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Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Commonlit Answers

  • 10th Grade
  • Lexile: -1

Source: Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas

Assessment Answers

Which of the following statements best describes a central theme of the poem?Life is precious and should be fought for when facing its end.
Why does the narrator include descriptions of different types of men?Why does the narrator include descriptions of different types of men?
PART A: Which of the following statements best describes the speaker’s point of view?The speaker is at his father’s deathbed, trying to encourage his father to be strong in the face of death.
PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A?“And you, my father, there on the sad height, / Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray./ Do not go gentle into that good night.” (Lines 16-18)
What does the “light” mentioned in the poem most likely represent?The light most likely represents life; the speaker
tells his father to “rage, rage against the dying of
the light” as he encourages him to be strong in the face of death.

What is the effect of repetition in this poem? How does it contribute to its tone and meaning?

The effect of repetition in “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas is multifaceted, serving to intensify the poem’s emotional resonance, underscore its central themes, and contribute to its urgent, impassioned tone.

The poem employs two forms of repetition: the repeated refrain “Do not go gentle into that good night” and “Rage, rage against the dying of the light,” and the structured repetition inherent in the villanelle form, with its strict pattern of repeating lines and rhyme scheme.

  1. Emphasizes Urgency and Determination: The repetition of the lines “Do not go gentle into that good night” and “Rage, rage against the dying of the light” serves to emphasize the poem’s urging of defiance against death. This insistence creates a sense of urgency and determination, reinforcing the speaker’s call for resistance and fight.
  2. Enhances Emotional Intensity: The repeated entreaties add to the poem’s emotional intensity, making the reader feel the speaker’s desperate plea for his father to fight against the inevitable. The emotion is palpable, as the repetition mimics the natural human response to impending loss—repetition of wishes, hopes, and commands in the face of helplessness.
  3. Contributes to the Poem’s Structure and Musicality: The villanelle form itself, characterized by its repetition, lends a musical quality to the poem. This structure helps to weave the central themes of life, death, and defiance into a cohesive whole, where the form reflects the poem’s message: the relentless, cyclical nature of life and struggle.
  4. Reinforces Themes: The repeated lines serve to hammer home the poem’s themes of defiance, the preciousness of life, and the universal challenge of facing death. Each repetition acts as a call to arms, not just for the speaker’s father, but for all humanity, to live fully and resist the end.

Through repetition, Thomas imbues the poem with a passionate pleading, resilience, and a profound sense of love and desperation. It transforms the poem into a universal rallying cry against the quiet acceptance of death, urging an active, fierce engagement with life until its very end.

This technique is crucial in making the poem’s message both memorable and impactful, leaving a lasting impression on the reader about the value of life and the spirit of defiance.

Discussion Answers

What is the author’s message about death? Do you agree with this message? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.

The author’s message about death in “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas is that death should not be accepted passively but should be resisted with vigor and passion. Thomas advocates for a fierce struggle against the end of life, emphasizing that this fight is a fundamental aspect of the human spirit.

This message is encapsulated in the repeated lines “Do not go gentle into that good night” and “Rage, rage against the dying of the light,” urging an active, defiant stance against the inevitability of death.

Agreement with the Author’s Message:

Many may agree with Thomas’s message, seeing it as a call to value life to its fullest, to fight for every moment, and to face the end with courage and strength. This perspective resonates with the human instinct to survive and the desire to make our lives meaningful and significant, even in the face of our mortality.

Evidence from the Text:

The poem itself is evidence of Thomas’s message, with its passionate plea for resistance against death. The various types of men mentioned—wise, good, wild, and grave—all ultimately face the same end, yet they are remembered for their refusal to accept it quietly, suggesting that the fight against death is what imbues life with value and dignity.

Evidence from Personal Experience:

In personal experiences, moments of crisis or illness often bring out a strong will to live and an intense appreciation for life. People frequently fight through incredible hardships, drawing on reserves of strength they may not have known they possessed, which aligns with Thomas’s message of defiance and the human spirit’s resilience.

Evidence from Other Literature, Art, or History:

Throughout literature and art, there are numerous examples that echo Thomas’s message. For instance, in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” the titular character’s soliloquy, “To be, or not to be,” contemplates the nature of existence and death, ultimately finding value in facing the struggles of life.

In history, individuals like Nelson Mandela, who fought against apartheid in South Africa, demonstrate how the human spirit resists oppression and fights for freedom and justice, reflecting a broader metaphorical “rage against the dying of the light.”


The message about death in Dylan Thomas’s poem encourages a reflection on how we choose to live our lives in the face of our inevitable end. It champions a life lived with passion and resistance against the forces that would diminish us, whether they be death itself or any form of despair or resignation.

