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Write a function called is_even that takes one parameter and returns a boolean value

Write a function called is_even that takes one parameter and returns a boolean value. It should return True if the argument is even; it should return False otherwise.

The is_even function should not print anything out or return a number. It should only take in a number and return a boolean.

Note: Be sure to include comments for all functions that you use or create.

For example, if you made a call like:

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is_even_number = is_even(4)

is_even_number should have the value True.

Once you’ve written this function, write a program that asks the user for integers and prints whether the number they entered is even or odd using your is_even function. You should let the user keep entering numbers until they enter the SENTINEL value.


Enter a number: 5
Enter a number: 42
Enter a number: -6
Enter a number: 0

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2 Answers

  1. Here’s how you can create the `is_even` function and a program to interact with the user:


    def is_even(number):

    """Check if the number is even.


    number (int): The number to check.


    bool: True if the number is even, False otherwise.


    return number % 2 == 0 # Returns True if the number is divisible by 2

    # Sentinel value to stop the program

    SENTINEL = 0

    while True:

    user_input = int(input("Enter a number: ")) # Ask the user for input

    if user_input == SENTINEL: # Check if the input is the sentinel value


    break # Exit the loop

    # Use the is_even function to check the number

    if is_even(user_input):




    ### Explanation:

    Function Definition: The `is_even` function takes one parameter (an integer) and returns `True` if the number is even (i.e., divisible by 2 without a remainder) and `False` otherwise.

    User Input Loop: The program uses a `while` loop to continuously prompt the user for input until the sentinel value (0) is entered. It checks if the input number is even or odd using the `is_even` function and prints the corresponding

  2. Here’s how you can write the `is_even` function and the program to check if a number is even or odd based on user input.


    def is_even(number):


    Check if a number is even.


    number (int): The number to check.


    bool: True if the number is even, False otherwise.


    return number % 2 == 0 # Returns True if number is even, False if odd

    # Sentinel value to end the input loop

    SENTINEL = 'done'

    # Start a loop to get user input

    while True:

    user_input = input("Enter a number (or type 'done' to exit): ")

    if user_input.lower() == SENTINEL:

    print("Done!") # Print a message when user enters the sentinel value

    break # Exit the loop


    number = int(user_input) # Convert input to an integer

    if is_even(number): # Check if the number is even



    print("Odd") # If it's not even, it's odd

    except ValueError:

    print("Please enter a valid integer.") # Handle invalid input

    ### Explanation:
    1. is_even Function: This function takes one parameter (a number) and uses the modulo operator `%` to check if the number is even

  3. # Function to check if a number is even
    def is_even(number):
    This function takes an integer as input and returns True if the number is even,
    otherwise it returns False.
    return number % 2 == 0

    # Main program
    print(“Enter numbers to check if they are even or odd. Enter 0 to stop.”)
    while True:
    # Input from the user
    num = int(input(“Enter a number: “))

    # Sentinel value to break the loop
    if num == 0:

    # Use is_even function to check and print result
    if is_even(num):

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