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What consideration should researchers take into account when designing an online study that presents participants with misleading information?

What consideration should researchers take into account when designing an online study that presents participants with misleading information?

A. Adding attention or logic checks can affect the way participants understand misleading information.
B. The prevalence of bots completing online studies makes it difficult for researchers to gather reliable data, thus unable to determine whether the manipulation was effective.
C. Participants can use a search engine to figure out the deception and effectively undo the manipulation.
D. Researchers cannot guarantee that participants reached the end of the study, and read and understood the debrief.

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  1. D. Researchers cannot guarantee that participants reached the end of the study, and read and understood the debrief.


    1. Debriefing Importance:
      • In studies involving deception, debriefing is crucial to inform participants about the true nature of the study and to mitigate any potential harm caused by the misleading information.
      • Ensuring that participants understand the debrief is vital for ethical considerations and for the participants’ well-being.
    2. Challenges in Online Studies:
      • In online settings, researchers cannot directly observe whether participants complete the study or read the debriefing materials carefully.
      • Technical issues, participant disengagement, or skipping through the content can prevent participants from receiving the full debrief.
    3. Ethical Implications:
      • Ethical guidelines, such as those from the American Psychological Association (APA), emphasize the need for effective debriefing, especially in studies involving deception. Researchers must ensure that participants leave the study without any misconceptions or distress caused by the manipulation.

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