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Which Example Of Research With Prisoners Would Be Allowable Under The Regulations?

Which example of research with prisoners would be allowable under the regulations?

A. Examining age at first arrest as a predictor of adult criminal history.

B. Examining the use of financial incentives.


The correct answer is A. Examining age at first arrest as a predictor of adult criminal history. This is an important question to ask, as it can help to inform policy decisions regarding sentencing and rehabilitation. According to the regulations, research with prisoners must be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. The research must also be designed to protect the rights and welfare of the participants.

The federal government requires that prisoners who participate in research activities be safeguarded by the investigators. Investigators should also provide detailed explanations of their proposed research in the proposal itself.

Definition of Prisoner

In order to be classified as a prisoner, an individual must have been deprived of their liberty by due process of law. This can happen through incarceration, detention, or involuntary commitment.

A prisoner is generally an individual who has been convicted of a crime and is facing legal penalties or is currently awaiting trial. This also includes people involuntarily detained in places like work release centers and group homes by commitment procedures or statutes.

This provides the criminals with alternative prosecution according to any penal institution. This category also encompasses prisoners whose arraignment is pending as well as sentencing or those currently on trial.

Permitted Research Involving Prisoners

The regulations permit research involving prisoners if it meets all of the following conditions:

  • The research is conducted in a manner that is consistent with the principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice.
  • The research is designed to protect the rights and welfare of the participants.
  • The investigators take into account the vulnerabilities of the participants.
  • The risks associated with the research are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, if any, to individual participants, and the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result from the research.”

In order to ensure that these requirements are met, researchers must submit their proposals to an IRB for review and approval. The IRB will consider factors such as whether or not the research is voluntary and how the participants will be protected.

It is important to note that even if a study meets all of the above criteria, it may still be disapproved by the IRB if the risks of the research are deemed to outweigh the potential benefits. This is why it is so important for researchers to thoroughly consider all potential risks and benefits before submitting their proposals.

When conducting research with prisoners, investigators must consider that these individuals are in a unique situation. They may be more vulnerable to coercion or undue influence than other populations and may have limited control over their environment. Investigators must also ensure that any information collected from prisoners is kept confidential and secure.

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