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What is the conversion rate of $1 to euros (€) using the given rates?

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Use the conversion rates below to find how much $1 is worth in euros (€).

Give your answer to 2 d.p.

£1 = $1.41
£1 = €1.15
$1 = €

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1 Answer

  1. To find out how much $1 is worth in euros (€), we can use the given conversion rates.

    1. First, we know that £1 = $1.41. Therefore, we can find out how many dollars are equivalent to 1 euro using the rate £1 = €1.15.

    2. We can calculate how many euros correspond to $1 using the following steps:

    – From the first conversion, we have:


    1 text{ euro} = frac{£1}{1.15}


    – Next, convert £1 to dollars (from £1 = $1.41):


    1 text{ euro} = frac{1.41 text{ dollars}}{1.15}


    3. Now perform the division:


    1 text{ euro} = frac{1.41}{1.15} approx 1.2261 text{ dollars}


    4. To find how much $1 is worth in euros, we take the reciprocal of that value:


    text{So, } 1 text{ dollar} = frac{1}{1.2261} approx 0.8154 text{ euros}


    5. Finally, rounding to 2 decimal places gives us:


    1 text{ dollar} approx

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