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The Impossible Quiz Answers

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The Impossible quiz one answers
Question 1: Four
Question 2: No, but a tin can
Question 3: K.O
Question 4: THE ANSWER
Question 5: Right click then move over then click, or move off the screen.
Question 6: Shallots
Question 7: An elephant
Question 8: Yes!
Question 9: THAT ONE (top right)
Question 10: Dentures
Question 11: n
Question 12: The dot above “I”
Question 13: F’TAANG
Question 14: Torch
Question 15: HORSE
Question 16: H
Question 17: 17.
Question 18: Hammer
Question 19: Blue, Orange, Green, Green, Yellow (BOGGY)
Question 20: Seal!
Question 21: Green flash (top left)
Question 22: +1 Skip
Question 23: BRAN
Question 24: Click the “V” in “LiVes”
Question 25: Shoe Polish
Question 26: Arsefacey
Question 27: GO TO 28
Question 28: Abundance
Question 29: Egg Mayonnaise
Question 30: Cross through the tunnel
Question 31: Woof. Woof. Woof.
Question 32: Babycham and Human Faeces
Question 33: 7
Question 34: Remove mouse
Question 35: Green smiling button
Question 36: A walk
Question 37: Of course not
Question 38: Mary Rose
Question 39: Cylindrical Adventures
Question 40: Cross over the right-click menu
Question 41: AFRO
Question 42: 42nd 42
Question 43: Tom Cruise
Question 44: .
Question 45: W RONG (cross sun flag skull up)
Question 47: Red
Question 48: SNAAAAKE!
Question 49: SPLAPP-ME-DO
Question 50: O.K.
Question 51: Fight! (mash the mouse)
Question 52: 3rd from left
Question 53: …but pa might not
Question 54: No, about 20cm off the ground
Question 55: A games console for wholemeal biscuits
Question 56: Blue, red, blue, yellow
Question 57: Erm… one?
Question 58: Shepherd’s Pie
Question 59: Charge ur lazer! (mash the mouse)
Question 60: No… (unless you did 59 without retrying upon running this flash)
Question 61: Thumbs up
Question 62: Moss
Question 63: Tasteless white filth
Question 64: Egg > 28
Question 65: LARGEST
Question 66: !
Question 67: A big hairy arsonist
Question 68: Stroke the cat
Question 69: LOL, 69
Question 70: Using its anus
Question 71: Green
Question 72: Middle far left switch (it’s small)
Question 73: ? (top right)
Question 74: No one knows that
Question 75: ESCAPE!
Question 76: Sugar, honey, honey
Question 77: Question 77
Question 78: FOUR
Question 79: U
Question 80: Filthy Romanians
Question 81: Run cursor up and down lightning rod
Question 82: Clip the toenails
Question 83: National Dyslexic Association
Question 84: Green Shooting Star
Question 85: I loved it!
Question 86: The Prince
Question 87: .
Question 88: Break Sonic’s leg (mash the mouse)
Question 89: Blindness
Question 90: Nonce
Question 91: Rip the note (no clicking involved)
Question 92: 194, 27, 26, 14, 9, 3, 2.5, 1, .4
Question 93: Go! (behind bomb)
Question 94: The bomb is a dud
Question 95: Remove mouse, click Red
Question 96: A right mess
Question 97: 10+ times!
Question 98: Blue, red, blue, yellow
Question 99: At green, click sign
Question 100: Two
Question 101: Chihuahua
Question 102: Touch the dots! (one of them doesn’t have one)
Question 103: Slight down and slight right (you’ll know)
Question 104: Large yellow sad moon (Hey! Why not the large gray sad moon?)
Question 105: BANANA (spell it from apple, nectarine, and gooseberry)
Question 106: Click the arrow (right-clicking whacks you in the head)
Question 107: Don’t click TRY AGAIN on the gameover screen
Question 108: 4 8 15 16 23 42 execute
Question 109: Make the monkey poo (mash the mouse), then click on arrow
Question 110: Use all seven skips
The Impossible quiz two answers
1. Up his sleevies
2. Paint
3. Earth (the rest are candy bars, remember)
4. American (A merry can)
5. Type what Frank tells you to (either ****, carrot, or udder)
6. 8 (sentence has 8 letters)
