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Quizzma Latest Articles

Gen Z Leads the Way Achieve 3000 Answers

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Which of the following sentences expresses the main idea of the article?Young adults are contributing to their communities and country by running for office.
Based on the article, the reader can predict thatthe number of young adults in public office will continue to increase
Based on information in the article, in what way do Zoomers and their elders contrast?Zoomers are more outspoken about the dangers of climate change than their elders.
Read this passage from the article:

Just as important, younger representatives have shown greater readiness to collaborate and compromise with political opponents, according to Layla Zaidane …. A majority of Americans feel such cooperation is needed to detoxify the partisan rancor that has tainted U.S. politics.

In this passage, the word rancor means
a feeling of bitterness or hostility
The author’s purpose for writing this article was probably toinform readers about how Gen Z leaders are striving to make a positive impact in government
Which of these is a statement of opinion?Young political leaders are more likely to make positive societal changes than older leaders.
This article would be most useful as a source for a student research project onyoung people who are working to make a difference
Which is the closest antonym for the word pragmatic, as it is used in the article?

A. intelligible
B. irregular
C. intentional
D. irrational

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