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What is this article primarily about?

A. Everyday celebrity objects can
have immense value to some
B. Some celebrity auction items
are purchased for sentimental
C. Auctions of celebrity items can
often be used to raise money
for charity.
D. Purchasing celebrity items
taps into humans’ need to
acquire valued objects.
Everyday celebrity objects can
have immense value to some
Why did the author include this passage?To illustrate the bizarre
Which is the closest antonym for
the word splurge, as it is used in
the article?

A. hesitate
B. focus
C. conserve
D. fulfill
Which passage from the article
best supports the idea that what
people find valuable depends on
the individual?
And what might be considered one person’s trash, like a…
… fingernail different?The teacup was sold on eBay, while the fingernail was not.
There are better ways to spend money than at auctions of celebrity items.
a celebrity auction item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it
Which phrase from the passage
helps you understand the meaning of the word universal?
existed across time, cultures, and people.

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