7. Press the right arrow (On your keyboard)
8. 10 letters in
9. Click the creature several times. Click the bubble on the right for a skip.
10. Click and drag “the penguin” to reveal the answer.
11. Follow the directions. Don’t touch the blue parts and don’t release the mouse button until the end.
12. Fine
13. Lederhosen
14. Click the 14 twice (drag the dots around so that the red markings line up with the white boxes to make letters)
15. A backwards dog
16. Chris (you can see it in the credits)
17. Touch the brown balloon with your mouse, but don’t touch any of the others. It’s best to start with your mouse at the top of the screen then move into position
18. Fly sandwiches
19. Fusestopper
20. Turn on the light then pop the guy’s zits. (Pop the zit on the guys ear to get a fusestopper)
21. 30 (under “other impossible quizzes”)
22. Pink Clouds
23. Drag the circle around 23 to the appropriate spot (I thought this one was quite clever :P)
24. Space (under the “c” key)
25. When it’s a jar
26. You run. You run so far away.
27. Press 1 on the keyboard.
28. It’s Sparta
29. Move the mouse to the small area to the right of the stream of water to find a gem. If you accidentally uncover a bomb, drag it to the water to put it out. Under search is a green bomb, let it blow up for a skip.
30. Click the 0 in 30.
31. Drive down the M4
32. Click the finger
33. Click the 33
34. Click the death button
35. Aim for the face
36. Tequila (to kill her)
37. Move the mouse off the flash window and an elephant will fall.
38. Mash two of the arrow keys at the same time repeatedly or hit the space bar repeatedly to fill the meter. (Arrows are faster)
39. Same as 11, only your pointer disappears. Use the circles to guide you.
40. Toucan
41. Wait for one of the circles to shrink, then click it. In the bottom-right corner is a fusestopper.
42. Drag the guy’s fist and drop it on the other guy.
43. This one somewhat requires that you’ve played the previous impossible quiz. It pops up a random question from it until you get one right. So either be good at guessing or play through the first one.
44. What you say!!
45. Click the second E in “I see” (it’ll turn green) then the I, then the E, then the I, then the O in “O RLY?”
46. Around Orion’s waist
47. Universal Serial Bus
48. USB Port
49. Follow frank’s directions. Be careful not to do anything if it doesn’t say “Frank Says” at the top, though.
50. Click the dog’s mouth to chew the bone, then move your mouse over it to “pet” it
51. Click “came last” (it will turn into camel)
52. Move the mouse back and forth over the lamp to clean it.
53. Click next to the G (notice it looks like an arrow)
54. There is a little mouse tail near the bottom right corner. Put that mouse onto the circle.
55. Pokemon
56. lol micropenis
57. Four
58. Press Space (It’s displaying the exosphere, AKA Space) 59. Grab and move the “R” in Varnish.
60. Just keep dragging the cat down as quickly as you can.
61. To get to the other side.
62. Edam
63. Press the “Quality” thing on the bottom of the screen. Type “Q” on your keyboard to get a skip.
64. May want to use one of your bomb defusers here until you get it memorized. There are 6. The Planet, a very small cloud missing on the right side, near the missing cloud one of the mountain tops is missing it’s peak, a crease under the critter’s eye, the smallest tooth closest to it’s cheak is missing, at the very bottom near it’s right hand the ground is a different color.
65. Goat’s Blood
66. Click all the lighter colored leaves off the body. (Also, hit the flower on it’s necklace for a bomb defuser)
67. Invisible maze, go to the green light on the left first, then get the key and head through the sliding walls to the finish. When you hit the green dot you get a message saying “To remove the universe the code is 8275” Thought it might apply to #58 but haven’t figured it out yet.
68. Checkpoints are for the weak and mentally challenged.
69. Press the bomb when it hits 2
70. Click the screen first,then memorize how many times that Chris the cat got beaten till faint(remember how many punch the gangster’s hand had punched him till he faint)
71. 28.8kbps modem
72. violence
73. cut the tree thingy quick
74. No
75. Replica to Q70,how many punch land chris to faint
76. AIDS
77. A fat bloke
78. Err… for this turn the wheel of the box till the box open,any one has complete ans for this may help me,turn till it open,if not enough time(15s Bomb) then use fusestopper
79. Take the Dragon the ‘On’ to the circle
80. A corpse bra
81. 2nd row the bottom one the 4th one(looks like a duck >.< from left to right)
