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13 Colonies Quiz

13 colonies quiz

Thirteen Colonies Table

What colony is this?
What colony is this?
New Jersey
New Jersey
What colony is this?
What colony is this?
What colony is this?
Massachusetts Bay
Massachusetts Bay
What colony is this?
What colony is this?
South Carolina
South Carolina
What colony is this?
New Hampshire
New Hampshire
What colony is this?
What colony is this?
New York
New York
What colony is this?
North Carolina
North Carolina
What colony is this?
Rhode Island
Rhode Island
What colony is this?

13 Colonies Test Answers

1.The thirteen colonies were ruled by what country?

  • England
  • Ireland
  • Portland
  • Cuba

2. Which of these states was among the original 13 colonies?

  • A&C
  • Texas
  • Virginia

3. Why did the colonists come to America?

  • They were seeking gold and money.
  • They wanted a better life.
  • They sought religious freedom.
  • All of the above.

4. Which colony was the smallest of the 13 colonies?

  • New Jersey
  • Rhode Island
  • New Hampshire
  • Massachusetts

5. This was the first English settlement and is known as the “Lost Colony”.

  • Massachusetts
  • Jamestown
  • New Jersey
  • Roanoke

6. Identify the colony.

Identify the colony

  • Maine
  • New Hampshire
  • Connecticut
  • Massachusetts

7. Identify the colony

  • Massachusetts
  • Connecticut
  • New Hampshire
  • Rhode Island

8. Identify the colony.

  • New Jersey
  • Connecticut
  • Maryland
  • Delaware

9. This settlement was started in Massachusetts for religious freedom.

  • Roanoke
  • New York
  • Jamestown
  • Plymouth

10. Which colony was the furthest south among the 13 colonies?

  • Massachusetts
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • Georgia

11. This settlement was started in Virginia in the hopes of finding gold and other riches.

  • Plymouth
  • North Carolina
  • Jamestown
  • Connecticut

12. Which colony was the furthest north?

  • Massachusetts
  • Connecticut
  • Virginia
  • Georgia

13. What product was a valuable cash crop for plantation owners in the southern region?

  • lettuce
  • wheat
  • corn
  • tobacco

14. Identify the colony.

  • South Carolina
  • Georgia
  • North Carolina
  • Virginia

15. Identify the colony.

  • Maryland
  • Delaware
  • Pennsylvania
  • New Jersey

16. What would a cobbler make?

  • medicine
  • wheels
  • horseshoes
  • shoes

17. Identify the colony.

  • New Hampshire
  • Massachusetts
  • Connecticut
  • Rhode Island

18. Identify the colony.

  • Maryland
  • New Jersey
  • Delaware
  • Virginia

19. Identify the colony.

  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • New Jersey
  • New Hampshire

20. Identify the colony.

  • Virginia
  • Georgia
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina

21. Identify the colony.

  • New York
  • Virginia
  • Pennsylvania
  • New Hampshire

22. Identify the colony.

  • Massachusetts
  • Connecticut
  • Rhode Islands

23. Identify the colony.

  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Virginia

24. Identify the colony.

  • South Carolina
  • North Carolina
  • Virginia
  • Georgia

13 Colonies Similarities and Differences

New England
■ The first colonists were Separatist Puritans (Pilgrims).
■ They settled in New England to gain religious freedom.
■ Most colonists grew their own food.
■ The soil was too thin and rocky and the climate too harsh for the colonists to grow cash crops.
■ They turned to fishing, lumbering, fur trading, and metal working to nourish their economy.
■ New England colonies also participated in the selling of slaves to the southern colonies.
■ Most luxury goods had to be bought from England.
middle colonies
■ The first colonists were Dutch and settled at the mouth of the Hudson River.
■ Their goal was to farm in order to make money.
■ Land was more fertile than in New England and promoted farming of cash crops: corn/wheat/fruit.
■ An abundance of rivers allowed for transportation of goods between the colonies.
■ Mills to grind grains developed and supported local economies.
■ Relationships with Native Americans were better in these colonies than in the others.
■ This area was also the most ethnically diverse.
Southern colonies
■ The first colonists were English and settled in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.
■ Their goal was to find gold in order to obtain wealth as rapidly as possible.
■ Tobacco and rice became the major cash crops of the southern colonies.
■ Indentured servants were first used. As their numbers dwindled, slaves were used.
■ A small number of people owned large amounts of land.
■ Religion and religious freedom were not large concerns for most southern colonists.
Which colonies considered southern colonies?
north carolina
south carolina
common characteristics in southern colonies
fertile soil
cash crops- rice, tobacco, indigo
indentured servants
indentured servants
african slavery
most common crop in jamestown and maryland?
most common crop in Carolinas?
Who lived in North Carolina?
poor farmers that were kicked out of virginia
who settled georgia?
reasons georgia was created
buffer between spanish colonies and english colonies
a location to place all criminals in englands’ jails
regulations in georgia
no slaves
no drinking
when and why did georgia prosper?
when became royal because it became royal and a plantation colony
who were the New England colonies
common characteristics in new england colonies
small farms and towns
hilly, forested, rocky soil
natural resources: fishing, lumber
family and religion number one
who were the middle colonies?
New York, New Jersey, delaware, Pennsylvania
characteristics of middle colonies
large farms like south
fertile land
characteristics of north and south
lots of natural resources
iron mines
Structure of society
1. rich people
2. small and owners/Yeomen farmers
3. indentured servants
4. black slaves
colonial families in new england
life expectancy: +10 yrs from average
family: came as a whole fam
women’s rights: married young, no property rights or any rights at all
Colonial families south
life expectancy: -10 yrs from average
family: unmarried men, some women
women’s rights: could own property, highly desired

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