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Helping a Classmate Learn Achieve3000 Answers

In the heartwarming article “Helping a Classmate Learn,” we delve into a remarkable story of inclusivity and empathy. At the Osman Nakas Primary School in Sarajevo, a group of first-grade students took the extraordinary step of learning sign language. Their motivation? To bridge the communication gap with Zejd Coralic, their deaf classmate.

This collective effort not only transformed the classroom dynamics but also highlighted the profound impact of understanding and collaboration in educational settings. The students’ journey showcases that when a community comes together, challenges can turn into opportunities for growth and unity.

Learn sign language

Helping a Classmate Learn Answers

What cause-and-effect relationship is described in this Article?Because children were excited about what Anisa Setkic-Sendic had taught them, many of them taught their parents sign language.
The best alternate headline for this Article would be ___________.First-Grade Class Learns Sign Language To Help Classmate Who Is Deaf
To be conversant in a language, a person must be ______________.Knowledgeable about it
Why did the author include this paragraph?To illustrate how Zejd Coralic’s classmates use sign language to communicate with him
The reader can infer from the Article that ____________.Zejd classmates have likely become more sensitive to people with disabilities.
Which would be the closest synonym for the word sensitive, is it is used above?Sympathetic
Which statement from the Article best supports the idea that fellow student’s efforts to learn sign language boosted Zejd Coralic’s self-esteem?Zejd’s first-grade teacher set a long-term goal for Zejd that he should learn to read lips but noted that just sharing a language with his classmates gave him a sense of belonging.
Based on the Article, which is most likely to happen next?Anisa Setkic-Sendic will teach sign language to more students at Osman Nakas Primary School in Sarajevo.

Zejd Coralic’s Challenge

Zejd Coralic, a young student at Osman Nakas Primary School, faced a unique challenge that set him apart from his peers: he was deaf. This hearing impairment meant that Zejd experienced the world differently, relying on visual cues and other senses to navigate his surroundings.

In the classroom, while his peers chatted, laughed, and exchanged stories, Zejd often found himself isolated, unable to join in the conversations or fully participate in group activities. The barrier of communication was evident.

His classmates, unfamiliar with sign language, struggled to interact with him, and Zejd grappled with feelings of exclusion. The situation highlighted the pressing need for a solution that would integrate Zejd into the classroom community and ensure that he had an equal opportunity to learn and socialize.

The Class’s Response

Recognizing the communication barrier that existed between Zejd and his peers, the class, led by their teacher, made a heartwarming decision: they would learn sign language. This collective commitment was not just about facilitating classroom interactions; it was a testament to the class’s empathy and desire to ensure that every student felt included and valued.

Enter Anisa Setkic-Sendic, a sign language teacher with a passion for bridging communication gaps. Anisa took on the task of teaching the eager students the nuances of sign language. With her guidance, the students embarked on a journey of learning a new language, one that involved not just their voices but their hands, expressions, and body language.

The classroom soon buzzed with excitement as children exchanged signs, practiced new gestures, and celebrated their progress. Anisa’s lessons went beyond mere communication; they instilled in the students a sense of responsibility, understanding, and camaraderie.

Through this initiative, Zejd was no longer the lone student using sign language; he was part of a community that embraced and celebrated this form of communication.


communicateto exchange information
sign languagea system of communication that uses hand gestures and signs; it is a language used by people who are deaf
deafcompletely or partially unable to hear
challengeto test someone’s abilities
motivatedinterested and committed to doing something
goalsomething that someone wants to achieve
embraceto accept willingly or gladly
integrateto include and blend into something larger
legitimatereasonable or justified
self-esteemself-respect; a feeling of pride in oneself
sensitivehaving or showing concern for the feelings of others
  1. Communicate: To exchange information or convey ideas with others. In the context of the article, the students learned to communicate with Zejd using sign language.
  2. Sign Language: A system of communication that uses hand gestures and signs. It’s a language primarily used by people who are deaf or hard of hearing. In the story, the class learned sign language to bridge the communication gap with Zejd.
  3. Deaf: Refers to individuals who are completely or partially unable to hear. Zejd Coralic, the central figure in the article, is deaf, which initially posed challenges in his interactions with classmates.
  4. Challenge: To test someone’s abilities or to present a task that requires effort to overcome. Zejd faced the challenge of communicating in a class where no one else knew sign language.
  5. Motivated: Being interested and committed to doing something. The students were motivated to learn sign language to better interact with Zejd.
  6. Goal: Something that someone aims to achieve or accomplish. The teacher set a goal for Zejd to eventually learn to read lips.
  7. Embrace: To accept willingly or gladly. The class didn’t just tolerate the idea of learning sign language; they embraced it with enthusiasm.
  8. Integrate: To include and blend into something larger or a group. The aim was to integrate Zejd seamlessly into classroom activities and discussions.
  9. Legitimate: Something that is reasonable or justified. The students’ desire to communicate with Zejd was a legitimate reason to introduce sign language lessons.
  10. Self-esteem: Refers to self-respect or a feeling of pride in oneself. Through the efforts of his classmates, Zejd’s self-esteem saw a positive boost.
  11. Sensitive: Having or showing concern for the feelings of others. The article highlighted how the students became more sensitive to Zejd’s feelings and needs.

Positive Outcomes

The transformation in the classroom was palpable. As students became proficient in sign language, Zejd’s interactions with his peers flourished. No longer confined to the sidelines, he actively participated in classroom activities, discussions, and playtimes. The shared language not only bridged the communication gap but also fostered deeper connections among the students.

One of the most heartening outcomes was the noticeable boost in Zejd’s self-esteem. His teacher observed that while the initial goal was for Zejd to learn lip-reading, the mere act of sharing a language with his classmates instilled in him a profound sense of belonging. He walked with a spring in his step, his face often lit up with a smile, and he engaged more confidently with those around him.

But the impact of this initiative didn’t stop within the classroom walls. The enthusiasm of the children was so infectious that many took it upon themselves to teach their parents sign language. Families began to embrace this new form of communication, further emphasizing the broader societal message: inclusion, understanding, and empathy can start with the youngest members of our communities and create waves of positive change.

Broader Implications

The success story of Zejd’s class didn’t go unnoticed. With the evident transformation in the classroom dynamics and the palpable enthusiasm of the students, the potential for expanding this initiative became clear. Anisa Setkic-Sendic, having played a pivotal role in this journey, stood at the forefront of this expansion.

The possibility of her teaching more students at Osman Nakas Primary School was not just a testament to the program’s success but also an indication of a broader shift in educational approaches. Inclusion was no longer just a buzzword; it was an actionable goal.

Beyond the confines of the classroom, the journey of Zejd and his classmates shed light on a more profound societal lesson. The classmates, in their innocent pursuit of friendship and understanding, showcased heightened sensitivity and empathy.

Their actions served as a powerful reminder that when given the right environment and guidance, children can lead the way in breaking down barriers and fostering inclusivity.

Their newfound sensitivity towards people with disabilities was not just limited to Zejd; it was a life lesson they would carry forward, influencing their interactions and perceptions in the broader world.

The efforts of a single classroom could create a ripple effect, fostering empathy and understanding in future generations.

Additional Resources

  1. National Association of the Deaf (NAD): A comprehensive resource offering information on advocacy, education, and sign language. Website Link
  2. Signing Savvy: An online sign language video dictionary and learning resource. Website Link
  3. “A Place for All: Including Your Child with Special Needs in School, Sports, and Activities” by Phyllis L. Brodsky. This book offers insights into how communities can be more inclusive.

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