82. Click obvious when the bomb starts flashing or gets to 2
83. Drag the screen away(theres a hidden platform when u drag the circle,then click next.
84 blue red blue yellow… tip before the game
85. NEVAR!
86. type U
87. arrow instead of carrot
88. dont do anything
89. you would have thought one of them would have ducked
90. TL:DR
91. Not sure about this, but I click her forehead when the red thingy appears
92. none, im on the impossible quiz question no. 92
93. Click “the odd one out”
94. Silence
95. Click the numbers in ascending order, then click “enough” that will appear on the top left of the picture
96. Click the number of lives you have
97. Click ‘K” in “BLACK”
98. 5
99. Burst 99 red balloons. Blue will kill you, Green will minus one (balloon).
100. Click 8275 then click the red (flashing) lever
101. Type “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”
102. Drag away all the pictures, then click chris’ face
103. Red
104. Clean the windows. I usually use the fuse stopper. z.
105. Click the switch behind the question number
106. Remove the eye of the left thing and put it one the metal thing in the middle, then drag the ball in the hand into the place where the eye originally was
107. A question from this quiz will come out. Click where the answer can be found for that question.
108. Follow the green arrow (it’s best to rmb the path)
109. Graphite
110. Click the red squares
112. Drag the can of food to the can opener. Use the mouse to operate the can opener by going round and round. When the can is open, drag it to the dish
113. Click the colour of “nicest”
114. Use the left and right keys of the keyboard to brush the teeth
115. Caturday
116. Drag the shapes into the box
117. A question from Giucob’s impossible quiz.
118. don’t do anything
119. type “horse”, then “peanut” then “chihuahua”
120. Changes each time I think. You need to pay attention…
please enjoy
this one is not to be deleted

Answers to the impossible quiz 1

  1. Four (holes in the words “A Polo”, alternatively holes in a polo sweater: 2 for hands, 1 for head and 1 in the bottom)
  2. No, but a tin can (Wordplay: A match can’t box but a tin can.)
  3. K.O (O.K backwards)
  4. Click the words THE ANSWER
  5. Right click then move over then click, or move around the screen, or click and hold the left mouse button, move straight to the destination point and then release it.
  6. Shallots (Shallots are the roots of onion)
  7. An elephant (it’s referring to real life)
  8. Find the green tick with the message “Yes!” (under “se” in “Search!”)
  9. Top right ‘THAT ONE’ (it points to the bottom left option, where the answer to Q2 was)
  10. Dentures (“choose = “chews”, therefore making the task “Chews Food”) + 1 Skip
  11. n (it’s the second letter after the word “December” in the task)
  12. The dot above ‘ i ‘ (It’s the smallest blue dot there)
  13. F’TAANG (does sound a lot like a bell)
  14. Torch (lighter as in brighter, adding a torch makes it “lighter”)
  15. Type ‘Horse’ on the on-screen keyboard
  16. H (the 7th letter of the alphabet)
  17. The question number (the result of the subtraction of the question)
  18. Hammer (MC Hammer reference: “Hammer Time!” in the clock)
  19. Blue, Orange, Green, Green, Yellow (BOGGY)
  20. Seal! (Seal the deal) + 1 Skip
  21. Top left option box (will flash in green after a few seconds but you can still click it.)
  22. +1 Skip (skip to the next question)
  23. BRAN (You have to give a name to the file in order to save your changes)
  24. “Click the ‘V’ in lives” (If you cycle over the colours, they show that message)
  25. Shoe Polish (has silver nitrate, and silver can be used to kill werewolves)
  26. Arsefacey (the rest of the locations actually exist in the UK)
  27. GO TO 28 (you’re in Question 27, so you’ll be sent to the following one)
  28. Abundance (“A bun dance”, perfectly describing the dancing cupcake)
  29. Egg Mayonnaise (Splapp thinks it tastes like cardboard)
  30. Cross through the tunnel (Or cheat by either abusing right-clicking, or holding the left mouse button)
  31. Woof. Woof. Woof. (number of times Splapp’s Badly Drawn Dawg barks)
  32. Babycham and Human Faeces (“Babycham”= “sham”, “faeces” = “poo”, making “shampoo” together)
  33. 7 (There are 7 letters in “HIS HAND”)
  34. Move the cursor away from the screen or just simply right-click (elephants don’t like cursors, because they’re the on-screen representation of computer mice)
  35. Wait 5 seconds, then click the green smiling button that appears + 1 Skip
  36. A walk (because a fly without wings can’t fly, therefore making it a walk)
  37. Any answer is correct (you can’t get this question wrong)
  38. Mary Rose (as in “Mary got up” after sitting on a pin)
  39. Cylindrical Adventures (Splapp’s Flash animation where the cylinder belongs)
  40. Cross over the maze; you can cheat by right-clicking or holding the left mouse button, moving to the point and then releasing it.
