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SIPRNET Security Annual Refresher Training JKO Exam Answers

The SIPRNET is used by the U.S. Department of Defense and Department of State to transmit classified information. It is crucial to maintain the integrity and security of this network.

The Secret Internet Protocol Router Network, commonly referred to as SIPRNET, is a system of interconnected computer networks used by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of State to securely transmit classified information.

SIPRNET operates at the SECRET classification level and is the DoD’s largest interoperable command and control data network. It allows for the secure exchange of data up to the SECRET classification and is an essential component of the U.S. military’s command and control capabilities.

The DHA-US072 SIPRNET Security Annual Refresher Training is a mandatory training program for personnel who have access to the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network. The Defense Health Agency (DHA) is responsible for this training, which aims to ensure that all personnel are aware of the policies, procedures, and best practices for securely handling classified information transmitted via SIPRNET.

The training helps to maintain high standards of information security and ensures that personnel are equipped to protect sensitive data against unauthorized disclosure or compromise.

SIPRNET Security Annual Refresher Training Answers

The security of classified military information is not only a command responsibility of which of the following personnel?
Army leaders
DA Civilians/Contractors
All of the Above
All of the Above
Who maintains the security clearance access roster for the command?The Command Security Manager
Which of the following actions are prohibited by Army Regulation 25-2, Information Assurance? [Remediation Accessed :N]Storing and or using cellular telephones or other wireless devices where classified process takes place
If you are an officer, senior noncommissioned officer, senior Army civilian, or senior foreign national, it is possible that you may be appointed to conduct a preliminary inquiry of possible loss or compromise of classified information. [Remediation Accessed :N]False
Why do we conduct SIPRNET annual training? Choose each applicable answer.There are real and growing threats to the Army MEDCOM in the cyber domain conflict.
We desire to eliminate and minimize minor security violations within MEDCOM.
We are required to do so by MEDCOM policy.
The Cyber Commands are large, capable, and powerful organizations, but our collective security really begins with what?Your personal vigilance, attention, and adherence to our security standards and procedures
SIPRNET token contain three individual public key infrastructure certificates. These certificates are used for all of the following actions EXCEPT what?Gaining access through an entry control point
SIPRNET removable hard drives may be stored in a fireproof, keyed file cabinet.False
The local information Assurance Support Officer is responsible for which of the following actions?All of the above
Which of the following statements are true concerning information storage requirements? [Remediation Accessed :N]A GSA approved security container is authorized for storage of Secret documents
When an incident of possible loss or compromise of classified information is reported, who does Army policy require to immediately initiate a preliminary inquiry with the focus on answering when, where, and how did the incident occur?The Commander
The purpose of this annual SIPRNET refresher training is to ensure that all MEDCOM SIPRNET users are aware of their responsibilities for the protection of classified data and systems in accordance with applicable Army regulations and MEDCOM policy on SIPRNET Security Procedures.True
Which of the following statements concerning the hand-carrying of classified material is NOT correct? [Remediation Accessed :N]The classified materials can be read or studied in public, however, the proper cover sheet (SF-703, 704 or 705) must be used.
SIPRNET token PINS can consist of both numbers and lettersFalse
Which of the following choices represent common SIPRNET-related security violations?Not being able to correctly identify mismarked classified information or products.
Not understanding the requirements of or how to transmit classified information using facsimile or scanner.
Mistakenly sending classified documents or information via unclassified means or through the NIPRNET.
Using unauthorized external storage media devices such as thumb drives, flash drives, memory sticks and other portable and removable storage media.
All of the above. (correct)
Top Secret operational and intelligence communications are integrated into what communications backbone? [Remediation Accessed :N]JWICS
What Army regulation contains both the Army policy for handling the unauthorized disclosure of classification document and other security incidents, and general guidance or “how to” for commanders?AR 380-5, Department of the Army Information Security Program
Which if the following methods is not authorized for destroying classified information?Overlaying
Cyber commands are large, capable, and powerful organizations, but our collective security really begins with what?Your personal vigilance, attention, and adherence to our security standards and procedures
Who maintains the security clearance access roster for the commandThe command security manager
You are authorized to share your token pin with other personnel since it’s not a passwordF
Annual SIPRNET security refresher training is conducted solely to eliminate minor security violationsF
What does SIPRNET stand forSecret internet protocol network
What army regulation contains both the army policy for handling the unauthorised disclosure of classified information and other security incidents, and general guidance or “how to” for commanders?AR 380-5
Which if the following statements are true concerning protecting classified information in the workplaceWork materials such as drafts and worksheets
If you are an officer, senior non commissioned officer, senior army civilianFalse
What is the form number for the courier identification card that is used to identify personnel that are authorized to carry classified military informationDD-2501
WHY do we conduct siprnet annual trainingall EXCEPT required by army/dod policy
What is the secret internet protocol router network?A secure encrypted network authorized to process classified military information (CMI) up to, and including U.S. Secret
CMI is the acronym for categorized military informationF
The person appointed to conduct the preliminary inquiry should not have been previously involved, directly or indirectly, in the incident and must have the appropriate security clearance.T
Siprnet tokens contain three individual public key infrastructure certificates. The certificates are used for all of the following actions except what?Gaining access through an entry control point
What is the data transfer across security domains known as?Spillage
A siprnet user must have which of the following requirements prior to accessing the siprnet system?All of the above
Siprnet removable hard drives may be stored in a fireproof, keyed file cabinetF
The security of classified military information is not only a command responsibility of which of the following personnel?
Army leaders
DA Civilians/Contractors
All of the Above
All of the Above
Who maintains the security clearance access roster for the command?The Command Security Manager
Which of the following actions are prohibited by Army Regulation 25-2, Information Assurance? [Remediation Accessed :N]Storing and or using cellular telephones or other wireless devices where classified process takes place
If you are an officer, senior noncommissioned officer, senior Army civilian, or senior foreign national, it is possible that you may be appointed to conduct a preliminary inquiry of possible loss or compromise of classified information.False