This message, advocating for a life of active engagement and defiance, can be a powerful guide on how to approach the challenges and finality we all face.

Based on your own experience, how do people normally face or think about death? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.

Based on observations and personal experiences, people’s reactions to the concept of death vary widely, shaped by factors like cultural background, personal beliefs, experiences, and the context in which death is encountered.

Some may accept it as a natural part of life, while others might resist or fear the end, seeking meaning or solace in religion, philosophy, or personal legacy.

Evidence from the Text:

In “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night,” Dylan Thomas presents a perspective of defiance against death. This poem reflects one way people might confront death—not with resignation but with a fierce will to live, encapsulated in the lines “Do not go gentle into that good night” and “Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

Thomas suggests that facing death with such resistance is a profound expression of the human spirit’s desire to continue, influence, and matter.

Evidence from Personal Experience:

In personal experiences, attitudes toward death can often be seen in how individuals deal with terminal illnesses or the aging process. Many seek to make the most of their time left, embracing life with renewed vigor, which aligns with Thomas’s urging to fight against the end.

Conversely, some may find peace in acceptance, focusing on preparing themselves and their loved ones, reflecting a different kind of dignity and strength in facing the inevitable.

Evidence from Other Literature, Art, or History:

Literature and art are replete with explorations of death, from ancient texts like “The Epic of Gilgamesh,” which deals with the quest for immortality, to modern works like Mitch Albom’s “Tuesdays with Morrie,” which explores the beauty and wisdom that can come from accepting death. In story, cultural rituals around death, such as Mexico’s Día de los Muertos, celebrate the lives of the deceased and accept death as part of the natural cycle of life, showing a communal approach to facing mortality.


How people face or think about death is deeply personal and varies significantly across different cultures and individuals. While some may resonate with Dylan Thomas’s call to resist and “rage against the dying of the light,” others may find solace in acceptance and the natural order of life and death.

The diversity i these responses highlights the complexity of the human condition and the myriad ways individuals seek to understand and cope with the concept of death.

Whether through defiance, acceptance, or celebration, these responses to death all seek to find meaning in life and the end of it, echoing across the spectrum of human experiences and artistic expressions.

According to the speaker, how should a person face death? Do you think this is reasonable? Explain your answer in detail; cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.

According to the speaker in “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night,” a person should face death with resistance and defiance, not passively or quietly. Dylan Thomas conveys this through the poem’s repeated imperatives: “Do not go gentle into that good night” and “Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

These lines encapsulate the poem’s message that one should fight against the end of life, embodying a spirited refusal to succumb to the inevitability of death without a struggle.

Is This Reasonable?

The reasonableness of Thomas’s urging can be viewed from multiple perspectives, depending on individual beliefs about death, the dignity of the struggle against it, and the value of acceptance.

Evidence from the Text:

Thomas uses the examples of “wise men,” “good men,” “wild men,” and “grave men” to illustrate that regardless of how much one knows, or what one has done, the natural instinct is to fight against the end, suggesting a universal desire to cling to life.

Evidence from Personal Experience:

In personal experiences, especially in witnessing loved ones facing terminal illnesses, the desire to fight for every additional moment of life is often powerful and poignant.

This fight can manifest as pursuing aggressive medical treatments, or in a less literal sense, making the most of remaining time through quality moments with family and friends. This reflects Thomas’s advocacy for resistance, underscoring the human will to live and the importance of striving against limitations.

Evidence from Other Literature, Art, or History:

Literature and art often grapple with the concept of death and the appropriate response to it. For instance, in Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea,” the protagonist Santiago’s relentless battle against the marlin and the sea’s challenges symbolizes a broader struggle against life’s hardships and the inevitability of death, echoing Thomas’s sentiment of not going gently and fighting till the end.

Historically, figures like Spartacus, who led a slave rebellion against the Roman Republic,embody the spirit of defiance against overwhelming odds, even in the face of certain death, paralleling the poem’s call to “rage” against the end.


The reasonableness of Thomas’s message depends on individual perspectives on life and death. For those who view life as inherently valuable and worth fighting for, Thomas’s call to resist the end resonates deeply, reflecting a broader human narrative of struggle and perseverance.

However, others might find equal dignity in acceptance, viewing the natural progression towards death as a part of life to be embraced rather than fought against. Ultimately, Thomas’s poem opens a space for reflection on these divergent approaches, suggesting that the significance of how one faces death lies in the meaning it brings to one’s life and legacy.

The poem thus serves as a powerful reminder of the human capacity for strength and defiance, even in the face of the universal inevitability of death.

Other Commonlit 10th Grade Answers

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