  41. AFRO (the most peculiar thing of that duck, plus it’s not called “afro”)
  42. The 42nd 42 (it is the second 42 on the bottom row; reference to the book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, where it’s stated that the answer to the ultimate question about life, the universe and everything is 42)
  43. Tom Cruise (Jerry McGuire reference)
  44. Click the dot on the nailed puzzle piece (if you solve the puzzle, it says: “Click here” and has an arrow pointing to that dot)
  45. WRONG (top right option box). (everything is in Wingdings: question says “Potatoes fly”, options say “Indeed”, “WRONG”, “Why not?”, “ROFL”)
  46. OMGF U KILLS SONIKKU U BASTUD (one of the comments to Splapp’s Flash “Sonic Breaks his Neck”, from which the picture is taken)
  47. Find the red button with an invisible cursor (around where the arrow on the “Vanish” bottle was)
  48. SNAAAAKE! (Metal Gear Solid reference)
  49. SPLAPP-ME-DO (correct spelling of the name)
  50. O.K. (you must remember both codes)
  51. Repeatedly click the Spatulon and the Phlovomite until the Spatulon wins
  52. Click the third batch of leaves, which belongs to a carrot (Splapp actually traced a carrot’s leaves for that one)
  53. …but pa might not. (“Marmite” = “ma might”)
  54. No, about 20cm off the ground (“Shanghai” = “She hang/hung high”)
  55. A games console for wholemeal biscuits (definition of a digestive system) (10) + 1 Skip
  56. Using your invisible cursor, press the buttons in the following order: Blue, red, blue, yellow (colour code from Q50)
  57. Erm… one? (Count Dracula: count him)
  58. Shepherd’s Pie (the ones made out of shepherds. Also, blood is a drink)
  59. Repeatedly click the Shoop da Whoop face until it has charged its laser and destroys the bomb. (10)
  60. Answer this honestly: no if you didn’t make it the first time you got here since opening the Flash, or yes if you managed to do it the first time. If you choose the wrong one, it’s a Game Over.
  61. Thumbs up icon (“(Y)” makes the thumbs up emoticon on MSN)
  62. Moss (the question was written with a lisp, so “moth” actually means “moss”)
  63. Tasteless white filth (author’s personal opinion on Chicken McNuggets)
  64. Egg > 28 (completely random, according to Splapp)
  65. Click the word “LARGEST”
  66. The ‘!’ at the end of the words ‘the world’ (10)
  67. A big hairy arsonist (because the picture is a “bum on IST”)
  68. Stroke Chris the cat with your mouse until filling the bar; he’ll make an odd “meow” before you move on.
  69. LOL, 69 (sex position and reference to question number)
  70. Using its anus (as in what makes the dog smell bad)
  71. Click on any option box when it turns green (timing’s important)
  72. Click on the light switch, located near the left edge of the screen; you will be presented with a funny picture of a lemur before moving on.
  73. Top right ‘?’ (the one that matches the one in the task)
  74. No one knows that (the game assumes nobody who has got to this point knows how many questions there are)
  75. [WATCH OUT] After the bomb is lit up, click the escape arrow quickly (it will appear under the question number; if you fail, it’s an instant Game Over) (1) + 1 Skip
  76. Sugar, honey, honey (reference to the song “Sugar Sugar” by The Archies)
  77. Question 77 (the question isn’t talking about the picture, but actually about itself)
  78. Four (the only option that has ever been a correct answer before; “Déjà vu” is when you experience something you think you have already experienced before)
  79. Click the U in ‘what do yoU mean?’, (it’s shaped like a horseshoe, and that’s what the question’s asking you to click) (10)
  80. Filthy Romanians (Romania was known to have the highest rate of hepatitis, which is a liver infection)
  81. Rub the cursor up and down on the pole, and after the lightning strikes on it, click on the green arrow that will appear on the monitor on the right.
  82. Cut all 10 toenails by clicking them (you have to be fast) (6)
  83. National Dyslexic Association (joke about how dyslexic people would naturally mess up the initial letters of their own association)
  84. You must only touch the shooting star, avoiding the meteors. Before doing so, you must grab the Skips here, since you will need them later.
    SKIPS: There are 2 Skips here. the first one will appear around the top left corner, while the second will fly from the top right corner of the screen towards the left side shortly afterwards. Roll the mouse over them to collect them. (You can only collect two skips, so if you used one or more skips before this question, you can’t get a third skip.)
  85. I loved it! (you’d better have enjoyed the mini-game)
  86. The Prince (from the Katamari video game series; he’s green, and the “sticky balls” refer to the Katamaris, which collect what they touch)
  87. The dot after ’87’ (it’s hidden; therefore, it’s what is missing from this question)
  88. Repeatedly click until Eggman snaps Sonic’s leg (a scene from Sonic Breaks His Neck) (10)
  89. Blindness (rubbing dog faeces into your eyes may make you blind)
  90. Nonce (Michael Jackson had nose jobs, but “nonce” is British and Australian slang for “child sex offender”) (10)
  91. Hover under the third hole in the paper on the left side; it will start to rip. You have to move all the way across to rip the paper in half. (…5)
  92. Click the numbered heads in descending order (‘194′, ’27’, ’26’, ’14’, ‘9’, ‘3’, ‘2.5’, ‘1’, ‘0.4’). If you do it, Mars will sing ‘What Is The Light?’ by The Flaming Lips. If you take too long to answer this question, a bomb will appear. (…10) GLITCH: If you click all the numbers too quickly, the bomb will give you a game over while Mars is singing.
