most highly specialized body cells.
-Its intercellular space is filled with collagen.
-Its cells sense changes in their surroundings.
-Different cell types produce different sets of mRNAs.
-Different cell types produce different sets of tRNAs.
-All cells produce the same amounts of the same proteins.
-The genetic code is universal.
-Different cell types appear different when viewed under a microscope.
Epithelial tissue
Nervous tissue
Connective tissue
Eye tissue
Muscle tissue
stem cells.
wandering cells.
fixed cells.
transitional cells.
resident cells.
– mucous membrane on top of an epithelial layer.
– layer of simple squamous epithelium and a thick layer of cartilage.
– layer of simple squamous epithelium and a thick layer of dense connective tissue.
– layer of pseudostratified epithelium and a thick layer of loose connective tissue.
– layer of simple squamous epithelium and a thin layer of loose connective tissue.
only other neurons and neuroglia.
other neurons, glands, and muscles.
only other neurons.
other neurons and skeletal muscle only.
only neurons in sense organs.
branching networks or parallel strands.
complex three dimensional networks.
ligaments and tendons.
elbows and knees.
-there are many types of collagen and this protein is widespread in the body.
-collagen has a very precise structure.
-collagen is used as a cosmetic.
-collagen is very rare in the body.
-collagen has a very variable structure.
How long the cells live
Number of mitochondria
Location of cells in the body
Number of inclusions
Organization of cells
Connective tissue.
Glandular epithelium
Simple cuboidal epithelium
Simple squamous epithelium
Stratified cuboidal epithelium
the intestine.
none of the above.
the stomach and intestine.
the stomach.
kidney and liver.
urinary bladder.
none of the above
-It is the same in all tissues.
-In many body parts it includes various glycoproteins.
-In epithelium it consists of a basement membrane and interstitial matrix.
-It is disrupted in various diseases.
-It may include integrins.
nourishing and hydrating tissues.
none of the above.
secretion, absorption, and protection.
contraction, movement, and reflexes.
reacting to stimuli, thinking, and remembering.
connective tissue and underlying epithelium.
epithelium and underlying connective tissue.
stratified and unstratified epithelium.
serous and mucous membranes.
progenitor cells.
all of the above.
stem cells.
extracellular matrix components
a scaffold built of synthetic materials.
White blood cells
Red blood cells
Blood platelets.
Blood plasma
Mast cells
Cartilage cells
-consists of cells with much intercellular material.
-has no blood supply.
-has many adipocytes.
-connects muscles to bones.
-covers the outside of organs.
Cartilage heals slowly because
chondrocytes cannot divide.
cartilage cells are immersed in fluids.
it isn’t used often.
the intercellular material is sesamoid.
chondrocytes do not have direct blood supplies.
-a sheet of muscle tissue that separates the brain from the skull.
-aligned blood cells.
-capillaries joined by desmosomes that are closer together than they are elsewhere.
-capillaries whose cells are firmly attached by overlapping tight junctions surrounded by astrocytes.
-connective tissue.
-the large intestine.
-nerve tissue.
-muscle tissue.
-stratified, sputum-secreting, and non-ciliated.
-all of the above.
-mucus-secreting, ciliated, and pseudostratified.
-full of strands of elastin and collagen.
-carries oxygen in and removes carbon dioxide.