Put these events related to Pop Rocks in the order in which they occurred, starting with the earliest.
Pop Rocks are back on the market under their original name.
A company changes the name of Pop Rocks to Action Candy.
An urban legend spreads about the consumption of Pop Rocks.
Pop Rocks are marketed as a unique type of candy.
Put these events related to Pop Rocks in the order in which they occurred, starting with the earliest. Pop Rocks are back on the market under their original name
1. Pop Rocks are marketed as a unique type of candy.
2. A company changes the name of Pop Rocks to Action Candy.
3. An urban legend spreads about the consumption of Pop Rocks.
4. Pop Rocks are back on the market under their original name.
Explanation: The timeline begins with the introduction of Pop Rocks as a new candy. The name change to Action Candy occurred later. Following that, the urban legend arose about the safety of consuming Pop Rocks, often linked to soda. Finally, in response to popularity and demand, they returned to the market with the original name.