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Sequence of Cupid’s Actions While Following His Mother’s Orders

Put these activities in the sequence in which Cupid performed them while obeying his mother’s orders.

1. Cupid touches Psyche’s side with the tip of his arrow.
2. Cupid wounds himself with one of his own arrows.
3. Cupid pours sweet water over Psyche’s curly hair.
4. Cupid drops some bitter water onto Psyche’s lips.

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  1. The correct sequence of activities that Cupid performed while obeying his mother’s orders is:

    1. Cupid wounds himself with one of his own arrows.
    2. Cupid touches Psyche’s side with the tip of his arrow.
    3. Cupid pours sweet water over Psyche’s curly hair.
    4. Cupid drops some bitter water onto Psyche’s lips.


    The sequence starts with Cupid wounding himself first, which aligns with themes of love and desire in the myth. Then, he touches Psyche with the arrow to evoke love. After that, pouring sweet water symbolizes positive feelings, and finally, the bitter water showcases the contrast in love, reflecting the complexities of emotions. Understanding the context of each action helps make sense of the sequence. If you need further assistance, feel free to explore the extended services page!

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