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5.1.7 Divisibility CodeHS Answers

The most common answer is:

numerator = int(input(“Enter a numerator: “))
denominator = int(input(“Enter denominator: “))
Use a while loop here to repeatedly ask the user for
a denominator for as long as the denominator is 0
(or, put another way, until the denominator is not
equal to 0).
if numerator / denominator * denominator == numerator:
print “Divides evenly!”
print “Doesn’t divide evenly.”

To ensure this program runs correctly and adheres to Python syntax, including using standard ASCII quotation marks, proper indentation, and fixing the logic to check for divisibility, here’s the revised version of your code:

numerator = int(input("Enter a numerator: "))

# Use a while loop to repeatedly ask for a denominator until it's not equal to 0
while True:
    denominator = int(input("Enter denominator: "))
    if denominator != 0:
        break  # Exit the loop if the denominator is not 0
        print("Denominator cannot be 0. Please try again.")

# Check for divisibility
if numerator % denominator == 0:  # Use modulo operator to check if divides evenly
    print("Divides evenly!")
    print("Doesn't divide evenly.")

This code will:

  • Prompt the user to enter a numerator.
  • Repeatedly prompt the user to enter a denominator until a non-zero value is entered.
  • Use the modulo operator (%) to check if the numerator divides evenly by the denominator (i.e., if the remainder is 0).
  • Print whether the division is even or not based on the divisibility check.

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