Why do we conduct SIPRNET annual training? Choose each applicable answer.There are real and growing threats to the Army MEDCOM in the cyber domain conflict. (correct)
We desire to eliminate and minimize minor security violations within MEDCOM. (correct)
We are required to do so by MEDCOM policy. (correct)
The Cyber Commands are large, capable, and powerful organizations, but our collective security really begins with what?Your personal vigilance, attention, and adherence to our security standards and procedures
SIPRNET token contain three individual public key infrastructure certificates. These certificates are used for all of the following actions EXCEPT what?Gaining access through an entry control point
SIPRNET removable hard drives may be stored in a fireproof, keyed file cabinetFalse
The local information Assurance Support Officer is responsible for which of the following actions?All of the above
Which of the following statements are true concerning information storage requirements? [Remediation Accessed :N]A GSA approved security container is authorized for storage of Secret documents.
A member of the operations office has been handed a Secret document that he needs for his work. What is he responsible for as a custodian of that document? [Remediation Accessed :N]Ensuring that the document is locked in a GSA approved security container whenever it is not in use or under the direct supervision of an authorized person.
Because we use “Secret” level encryption devices and keys, the SIPRNET is completely and totally secure and can be used to transmit the most secure and sensitive information that we have in the Army and Department of Defense.False
Which of the following choices is NOT one of the four distinct areas of potential threat against MEDCOM and the MEDCOM SIPRNET communications backbone? [Remediation Accessed :N]Official correspondences between MEDCOM and other authorized entities for official government business.
Which of the following are required markings on all classified documents?All of the above
Classified information is official government information that has been determined to require protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interest of National Security.Confidential, Secret, Top Secret
When transporting SCI within the building (Outside the SCIF), the material shall be placed in a brief case or locked pouch made of canvas or other heavy duty material and must have an integral key operated lockTrue
Specific material must be used for derivative classification decisions.Contract security specification
Security classification guides
Properly marked source documents
A security incident in which classified data is introduced to an information system with a lower level of classification or to a system not accredited to process data of that restrictive category is an example of which type of security incident?Data Spill
You may be subject to loss or denial of classified access, suspension without pay, termination of employment, discharge from military service, and criminal prosecution if you knowingly, willfully, or negligently disclose classified information or CUI to unauthorized persons.True
Aggregating unclassified information together will never make the information classified.False
If you hold a top secret clearance, you are required to report to the security office when you have a foreign roommate over 30 calendar days, a co-habitant, and when you get married.True
You do not have to report unofficial foreign travel to the security officeFalse
After securing your space at the end of the day, you should try to badge back in to ensure it is lockedTrue
Which of the following is NOT a controlled unclassified information marking?For Official Use Only
Controlled unclassified information (CUI) requires the following markings: banner lines, portion markings, and a CUI designation indicator.True
The full receiving and return address, including names, along with the highest classification level and dissemination markings are required to be on the outer layer of classified documents double wrapped for mailing.False
A security incident in which classified data is introduced to an information system with a lower level of classification, or to a system not accredited to process data of that restrictive category is an example of which type of security incident?Data Spill
SCI material can be processed on SIPRNET if the content is SECRET//SCIFalse
Wireless Wearable Fitness Devices are authorized within SCIFs.False
classified information can be safeguarded by using________. (select all that apply)Vaults, Secure Rooms, Secure Telephones
A security infraction involves loss, compromise, or suspected compromise.False
What form is used to record end-of-day security checks?SF 701
Which of the following is required to access classified information? )select all that apply)NEEDS REVIEW
Physical security is concerned with_____and __ measures designed to prevent unauthorized access.needs review
what form is used to request a background investigationSF86
which of the following are parts of the opsec processOPSEC process involves five steps: (1) identification of critical information, (2) analysis of threats, (3) analysis of vulnerabilities, (4) assessment of risk, and (5) application of appropriate
a security infraction involves loss compromise or suspected compromisefalse
the personnel security program establishes______ for personnel security determinations and overall program management responsibilitiesPolicies and procedures
which of the following is required to access classified informationsf312, clearance eligibility at the appropriate level, need to know
which level of classified information could cause damage to national securityconfidential
physical security is concerned with______ and _ measures designed to prevent unauthorized accessactive, passive
which method may be used to transmit confidential materials to dod agenciesFirst Class mail
derivative classifiers are required to have all the following exceptApproval of the original classification authority (OCA)
top secret documents can be transmitted by which of the following methodsDefense Courier Service, Secure Fax
which of the following materials are subject to pre-publication reviewarticles, speeches, books
The security of classified military information is not only a command responsibility of which of the following personnel?
Army leaders
DA Civilians/Contractors
All of the Above
All of the Above
Who maintains the security clearance access roster for the command?The Command Security Manager
Which of the following actions are prohibited by Army Regulation 25-2, Information Assurance? [Remediation Accessed :N]Storing and or using cellular telephones or other wireless devices where classified process takes place
If you are an officer, senior noncommissioned officer, senior Army civilian, or senior foreign national, it is possible that you may be appointed to conduct a preliminary inquiry of possible loss or compromise of classified information. [Remediation Accessed :N]False
Why do we conduct SIPRNET annual training? Choose each applicable answer.There are real and growing threats to the Army MEDCOM in the cyber domain conflict. (correct)
We desire to eliminate and minimize minor security violations within MEDCOM. (correct)
We are required to do so by MEDCOM policy. (correct)
The Cyber Commands are large, capable, and powerful organizations, but our collective security really begins with what?Your personal vigilance, attention, and adherence to our security standards and procedures
SIPRNET token contain three individual public key infrastructure certificates. These certificates are used for all of the following actions EXCEPT what?Gaining access through an entry control point
SIPRNET removable hard drives may be stored in a fireproof, keyed file cabinet.False
The local information Assurance Support Officer is responsible for which of the following actions?All of the above
Which of the following statements are true concerning information storage requirements? [Remediation Accessed :N]A GSA approved security container is authorized for storage of Secret documents.

