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Understanding the Difference Between SETI and Active SETI

In the past scientists have used SETI to search for radio signals from space. What makes “active” SETI different?
A It would send out radio signals to space with the intention of being found.
B It could transmit voice messages to planets where there is likely to be life.
C It would allow space aliens that respond to listen to music or watch television shows.
D It could launch protective attacks if aggressive alien creatures were discovered.

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  1. The correct answer is A: It would send out radio signals to space with the intention of being found.

    Explanation: Active SETI refers to the effort of not just passively listening for signs of extraterrestrial life (like traditional SETI), but actively sending out signals into space with the hope that these signals will be picked up by intelligent civilizations. This contrasts with passive listening, where the goal is simply to detect signals that may already be out there.

  2. The correct answer is A: It would send out radio signals to space with the intention of being found.

    “Active” SETI refers to the proactive approach of sending signals into space, aiming to communicate with potential extraterrestrial intelligences, rather than just listening for signals, which is what traditional SETI does. This means that active SETI seeks to make contact by broadcasting specific messages to alert other civilizations to our presence.

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