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Bitlife Pilot Test Answers

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to become a pilot in the game BitLife:

  1. Graduate from university: To become a pilot in BitLife, players need to have a college degree. So, first, ensure you graduate from university before attempting to become a pilot.
  2. Attend flying lessons: After graduating from university, go to Activities > Licences and attend flying lessons. You must attend 40 hours of flying lessons to become eligible for the Pilot’s test.
  3. Take the Pilot’s test: Once you complete the flying lessons, you will need to take the Pilot’s test. The test will evaluate your knowledge of flying and aviation. The test consists of multiple-choice questions, and you must choose the correct answer from the options given.
  4. Answer the questions correctly: Below is a list of all the possible questions and their answers. Make sure to study them thoroughly and answer the questions correctly.

Read Also: Bitlife Boating Test Answers

What is the name of this flap on the horizontal stabilizer?Elevator
What is the name of this flap on the vertical stabilizer?Rudder
What is the force that counteracts the thrust force for flight?Drag
What is the force that counteracts the drag force for flight?Thrust
What is the term for the rotational movement of the nose of the plane?Roll
What is the nickname for the six basic aircraft instruments?The Six Pack
What’s the name of the pilot’s area on the plane?Cockpit
What does the airfield landing marker of a red background, with a yellow line going from the right corner to the bottom left?Land Cautiously
What is the airfield landing marker of a red background and yellow cross?Landing prohibited
What is the airfield landing marker of a red background with two yellow lines down the middle?Emergency Landing Only
What is the aircraft marshal signal of crossing signals above their head?Stop
What is the aircraft marshal signal of right hand straight, left hand moving up?Turn Left
What is the aircraft marshal signal of two hands up straight?Continue straight
What is the name of this pitot-static instrument that has vertical speed at the center?Vertical speed indicator (VSI)
What is the name of this pitot-static instrument that has ALT at the center?Altimeter
What is the name of this gyroscopic instrument with an airplane in the center, with an L on the left and an R on the right?Lean indicator
What is the name of this gyroscopic instrument with the outline of an airplane at the center?Heading indicator

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