-Automobile exhaust
-Cigarette smoking
-Barking dogs (loud pets)
-Loud stereos in an apartment building
-Sriracha Sauce
-Restored historic buildings
-Research into new technologies
Assumption is that firms only care about revenue
-If the aluminum factories emit pollution (a negative externality), then the cost to society of producing aluminum is larger than the cost to aluminum producers.
-For each unit of aluminum produced, the social cost includes the private costs of the producers plus the cost to those bystanders adversely affected by the pollution.
-The socially optimal output level is less than the market equilibrium quantity.
External Cost = Supply Quantity
where social cost = private cost (supply curve) + External cost
-achieving the social optimal output
-The government can internalize an externality by imposing a tax on the producer to reduce the equilibrium quantity to the socially desirable quantity.
-Impact of the internet, computing technology
-Created knowledge spillovers to other firms
The optimal output level is more than the equilibrium quantity.
The market produces a smaller quantity than is socially desirable.
The social value of the good exceeds the private value of the good.
Ex: Mexico and Opportunidades
Industrial Policy, government intervention in the economy that aims to promote technology-enhancing industries
Ex: Patent laws are a form of technology policy that give the individual (or firm) with patent protection a property right over its invention.
The patent is then said to internalize the externality.
-command-and-control policies, these usually take the form of regulations ex: requirement that all students be immunized
-Market based policies, government uses taxes and subsidies to align private incentives with social efficiency; Cap and Trade-Tradable pollution permits allow the voluntary transfer of the right to pollute from one firm to another.
-A market for these permits will eventually develop.
-A firm that can reduce pollution at a low cost may prefer to sell its permit to a firm that can reduce pollution only at a high cost
-tell the firm to reduce its pollution by a specific amount (i.e. regulation). NAAQS or…
-levy a tax of a given amount for each unit of pollution the firm emits (i.e. Pigovian tax). Gas tax, cigarette tax
Moral codes and social sanctions
Charitable organizations (Bill and Melinda Gates)
Contracting between parties (Coase Theorem)
They can arrive at an efficient (least cost) solution
That solution may have undesirable distributional outcomes
a) Bob mows Hillary’s lawn and is paid $100 for preforming the service
b) While mowing the lawn, Bob’s lawnmower spews out smoke that Hillary’s neighbor Kris has to breathe
c) Hillary’s newly cut lawn makes her neighborhood more attractive
d) Hillary’s neighbors pay her if she promises to get her lawn cut on a regular basis
a) above, greater
b) above, less
c) below, greater
d) below, less
a) increases, more
b) increases, less
c) decreases, more
d) decreases, less
a) Economists prefers them to command-and-control regulation
b) They raise government revenue
c) They cause deadweight losses
d) They reduce the quantity sold in a market
a) $10
b) $50
c) $450
d) $500
a) there is a significant externality between two parties
b) the court system vigorously enforces all contracts
c) transaction cost make negotiating difficult
d) both parties understand the externality fully
a. helps to ensure that only voluntary exchanges occur in the economy
b. tends to decrease the level of economic efficiency
c. helps define ownership rights to resources
d. establishes property taxes
e. helps to distribute government property in the economy
a. she may be compensated under property law
b. her legal action will be in the category of antitrust law
c. she may be compensated under tort law
d. this is a potential Pareto improvement
e. an economic efficiency has risen
a. increasing output
b. reducing output
c. lowering prices
d. forcing each consumer to pay more than he was willing to pay before the tax
e. decreasing tax revenues
a. True
b. False
product that spill over to third parties. Ultimately, too little of the production that create positive externalities takes place.
a. True
b. False
a. air pollution
b. a person who litters in a public park
c. a consumer whose dream comes true when she buys a new convertible
d. a nice garden in front of your neighbor’s house
e. the pollution of a stream
a. the consumption creates a positive externality
b. the good is a public good
c. the consumption creates a negative externality
d. too little of the good is produced from society’s point of view
e. the market will correct the problem if left alone
a. antitrust law
b. subsidization
c. taxation
d. free market policies
e. allocative efficiency
bees, increasing output per tree.) Given perfect competition, which of the following holds?
a. all of the following statements are correct
b. at the current output level, the marginal social cost exceeds the marginal private cost
c. the actual output level falls short of the ideal or efficient output level
d. the implied inefficiency could be remedied by an appropriately-sized excise tax
e. the marginal benefit to the honey consumer, in the absence of any corrective action, exceeds the
marginal benefit to the apple consumer
a. marginal social benefit exceeding marginal private benefit
b. marginal private cost exceeding marginal social cost
c. a negative externality that could be removed by a tax
d. a negative externality that could be removed by a subsidy
e. a public good that is, by its very nature, nonexcludable
a. marginal private costs exceed marginal social costs
b. marginal social benefits exceed marginal social costs
c. marginal social benefits exceed marginal private costs
d. marginal social costs exceed marginal private costs
e. the price is equal to both marginal social cost and marginal private cost
a. some individuals are harmed when other individuals consume the good
b. a free market produces too little of the good
c. the individuals consuming the good do not benefit from it
d. taxes are needed to bring about efficiency
e. economic efficiency has been achieved
a. private demand is greater than marginal social benefit
b. marginal private benefit is less than marginal social benefit
c. private cost is less than marginal social cost
d. marginal social cost is greater than marginal social benefit
e. marginal private cost is zero
a. those who do not pay for it can be prevented from consuming it
b. those who do not produce the good can be prevented from consuming it
c. it is not traded in the public market
d. there is no rivalry in consumption
e. its use can be continued indefinitely
a. all public and private goods
b. nonexcludable goods
c. excludable goods
d. rival goods
e. nonrival goods
a. the market will provide too much of the good
b. the market will provide the good
c. the market will not provide the good
d. neither the market nor government will provide the good
a. cable TV service
b. software
c. a fireworks display
d. corn flakes
e. higher education
a. nonrival and nonexcludable
b. rival but nonexcludable
c. rival and excludable
d. nonrival but excludable
e. one whose production imposes a cost on third parties
a. neither rival nor excludable
b. rival, but not excludable
c. socially desirable, regardless of their excludability and their rivalrous characteristics
d. both rival and excludable
e. rival, but not profitable
a. free riding
b. an externality
c. allocative efficiency
d. nonexcludability
e. nonrivalry