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Which of the following is true about caring for a resident who wears a hearing aid?

Which of the following is true about caring for a resident who wears a hearing aid?

A. Apply hairspray after hearing aid is in place.

B. Remove hearing aide before showering.

C. Clean earmold and battery case with water daily, drying completely.

D. Replace batteries weekly.

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  1. The correct answer regarding caring for a resident who wears a hearing aid is B. Remove hearing aid before showering.

    Here’s a brief explanation for each option:

    A. Apply hairspray after hearing aid is in place – This is incorrect. Hairspray and other hair products can clog or damage the hearing aid components.

    B. Remove hearing aid before showering – This is the correct option. Water exposure can damage the internal components of a hearing aid. It’s important to remove the hearing aid before any activities involving water, such as showering or bathing.

    C. Clean earmold and battery case with water daily, drying completely – This is incorrect. Water should not be used to clean hearing aid components. The recommended method is to use a soft, dry cloth or a specialized hearing aid cleaning brush to remove debris.

    D. Replace batteries weekly – This is generally incorrect. The frequency of battery replacement depends on factors like battery type, hearing aid usage, and battery life. Most hearing aid batteries last between 1-2 weeks, but it’s best to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations or replace them when the battery indicator signals low battery.