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What Are Two Types Of Oligarchies?

What are two types of oligarchies?

  • theocracy and monarchy
  • dictatorship and theocracy
  • communism and dictatorship
  • theocracy and communism

Answer: Theocracy and communism.


Oligarchy is where a small group of people have control over a country or organization.

Theocracy is a system of government where the priests rule in the name of God.

Monarchy is where a single person is the head of a government.

A dictatorship is a government rules by a dictator (single ruler).

Communism is a government where all property is owned by the community, and each person contributes/receives to their ability/needs (note that in this case, the government will then be run with a small group of people).

Aristocracy, timocracy, tyranny, democracy, and oligarchy are the five different forms of government described by Plato. Due to potential nepotism and its unitary model of government offices, this form of government may frequently revert back to an autocracy-like oligarchy.

Additionally, despite the significant differences between a theocratic and a communist government owing to their being two distinct types of state. Nonetheless, they are both examples of a small group of people, such as priests, making laws.

Monarchy and dictatorship, like the other two types of government mentioned, are not good options because they rely on the leadership of a single ruler, such as a king or revered leader.

The term “oligarchy” is a terrible, ominous word that refers to a nation we still consider to be a republic.

The United States has moved into an oligarchy gradually, openly, and without the need for conspiracies. The Supreme Court granted corporations superior rights to people in 1896. Since the mid-nineteenth century, town councils, state legislatures, and the federal government have continuously given railway businesses, steel enterprises, oil companies, and other transportation firms everything they wanted.

The consequences were what everyone desired: employment, money, and progress. The United States had the world’s largest and most effective commercial enterprises in history. Americans ate about half of the globe’s resources when just 5% to 6% of the planet’s population before World War II.

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