  93. Move the bomb away and press “Go!” (10)
  94. You must not do anything; the bomb is a dud bomb, and clicking the “Detonate” button would obviously make it go off.(“10”)
  95. Move your cursor away from the screen (or right-click), then click the red button after the cat leaves (the cat will stay on the screen if your mouse is on screen, as cats like mice)
  96. A right mess (if you put both a number 1 (pee) and a number 2 (poo) on a calculator, that’s the result) (10)
  97. 10+ times! (the game will assume you have restarted that amount of times anyway) (10)
  98. Click on the words “Blue, red, blue, yellow”, ignoring the colors they’re written in (referencing the color code from Q50) (10)
  99. [WATCH OUT] When the traffic light turns green (at 1 second), click the sign next to it (10)
  100. Two (there are two holes in two Polo mints) The Epic 10
  101. Type ‘Chihuahua’ on the on-screen keyboard (10)
  102. Touch all of the dots by rolling your mouse over them and avoid the squares. One section has no circle and just one square; wait for the square to disappear. If you miss one, you lose a life and start the question over.
  103. Using your invisible cursor, search for Dennis the Square Tomato, who’s invisible as well (it’s on where the “c” in “search” was located before fading away). Glitch: if you click it twice, you’ll skip Q104. (10)
  104. Large yellow sad moon (the opposite of what the task said; “yellow” doesn’t have an opposite) Glitch: like the previous one, clicking the large yellow sad moon twice makes you skip the following question. (10)
  105. Spell “BANANA” using the “A” in “Apple”, the “N” in “nectariNe”, and the “B” in “gooseBerry” (it’s the only way to refer to the picture of the banana on screen) (10)
  106. Follow the road, then click on the arrow that will appear at the end (right-clicking doesn’t work here, unlike previous maze questions; clicking and holding the left mouse button in the beginning and releasing it in the end will do the trick though)
  107. When you put your mouse on any of the answers, a fake Game Over screen comes up. Don’t do anything. Just wait and it will disappear, before you proceed. (If you click try again on the fake Game Over screen, a new one that says “Oh, you idiot!” will appear and you will actually get a Game Over)
  108. Type “4 8 15 16 23 42” (the number code from Q50 and reference to “Lost”) on the on-screen keyboard, then click ‘Execute’; if you fail to do this, the computer will go completely crazy and display hieroglyphics before you get a Game Over. (11)
  109. Repeatedly click Spidermonkey until he craps out an arrow. Click on the arrow to move on (10)
  110. Use all of your Skips by clicking on them; if you don’t have all seven of them when getting here, it’s Game Over. (10)

Answers to the impossible quiz 2

  1. Up his sleevies (armies = arms, sleevies = sleeves)
  2. Paint (green paint, because otherwise there wouldn’t be green to see)
  3. Earth (the rest of the options are actually candy bars)
  4. American (A merry can)
  5. Type what Frank tells you to do (either “arse”, “carrot”, or “udder”)
  6. 8 (“Sentence” has 8 letters)
  7. Press the right arrow key (on your keyboard)
  8. 10 letters in (“The Great Wall of China” starts after ten letters into the question)
  9. Click the creature several times to make it evolve.
    SKIP: Click the bubble on the right side.
  10. Click and drag the words “a penguin” to reveal the answer.
  11. Don’t touch the blue parts of the maze. First head up, then to the left, click and hold the left mouse button to grab the key, then head over to the right and put it into the lock to proceed.
  12. Fine (even reading the question upside-down, the answer is still the right way up)
  13. Lederhosen (a hosen is a construction used to spread liquids through an area)
  14. Click the 14 twice (if you drag the dots around so that the red markings line up with the white boxes, they create the message: ‘Click the question number twice’)
  15. A backwards dog (God is the word “dog” spelled backwards)
  16. Chris (the series’ cat; you can see him and his name in the credits)
  17. Touch the brown balloon with your mouse, but don’t touch any of the red ones. It’s best to start with your mouse at the top of the screen then move into position
  18. Fly sandwiches (a spider likes eating flies, a man likes eating sandwiches)
  19. Fusestopper (it says so in the instructions of this quiz)
  20. Turn on the light then pop all of Slick’s zits.  (12)
    FUSESTOPPER: Pop the purple zit on Slick’s visible ear.
