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When the verb “to be” is followed by a noun, the verb ser is always used. In this sentence, it might be helpful to think of the verb as equivalent to an “equal” sign, such as a = b

When the verb “to be” is followed by a noun, the verb ser is always used. In this sentence, it might be helpful to think of the verb as equivalent to an “equal” sign, such as a = b. This type of sentence is always referring to essential characteristics, since the verb is “linking” what comes before the verb to what comes after the verb.
John is a doctor. Juan *es médico.
John = doctor.

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What is the capital of Egypt? ( Cairo )

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  1. In Spanish, the verb “ser” is used to express identity, characteristics, and professions. When you say, “John is a doctor,” it translates to “Juan es médico,” where “es” (the form of “ser”) links John to his profession, indicating an essential characteristic. This is similar to saying “John = doctor,” reinforcing the idea that John and the doctor are fundamentally the same in this context.

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