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What effect does the figurative language kingdom of eternal night have

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What effect does the figurative language kingdom of eternal night have?
It creates a sense of fantasy and escape for those who suffered at Auschwitz.
It adds a sense of mystery about what really happened at Auschwitz.
It emphasizes how the suffering never ended at Auschwitz.
It illustrates how the sun never shone at Auschwitz.

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  1. The correct answer is: It emphasizes how the suffering never ended at Auschwitz.

    Explanation: The phrase “kingdom of eternal night” uses figurative language to suggest a perpetual state of darkness and despair, reflecting the ongoing suffering and hopelessness experienced by the victims of Auschwitz. This metaphor highlights the idea that the trauma and pain endured there seemed unending, encapsulating the bleak and oppressive atmosphere of the concentration camp.

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