  21. 30 (questions in The Impossible Quiz Demo, not The Impossible Quiz)
  22. Pink Clouds (candy floss looks like pink clouds)
  23. Win the Tic-Tac-Toe game by dragging the circle around 23 to the appropriate spot. It’s on the 2nd column at the bottom.
  24. Space (it’s located under the “sea”, or “C” key)
  25. When it’s a jar (a jar = ajar, which means open)
  26. You run. You run so far away. (taken from the Demo of the first Quiz; reference to the 80s song “I Ran (So Far Away)” by A Flock of Seagulls)
  27. Press 1 on the keyboard. (5)
  28. This is Sparta! (location pointed in the map)
  29. Move the mouse to the small area to the right of the stream of water to find a green gem. If you accidentally uncover a bomb, drag it to the water to put it out. Be careful; there are some 1-second time-bombs! Don’t just drag the bombs screen, it will still cause a GAME OVER. (1-5)
    SKIP: Find the green bomb under RC in “search” and let it explode. (“3”)
    ⊙: You’ll have to use the sink to defuse the bombs, instead of the Fusestoppers.
  30. Click the 0 in 30. (A Rolo is a chocolate candy with no holes) (10)
  31. Drive down the M4 (two whales = to Wales, to which you get by driving the M4)
  32. Click the finger (“pick nose”, as in “picking your nose”) (10)
  33. Click the 33 (which looks like a pair of bums)
  34. Click the “Death” button (pressing the word “this” in the question’s message will give you a Game Over; don’t get tricked!). (10)
  35. Aim for the face (you play darts by aiming at the face of the dartboard, not of the babies)
  36. Tequila (to kill her)
  37. Move the mouse out of the flash window or right-click, and an elephant will fall (since elephants don’t like mice).
  38. Mash any buttons on the keyboard (except TAB) to fill the meter (10)
  39. Same as 11, only your pointer disappears. Use the circles to guide you through the maze. Head up and to the left in the branching point, then to where the key is located; head all the way back from where you came holding the key, then go to the lock in the right path of the branching and open it with the key. (15)
    ⊙: Fusestoppers won’t wake up because the bomb’s timer doesn’t start until you make the maze appear.
  40. Toucan (Two can)
  41. Click on the circle to the right of the word “smallest”, which will shrink a few seconds after getting here. You don’t have to wait until it shrinks to click it.
    FUSESTOPPER: You can find it in the bottom-right corner; it’s invisible until you put your mouse on it.
  42. Drag Horse-Worm’s fist and drop it on Pig Buster (the worm on the right with the scarf, reference to a Flash by Gingerneck)
  43. A random question from The Impossible Quiz (10)
    ex. 1 Question: “Save changes to untitled?” – “Bran” (q. 23)
    ex. 2 Question: “Click the answer” – Click the words “The answer” (q. 4)
    ex. 3 Question: “What flavour is cardboard?” – “Egg Mayonnaise” (q. 29)
    ex. 4 Question: “Bridget makes everyone…” – “Tom Cruise” (q. 43)
    ex. 5 Question: “Which magical property do dog eggs contain?” – “Blindness” (q. 89)
    ex. 6 Question: “Which is the correct spelling?” – “SPLAPP-ME-DO” (q. 49)
    ex. 7 Question: “?” – Top right “?” (q. 73)
    ex. 8 Question: “What is the 7th letter of the alphabet?” – “H” (q. 16)
    ex. 9 Question: “Mary rose sat on a pin.” – “Mary rose” (q. 38)
    ex. 10 Question: “(Y)” – Thumbs up icon (q. 61)
    ex. 11 Question: “Shanghai?” – “No, about 20cm off the ground” (q. 54)
  44. What you say!! (reference to the “All your base are belong to us” meme)
  45. Click the second E in “I see” (it’ll turn green) then the I, then the E, then the I, then the O in “O RLY?” (EIEIO)
  46. Around Orion’s waist (Orion and Orion’s Belt are constellations, and the Belt is literally located on Orion’s starry waist!)
  47. Universal Serial Bus (It’s in space, it’s carrying cereals, and it’s a bus)
  48. USB Ports (where Universal Serial Buses pick up their passengers)
  49. Follow Frank’s directions. Be careful not to type anything if it doesn’t say “Frank Says” at the top, though. (it’s either 4-3-?-9-Enter, which gives you a picture of Dennis the Square Tomato; Delete loads of times, which gives you a lemur with a Santa hat; Ctrl-Space-Up-Alt, which gives a pic of a gross stick figure; or X-Q-B, which gives you a pic of Chris).
