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By Tradition When Does The Presidential Campaign Begin

By tradition, when does the presidential campaign begin?

A. In September, following the national convention

B. With the New Hampshire primary

C. After a candidate has gained enough electoral votes in the primaries

D. When a candidate is officially nominated at the national convention


D. When a candidate is officially nominated at the national convention. By tradition, when does the presidential campaign begin when a candidate is officially nominated at the national convention.

The presidential campaign begins after the party nomination process. The general election is held on the first Tuesday of November. The earliest a president can be inaugurated is on January 20th.

The actual date that the campaign begins varies from election to election. In some years, it seems like the campaigning starts almost as soon as the last election ended. Other times, it feels like there’s a lull between elections and campaigns don’t really get going until sometime in the spring or summer before Election Day.

So when does the presidential campaign begin? While there is no set date, tradition dictates that campaigning begin after each party has nominated their candidate at their respective conventions.

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