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Quizzma Latest Articles

Our Current Understanding Of Evolution Is Called A Theory Because It

Our current understanding of evolution is called a theory because it:

  • has been supported repeatedly as new discoveries have been made.
  • proven to be exactly true as originally proposed.
  • corroborated by data that were gathered during a single experiment.
  • developed from the postulates of many scientists.


Our current understanding of evolution is called a theory because it has been supported repeatedly as new discoveries have been made.

Our current understanding of evolution is called a theory because it is based on scientific evidence. The theory of evolution explains how life on Earth has changed over time. Charles Darwin first proposed the idea of evolution in 1859, and since then, scientists have found a great deal of evidence to support it.

The theory of evolution is supported by many different lines of evidence. For example, the fossil record shows that organisms have changed over time. We can also see evidence of change in living organisms today. For instance, antibiotic resistance is a result of natural selection: bacteria resistant to antibiotics survive and reproduce, while those not resistant die off.

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