  50. Part 1: Click the Badly Drawn Dog’s mouth to chew the bone (10); part 2: Rub your mouse over him to “pet” him (6)
    ⊙: There are TWO bombs in here. A Fusestopper can’t be bothered to deal with two of them!
  51. Click “came last” (it will turn into “CAMEL ast”)
  52. Move the mouse back and forth over the lamp to clean it. You can do it up and down.
  53. Click next to the G (notice it looks like an arrow, which is uncommon on the quiz.)
  54. There is a mouse’s tail near the bottom right corner. Drag that mouse onto the circle, so that it gets caught. (6)
  55. Pokémon (to get Pikachu onto a bus, just “Poke him on”)
  56. lol micropenis (located on the duck’s crotch)
  57. Four (the answer “FOUR” has FOUR letters)
  58. Press Space on your keyboard (since it’s displaying outer space)
  59. Click and drag the ‘R’ in “varnish” away from it (so that it says “vanish”, before vanishing itself)
  60. Just keep dragging the cat down as quickly as you can. (10)
  61. To get to the other side (this will always be the reason the chicken crossed the road)
  62. Edam (a kind of cheese that happens to be the word “made” backwards)
  63. Press the “Quality” button on the bottom of the screen (because it has “Q”, the seventeenth letter of the alphabet)
    SKIP: Type “Q” on your keyboard.
  64. Click on all six differences between the Spatulon images: the planet in the background; a very small cloud missing on the right side; one of the mountain tops near the missing cloud is missing the spatula on its peak; a crease under the Spatulon’s eye; the smallest tooth closest to its cheek is missing; and at the very bottom near its right hand the ground is a different colour. (You must click on the differences on the image on the right) (15)
  65. Goat’s Blood (a cow’s favourite beverage)
  66. Click all the lighter coloured leaves off the body. (10)
    FUSESTOPPER: Click the flower on its necklace
  67. Intricate maze with invisible cursor. Start by going up and to the left; then, take the narrow lower path until the very end, and put your mouse on the green button; a message in the middle of the screen will appear, saying “The code to turn off the universe: 8-2-7-5”, which you must remember for Question 100; take the shortcut back to the beginning of the narrow path, but head up instead, to where the key is located. After grabbing the key, go the right and then down, avoiding getting crushed by the blocks, and then open the lock with the key.
  68. Checkpoints are for the weak and mentally challenged. (these Quizzes are known for NOT giving you checkpoints!)
  69. Click on the bomb’s counter when it’s at 2 (it’s the result of the subtraction); by the way, LOL 69 (10)
    ⊙: How are you gonna find the answer without the bomb?
  70. [WATCH OUT] Click on Chris, then memorise how many times he gets punched before fainting.
  71. 28.8kbps modem (insanely great thing) (10)
  72. Violence (Violence the Strawberry, a character by Splapp)
  73. Mash the bush repeatedly to cut it and give it a new shape (8)
  74. No (question taken from the Demo of the first Quiz; if you click “Yes”, you’ll get sent back to the loading screen and be forced to restart)
  75. Refer to Q70, how many punches Chris took before fainting.
  76. AIDS (Splapp admitted in his Tumblr that this question has no actual logic or pun, it’s just random)
  77. A fat bloke (likely to see in America; question taken from the Demo of the first Quiz)
  78. Move the mouse over the handle until the Phlovomite’s head pops out of the box (15)
  79. Drag the “on” in “dragon” (“Drag-on”) to the circle.
  80. A corpse’s bra (blood turns blue (deoxygenated) when you die, hence the blue tits of the question)
  81. Grey goose (9th picture at the bottom right, that’s an anser)
  82. Click “Obvious” after the bomb starts flashing, when it gets to 3 seconds (8)
    ⊙: You NEED the timer of the bomb reaching 3 seconds or lower to click the answer.
  83. 83. Drag the ground away, then click next (7)
  84. Click blue, red, blue and yellow (referencing the colour code in Question 50 of the first Quiz; it’s also given as a Tip of the Day in this game’s loading screen)
  85. NEVAR! (Splapp stated at the end of the credits: “I’m not making any more, two of the quizzes is enough!”)
  86. Type “U” on your keyboard (letter of the alphabet that comes after “T”) (5)
  87. [WATCH OUT] Click the egg that was pointed at by an arrow instead of the carrots.
  88. Don’t do anything (the bomb will just say zero, then read ‘OH’) (“15”)
    ⊙: It’s a dud bomb, therefore you can’t disintegrate it.
