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The nurse is reviewing information about evidence-based practice (EBP). Which statement best reflects EBP?


The nurse is reviewing information about evidence-based practice (EBP). Which statement best reflects EBP?

a. EBP relies on tradition for support of best practices.

b. EBP is simply the use of best practice techniques for the treatment of patients.

c. EBP emphasizes the use of best evidence with the clinician’s experience.

d. The patients own preferences are not important with EBP.

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  1. C. EBP emphasizes the use of best evidence with the clinician’s experience.

    EBP is a systematic approach to practice that emphasizes the use of best evidence in combination with the clinicians experience, as well as patient preferences and values, when making decisions about care and treatment. EBP is more than simply using the best practice techniques to treat patients, and questioning tradition is important when no compelling and supportive research evidence exists.

  2. c. EBP emphasizes the use of best evidence with the clinician’s experience.