Quizzma Latest Questions


A PM has just taken over the project from another PM during project executing. The previous PM created a budget, determind communications requirements, and went on to complete the work packages task. What should the new PM do next? A. Coordinate ...


You’ve recently been assigned to manage a marketing project to brand a sustainable development program. Even though you are just starting your effots, the sponsors are concerened about the likelihood of reaching planned milestones during the project. They are wondering ...


You are a PM on a $5 million dev project. While working with your project team to develop a network diagram, you notice a series of activites that can be worked in parallel but must finish in a specific sequence. ...


Which of the following is correct? A. the critical path helps prove how long the project will take B. there can only be one critical path C. the network diagram will change every time the end date changes D. a project can never have ...


CPI is 1.13 and benfit/cost ratio is 1.2 The project scope was created by the team and stakeholder. Requirements have been changing throughout the project. No matter what the PM has tried to accomplish in managing the project, which of ...


Being prepared to do a complete job of developing and finalizing the scope baseline requires that you have done a thorough and timely job of Iding and analyzing stakeholder, and of collecting requirements. The development of the scope baseline can ...


The program was planned years ago, before there was a massive introduction of new tech. While planning the next project in this program, the PM has expanded the scope management plan because as a proect becomes more complex, the level ...


The PM is owrking to clearly describe the level of involvement expected from everyone on the project in order to prevent rework, conflict, and coordination problems. Which of the following best describes the PMs efforts? A. Develop project management plan and ...


You are planning comms on a new service development project. Your stakeholder list is large but not complicated. Not all stakeholders will understand the need for developing an actual comms plan, and you already have good relationships with most stakeholders ...


A project manager’s primary resonsibility is to deliver the product of the project within project constraints. Actions taken and changes made to the benefit of one constraint could negatively affect another. Which of the following describes the major constraints on ...


Two PMs have just realized that they are in a weak matrix organization and that the power as PMs is quite limited. One figures out that he is really a project expediter, and the other realizes she is really a ...

Match the risk response with its description: 1. Method that’s used to eliminate the risk entirely. 2. Given to a third party or vendors 3. Increase the effect of probability and/or impact on the project. Share, Enhance, Avoid


Deliverables on the critical path are lagging behind schedule, so the critical path for an IT project is behind schedule. With a CPI of 1.3, the PM gets the project back on schedule by adding new resources. What happens to ...