  89. I’d have thought at least one of them would have ducked (the people mentioned in the question’s message walked into a bar; an iron bar, that is, which makes you wonder why didn’t they dodge it)
  90. TL;DR (don’t read the message; a 1-second bomb will appear after 25 seconds) (…1)
    ⊙: The bomb won’t appear until after a while, and it’s just too big to be defused.
  91. [WATCH OUT] Click on Amy Rose’s head when the aim appears. BOOM! Headshot! (scene from Splapp’s animation “Sonic Breaks his Neck”)
  92. None – I’m on question 92 of the Impossible Quiz 2 🙁 (if you have made to this question, you probably don’t have a life at all)
  93. Click the phrase “the odd one out” (not Dennis the Square Tomato) (7)
  94. Silence (if you say “silence”, you break the silence)
  95. Click the numbers in the following order: ‘-15,1’, ‘-4’, ‘0’, ‘2’, ’15’, ‘15,1’, ’76’, ‘151’, then wait or click the arrow that reads “Enough” that will appear on the top left of the picture. (15)
  96. Click your current number of lives at the bottom of the screen (smaller than all of the four options you are given) (5)
  97. Click “K” in “BLACK” (the K is in the center of the “blacK hole” from the question) (15)
  98. 5 (the amount of times lemurs have appeared or been mentioned throughout the Quiz!)
  99. Burst 99 red balloons. Popping a blue one will make you lose 1 life; popping a green one will reduce the red balloon counter by 1, and the bomb rockets will KILL YOU! (song “99 Red Ballons” will play in the background afterwards)
    ⊙: Fusestoppers don’t know how to deal with rockets. And even if they did, there are way too many of them.
  100. Click 8-2-7-5 then click the red flashing lever (the code is from green button in Question 67) (10)
    Chris’ Incredible 20
  101. Type the whole alphabet from “A” to “Z” on your keyboard. (10)
  102. Drag away all the pictures, and then click Chris’ face in the middle. (7)
  103. Red (the blood is the collar, and blood is red; it could also be referring to his actual collar, which he’s wearing on the credits, accessible from the main menu) (8)
  104. Clean the windows; a Fusestopper recommended. (15)
  105. Click the switch behind the question number. Once you click it, a picture of an animal will appear. (10)
  106. Remove the eye of the left Sigworminator and put it on the metal-thingy legs in the middle to make eye on legs, then drag the kiwi in the hand into the place where the eye originally was. (10)
  107. Question repeat from this quiz, with the respective original options being omitted. Click on where the answer was in, including your number of lives or the question number if it’s either of those cases. (10)
  108. Follow the green arrows, not the red ones, and click Chris’s head (it’s best to remember the path, sometimes, and the green arrows are the right way, while the red arrows point in the opposite direction) (10)
  109. Graphite (graph fight) (15)
  110. Click all the red squares (remember, it’s not always the same). (15)
  111. Type: “tebahpla eht” (That includes the space key) (10)
  112. Drag the can of Cheesy Fish-mush to the can opener. Use the mouse to operate the can opener by going round and round. When the can is open, drag it to the dish (15)
  113. Click brown (Chris’ fur’s colour, also used as the question colour; rather straight-forward).
  114. Use the left and right keys repeatedly of the keyboard to brush the teeth (12)
  115. Caturday (Chris is a cat, so of course Caturday is his favourite) (10)
  116. Drag the pieces into the unfinished fusestopper. (10)
  117. A question from the demo of the original game, randomly chosen from those that didn’t make it into neither of the two full-length games (answer normally).
  118. Don’t do anything. (If you press tab in any of the quizzes except the Demo, it’s Game Over) (“10”)
  119. Type “horse”, then “peanut” then “chihuahua” before each Frank Bomb explodes.
    ⊙: Frank Bombs are immune to Fusestoppers.
  120. Random reference to a previously answered question from this Quiz. Click on the number that represents said question and you will win. (You cannot skip this question as Chris will put his hand over the skips and his hand will say “NO CHANCE”) (10)

ex. 1: What was the first balloon question? (Q 17)
ex. 2: Which is the second maze question? (Q 39)
ex. 3: One question had a red question number. Which was it? (Q 43)
ex. 4: Which question was Longcat in? (Q 60)
ex. 5: One Hit Wonder (Q 99)
ex. 6: Burnt face duck (Q 56)
ex. 7: There are two “Frank Says” questions. One is #5. Which is the other? (Q 49)
ex. 8: Which question did Mars first appear in? (Q 58)
ex. 9: LOL (Q 69)
ex. 10: Ponk Plucking (Q 66)
ex. 11: Which question was the second Fusestopper on? (Q 41)

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