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Interpersonal Communication Chapter 2 Test Answers

What is Interpersonal Communication?

Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages: it is face-to-face communication.

Interpersonal communication is not just about what is actually said – the language used – but how it is said and the non-verbal messages sent through tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures, and body language.

Answers and Definitions to Learn

Term Definition
Cognitive Conservatism The tendency to seek and attend to information that conforms to an existing self-concept.
Face The socially approved identity that a communicator tries to present.
Identity Management The communication strategies people use to influence how others view them.
Perceived Self The person we believe ourselves to be in moments of candor. It may be identical with or different from the presenting and ideal self.
Personality A relatively consistent set of traits exhibited by a person across a variety of situations.
Presenting Self The image a person presents to others. It may be identical with or different from the perceived and ideal self.
Reference Groups Groups against which we compare ourselves, thereby influencing our self-concept and self-esteem.
Reflected Appraisal The theory that a person’s self-concept mirrors the way the person believes others regard him/her.
Self-Concept The relatively stable set of perceptions each individual holds of himself or herself.
Self-Esteem The part of the self-concept that involves an individual’s evaluations of his or her self-worth.
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy An expectation of an event, followed by behaviors based on that expectation, that makes the outcome more likely to occur than would have been the case otherwise.
Significant Others People whose opinion is important enough to affect one’s self-concept strongly.
Social Comparison Evaluation of oneself in terms of or by comparison to others.

Interpersonal communication essentially defines a relationship

Interpersonal communication is relational in nature; it takes place in a relationship and the way we communicate depends on the kind of relationship we have with the other person. Example: You wouldn’t call your boss by their nickname, but you would for a sibling or a friend.

The kind of communication can range from relatively impersonal to highly personal. Example: You wouldn’t gossip about your ex with your boss, but would with a friend.

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