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A Well Known Type Of Allegory Is

A well-known type of allegory is

A. Norse legends.

B. Greek myths.

C. epic poems.

D. Aesop’s fables.


D. Aesop’s fables.

A well-known type of allegory is Aesop’s fables.

In these stories, animals often speak and act like people. Through their experiences, these animals learn lessons that teach moral values. One of the most famous Aesop’s fables is The Tortoise and the Hare. This story teaches the lesson that slow and steady wins the race.

Another well-known allegory is George Orwell’s Animal Farm. This story takes place on a farm where the animals overthrow their human farmer. However, once they are in charge, they become just as bad as or worse than the humans were. This story teaches the lesson that it is easy to take power but hard to keep it.

Both of these allegories use animal characters to represent real-world situations and teach important lessons about life.

An allegory is a story that employs characters and situations to convey morals and ideas. A good example is a small boy who exploits his mother by making her do all of his chores, buying him everything he wants, and so on, but then realizes that he had taken his mother’s love for granted when she died. The lesson to be learned from the narrative is that you should not take advantage of others because you don’t know when they will go away.

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