Preparing for the DHA-US072 Exam

Understanding the Format of the Exam

Before taking the DHA-US072 SIPRNET Security Annual Refresher Training exam, it’s critical to understand its format. Knowing the structure of the exam helps in effective preparation and setting realistic expectations.

Typically, exams related to security training consist of multiple-choice questions that test the individual’s knowledge of security policies, procedures, and best practices. It’s important to find out:

  1. The number of questions on the exam.
  2. The types of questions (e.g., multiple-choice, true/false).
  3. The topics that will be covered in the questions.
  4. The time allotted for the exam.
  5. The passing score and how it is calculated.

Study Strategies and Resources

Effective preparation for the DHA-US072 exam involves employing study strategies that enhance understanding and retention of the material. Some strategies and resources that can be beneficial include:

  1. Reviewing Training Material: Revisit the training material provided during the DHA-US072 training. Pay attention to key concepts, policies, and procedures discussed.
  2. Practice Exams and Quizzes: If available, take practice exams and quizzes. These can help familiarize you with the type of questions that may be on the exam.
  3. Group Study: Engage in group study sessions with peers who are also preparing for the exam. This can facilitate discussion and clarification of concepts.
  4. Note-taking and Summarization: As you go through the training material, take notes and summarize key points. This helps in retention and quick review.
  5. Seeking Additional Resources: Sometimes, additional books, online resources, or expert lectures can provide a deeper understanding of the topics covered in the training.

Importance of Ethics and Integrity in the Exam

Upholding ethics and integrity during the DHA-US072 exam is of utmost importance. As this exam is related to the security of classified information, it’s critical that the individuals taking it have a genuine understanding and capability to handle such information responsibly. Here are some reasons why ethics and integrity are important:

  1. National Security: The handling of classified information affects national security. Being ethical ensures that only qualified individuals have access to sensitive data.
  2. Professional Reputation: Upholding integrity in the exam reflects well on an individual’s professional reputation and is in line with the values of the Department of Defense.
  3. Legal Compliance: Cheating or compromising the integrity of the exam could lead to violations of legal standards and policies.
  4. Personal Accountability: Ethics and integrity reflect an individual’s commitment to their role in protecting national interests and taking their responsibilities seriously.

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